Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4257: Miss Lin Yue's background

"Go, let's go to Tianshou Valley to see!"

Lin Fei said to the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints.

Tianshou Valley is near the ancestral land of the Face Clan. Last time, Lin Fei entered Tianshou Valley and got the piece of wood.

Moreover, Lin Fei found a familiarity at the bottom of the abyss in Tianshou Valley.

Miss Lin Yue! A mysterious woman from the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The ancestor of the face tribe glanced at Lin Fei, what he wanted to say, but in the end he didn't say it.

The Face Race has always regarded Tianshou Valley as the territory of the Face Race.

However, this ancestor knew that he could not stop Lin Fei.

So, next, Lin Fei took the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, and came to Tianshou Valley.

Towards the huge and mysterious abyss, descended.

Under the abyss, there is still a terrible energy pressure.

"This abyss, before, must have been a place where Chaos God stayed.

Otherwise, it is impossible, there is such a possible energy coercion. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but say.

Lin Fei discovered that the energy coercion in this abyss is a bit similar to a kind of formation restriction. It is arranged here to prevent outsiders from entering casually.

Only some powerful creatures can resist the energy pressure here and barely enter.

"Brother Lin Fei, the energy coercion that exists here is terrible.

We cannot fight. "

In the abyss, just after landing halfway, the Great Sage shouted.

"Not bad.

If we continue to fall, we will not be able to bear it, and we will explode. "

Several other stone saints also screamed.

The goblin also shook his head, his face very pale.

"Well, you enter into my human world, avoid it."

Lin Fei said.

Goblin and Eight Stone Saints, although they are now the main gods, their strengths are far worse than Lin Fei.

Lin Fei can resist the energy coercion in this abyss, but they cannot resist.

So Lin Fei waved his hand, and took the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints into one of his own human worlds.

Then, Lin Fei continued, towards the depths of the abyss, [3Q Chinese] landed.

The closer you are to the bottom of the abyss, the stronger the energy coercion that exists! Finally, landing to the bottom, even Lin Fei felt a little uncomfortable.

When Lin Fei moved his mind, he displayed the law of reincarnation. Chains condensed from the law of reincarnation appeared constantly, wrapping around Lin Fei's body, protecting Lin Fei's body.

At the same time, there are a lot of swordsmanship laws and kendo laws that are also released.

The endless bright blades and swords light continuously rushed out of Lin Fei's body, extremely dazzling.

As a result, Lin Fei finally felt that his body had become more relaxed.

Soon, Lin Fei arrived, where Miss Lin Yue was last time.

I saw a slender figure standing there, motionless.

The slender and moving back faced Lin Fei.

Lin Fei could only see her profile.

Although it is only a profile, it is also stunning.

"Miss Lin Yue, Miss Lin Yue..." Lin Fei whispered in a very respectful tone.

Lin Fei has always been very respectful to this Miss Lin Yue.

Moreover, this Miss Lin Yue also passed on some secret techniques to Lin Fei.

In Lin Fei's mind, he was a teacher.

Lin Fei yelled several times without any response.

"Impossible, last time, I faced the ancestor of the face race, but I couldn't beat it. When it was critical, it was Miss Lin Yue who suddenly took action to help me get out of trouble.

Miss Lin Yue, she must be conscious! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Miss Lin Yue, Miss Lin Yue..." Lin Fei called again several times.

There is still no response.


"you know me?"

Just when Lin Fei was a little disappointed, suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

"Miss Lin Yue, you really are conscious!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Miss Lin Yue, have you forgotten! My name is Lin Fei, we have known each other a long time ago.

Miss Lin Yue, you have also taught me secret techniques yourself. "

Lin Fei replied immediately.


There is such a thing. "

Miss Lin Yue replied.

"It should be a clone of me."

Miss Lin Yue replied.

"A clone?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Not bad.

My body is here, I can't leave.

However, I have many avatars, entering different seas of space, in different worlds, and experiencing red dust.

You may have met a clone of me.

No wonder, I am familiar with you too. "

Miss Lin Yue replied.

"That's it.

Miss Lin Yue, why can't your body leave here.

Isn't it, trapped? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but asked curiously.

The strength of Miss Lin Yue in front of her was absolutely terrifying.

Because Lin Fei found that he couldn't see through how strong this Miss Lin Yue was.

With Lin Fei's divine consciousness and cultivation base above the law, it was impossible to see clearly.

One can imagine how terrible this Miss Lin Yue is.

But why is such a terrible person trapped here?

What's more, Lin Fei constantly released his divine consciousness, constantly perceiving, and couldn't find out, what is there at the bottom of this abyss that can trap Miss Lin Yue.

Formation, no?

Law, no?

Could it be the mysterious power that has always existed at the bottom of the abyss?

Lin Fei couldn't figure it out.

"You don't need to ask.

With your current strength, you can't figure it out yet.

I am trapped here by a chaos god.

The strength of that Chaos God is much stronger than you.

You can't, you can see through his methods.

That's it.

It's dangerous here, you can go.

You can't save me. "

Miss Lin Yue, obviously, guessed that Lin Fei wanted to save her.

So he said in a loud voice.

"Young man, you have a good heart.

But you can't save me.


It's dangerous here.

If you stay here for too long, he will feel you.

Even I can't beat him.

Not to mention you. "

Miss Lin Yue sighed.

"Miss Lin Yue, I want to ask one thing.

What is your strength? "

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"My strength?

Do you want to know my strength? "

Miss Lin Yue couldn't help being taken aback.

"I used to be a chaos god.

However, the years I have been trapped here have been too long.

My strength has dropped too much.

Now I am no longer a chaos god. "

Miss Lin Yue, after thinking for a while, she couldn't help but sigh slightly and said to Lin Fei.

"Miss Lin Yue, you used to be a Chaos God?

! "

Lin Fei couldn't help but startled.

Unexpectedly, this Miss Lin Yue has such a big background!

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