Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4259: Back to Shenjian Mountain

After standing in the void for a while, Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

In the depths of the void, the entrance and exit of the heaven and human world, faintly, exudes vague spatial fluctuations.

"There seems to be movement."

Lin Fei moved into the depths of the void and came to the entrance and exit of the heaven and human world.

On the portal, there are three ancient characters, Heaven and Human Realm.

Standing here, Lin Fei felt more clearly, and bursts of spatial fluctuations were constantly released in that portal.

This means that this door is beginning to loosen.

"Okay, let me try, can I get in."

Lin Fei stepped forward, raised his fist, and blasted towards the door.

Boom... The mighty laws of reincarnation, turned into a chain of laws, bombarded towards the door.

Rumbling...The portal began to vibrate violently in an instant.

Boom boom boom...Next, Lin Fei displayed almost all the energy, including divine power, sword energy, sword energy, law energy,... even Lin Fei also displayed the secret technique of one gasification and three cleansing, all three are exactly the same. Lin Fei appeared at the same time, and bombarded the gateway together.

The vibration of the portal became more and more intense.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was that although the door shook violently, it was never broken.

"It seems that this door is beginning to loosen.

However, it is still a bit difficult to really break in. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

"My strength alone is a bit reluctant to really break this door.

However, if the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast and the hundreds of Primordial Primordial Alien Beasts are allowed to work together.

It should be possible to blast open this door. "

A smile suddenly appeared on Lin Fei's face.

"So, I want to enter the Celestial Realm, it is no longer a problem.

However, I still have a few things to do. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Then Lin Fei left.

After a while, Lin Fei came to the magic city.

Now, the magic city is being rebuilt, a scene in full swing.

Since Lin Fei announced that Dijiang had escaped from the boundless sea of ​​chaos, all factions, tribes, and all forces began to rebuild.

Some forces that have long been hidden have also reappeared.

Including several super powers in the past.

The demons, demons, hells, Western Jiaoyan, etc., all began to return to their original headquarters to rebuild.

Even the Divine Corpse Hall and the Dark Realm began to reappear.

Among them, the demons and the underground palaces were already returned to Lin Fei, and these two forces sent troops to come to three thousand large and small worlds to make contact with Lin Fei.

The Yaozu, the Western Jiaoyan, and the Divine Corpse Hall are silent and try to avoid contact with three thousand worlds.

Now, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, three thousand worlds are the most popular force.

In the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, most of the forces are respected by three thousand worlds.

"Lin Shaoxia!"

Lin Fei's figure had just appeared in the Demon City, several main gods of the Demon Race immediately appeared and came to Lin Fei.

"Get ready, I will take you into the Demon Realm."

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Shaoxia, have you really found the Demon Realm!"

The main gods of those demons were very happy.

"Not bad.

I have entered the devil world.

Moreover, those demons in the demon world also know the existence of your branch. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"That's great!"

The main gods of those demons are all overjoyed.

You know, their demon clan originally came out of the demon world.

Therefore, I have always longed for one day to go back to the Demon World to see.

Now, the opportunity has finally come.

"Lin Shaoxia, we are ready."

Soon after, the main gods of those demons were all ready.

In addition to the seven main gods, there are also a group of demons with older qualifications.

These demons all want to go back to the demons to see.

"it is good.

You enter into my human world. "

Lin Fei nodded and waved his hand to transport all the demons who wanted to enter the demon world into a human world in his body.

Then, Lin Fei came to the entrance and exit of the sword world, and crossed into the sword world.

In the sword world, there is a large teleportation formation that can be teleported to the sword world.

Then, in the knife world, there is a teleportation formation that can be teleported to the devil world.

Finally, after two teleportation formations, Lin Fei came to the Demon Realm.

"Master Lin Fei!"

As soon as Lin Fei's figure appeared in the Demon Realm, the more than fifty main gods of the Demon Realm all appeared, came to Lin Fei's body together, and saluted respectfully.

Now, Lin Fei is the true ruler of this demon world! "Come out."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei teleported all the demons who had brought in from the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"What a strong devilish energy! This is the devil world?"

Those demons were teleported by Lin Fei from the human body world, feeling the rich magic energy and magic principles of this world, and they were all surprised and happy.

"Sure enough, it is from our demons!"

There are more than fifty main gods in the Demon Realm, and it is also very pleasant to see the same clan.

"We have finally entered the demon world! This is where our demon race really originated!"

These demons in the boundless Chaos Sea cried with joy.

"Welcome back home!"

More than fifty main gods of the Demon Realm stepped forward to greet those demons in the boundless Chaos Sea.

Soon, the two sides got along harmoniously.

"Lin Shaoxia, we are going to stay here, stay for a while, and then go back."

The seven demon master gods from the boundless sea of ​​chaos said to Lin Fei.

"It's up to you.

Then I will come later to pick you up.

Or, when you want to go back, you can go directly to the sword world to find me. "

Lin Fei confessed, and then left the Demon Realm and returned to the Sword Realm.

Lin Fei came to the top of Shenjian Mountain.

"Lin Fei, your level of kendo hasn't reached the level of swordsmanship.

Moreover, you have practiced Dao Dao.

As a result, your kendo level has not improved much. "

Five sword spirits appeared, one of them said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, you are right.

So, for the next period of time, I want to stay in Shenjian Mountain, specialize in kendo, and strive to reach the level of swordsmanship. "

Lin Fei said.

"You can do this, the best.

It's not that you have let down your master's expectations of you. "

The five sword spirits all nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei found a quiet place above the Divine Sword Realm, where he used the supernatural powers of space and opened up a small world as a closed chamber.

Then, Lin Fei entered this small world and began to concentrate on practicing Kendo.

Last time, the old man sword had passed on the sword doctrine and entered Ye Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, including the old man sword, his profound understanding of the sword doctrine throughout his life.

It's just that, afterwards, Lin Fei had too many chores, and he never calmed down and cultivated the inheritance of the old sword man.

Now, Lin Fei wanted to take the time to practice the inheritance of Old Man Jian.

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