Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4256: Pain Kong ancestor


Arrogant human boy, do you mean that you have eaten our face race? "

That old face couldn't help but anger.

"Not bad.

I really think so. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

The ancestor of the Face Clan in front of him was about the same strength as the ancestor of the Wooden Puppet Clan.

Lin Fei is confident that he can beat him.

"Ancestor, let us deal with him!"

The people from the Face Race rushed over, including the main gods of the Face Race.

"Retreat all, you are not his opponents."

The ancestor shook his head and said.

"Come on, arrogant kid, let me try your strength and see if you have the strength to deal with our face race."

The ancestor floated towards Lin Fei.

"it is good.

I will let you see. "

Lin Fei sneered, stepped forward, and walked towards the ancestor.


Boom boom boom... The ancestor of the face tribe opened his mouth and sprayed, a continuous stream of thick energy beams, bombarding Lin Fei.

These energy beams were so terrifying that Lin Fei couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Although the ancestor of the face clan in front of him could not be as powerful as Dijiang, he was not much weaker.

Ordinary main god, it is estimated that in front of him, there is only one who can be killed by a spike.

Lin Fei took out the sword, displayed the energy of the sword, and the law of the sword, and cut it forward.

The domineering and boundless blade light, tearing time and space, a steady stream, blocked forward.

At the same time, Ye Fei also arranged more than a dozen time-space formations, covering the ancestor of the face race.

Immediately, the ancestor of the face race found that his actions had been restricted, and his actions had slowed down.

"how is this possible!"

That old ancestor couldn't help being shocked. As soon as he started his hand, he discovered that Lin Fei's combat power was beyond his imagination.

You know, before, [] his strength could crush Lin Fei.

"Boy, I admit, I underestimated you.

It's just that you want to be arrogant in front of me, you are not qualified! "

The face of the ancestor of the face tribe is a bit ugly.

Boom... the next moment.

Lin Fei found that the space around him began to twist.

A terrifying space force squeezed towards Lin Fei from all directions.

"It turns out that the face family is also good at the law of space."

Lin Fei could not help but secretly marveled.

Lin Fei found that the ancestor of this face clan was far better than himself in the cultivation of the law of space.

Lin Fei immediately displayed the law of reincarnation when he moved his mind.

The mighty laws of reincarnation turned into a chain of laws, winding around, blocking those squeezed spatial laws.

Immediately, the energy of the law of space was blocked, and it had no effect on Lin Fei.

"Human kid, your law of reincarnation is so strong!"

The ancestor could not help but roar.

Roar! Suddenly, the ancestor's mouth suddenly widened, turning into a big mouth with blood, overwhelming, and biting towards Lin Fei.

That mouth was constantly enlarged, and in an instant, it filled this space and time, swallowed everything, and issued a terrible suction, pulling Lin Fei's body, trying to **** Lin Fei into his mouth.

However, Lin Fei discovered that the swallowing ability of the mouth in front of him was much weaker than the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

After all, the swallowing ability of the Face Clan is not comparable to the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

Therefore, facing the mouth in front of him, Lin Fei was not at all afraid.

Lin Fei can deal with the devouring ability displayed by Dijiang, not to mention the swallowing ability of the face tribe ancestor in front of him.

Lin Fei retreated backwards.


Lin Fei continued to display the law of reincarnation, a chain of laws condensed from the law of reincarnation, continuously, lasing into the terrifying mouth swallowed overwhelmingly.


The war knife in Lin Fei's hand kept cutting out thick blades of light and attacking into that mouth.

There were also attack formations, which were continuously arranged by Lin Fei and rushed into that mouth.


The ancestor of the face tribe just couldn't bear it.

Because Lin Fei's attack was too violent, and the various energies contained in it were too powerful.

In that huge mouth, blood began to splash out.

Obviously, the ancestor's mouth is beginning to hurt! Roar... The ancestor, let out a cry of pain.

at last.

The huge mouth began to back away, not daring to swallow it forward.

At last.

This overwhelming mouth disappeared.

The old face reappeared, floating in front of it.

This ancestor, stop attacking.

The old face was covered with wounds, and blood kept flowing out.

Obviously, he was injured.

Moreover, the injury was serious.

"How about it, don't you fight?"

Lin Fei joked.

"If you continue to fight, I won't be your opponent either."

The ancestor replied a little dejected.

In the battle just now, he had exhausted all his means, using all the face tribe's secret techniques, and inheritance.

However, there is no advantage.

Instead, it was injured.

He knew that it wouldn't make any sense to continue the fight.

"Young man, your strength has made great progress.

I can't beat you anymore. "

The tone of his speech to Lin Fei also changed.

The strong is respected.

This rule is true in every world.

He couldn't beat Lin Fei, so he had to bow his head and admit defeat.

"Okay, then, now, do you admit that I have the ability to deal with your face race."

Lin Fei said jokingly.


The ancestor of the face tribe, silent for a moment, replied helplessly.

"Young man, what do you want."

The ancestor asked.

"What do you mean.

You say, what should I do. "

Lin Fei sneered.

The ancestor was silent, with nothing to answer.

"Young man, tell me what you want.

I hope you don't destroy my face family.

My race is scarce. "

The old ancestor sighed and said.

"Then tell me, what can you give me."

Lin Fei asked.

"I give you all the space inheritance of the face family, as well as the perception of space in my life."

The ancestor said.

Then, he typed a divine and soul message and handed it to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei took a little look and found that the ancestor of the face race had his unique view on space.

Moreover, the spatial inheritance of the face clan is different from that of the goblin clan.


I temporarily let go of your faces. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

In fact, from the beginning, Lin Fei didn't plan to destroy the face family.

Because Lin Fei guessed that this highest world was guarded by the two monsters.

If he destroys the wooden puppet clan and the face clan, I am afraid that the two evil beasts would not agree.

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