Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4260: Sword slash

In the small world, Lin Fei sat cross-legged and began to feel the inheritance of Old Man Jian.

"Too clever!"

In the process of comprehension, Lin Fei exclaimed from time to time, admiring the old man Jian.

Although Lin Fei has been cultivating swords for a long time, he has a lot of experience and insights in kendo.

However, now, compared with the legacy of Old Man Jian, it is too far behind.

Time passed slowly.

Above Lin Fei's body, there began to be a series of bright sword lights released.

Gradually, there were more and more sword glows, and in the entire small world, there were densely packed, dazzling sword glows, like fish swimming in this small world.

"Sword Slashing the Ten Thousand Realms... It turns out that in order to reach the realm of the Sword Slashing Ten Thousand Realms, not only must you have extremely high attainments in the sword, but also in time and space, with very high attainments!"

Slowly, Lin Fei began to feel something.

According to Old Man Jian, Lin Fei is required to reach the level of sword slashing ten thousand realms before he can truly obtain Divine Sword Mountain.

The so-called sword cut across the world is that no matter where you stand, in which space, in which river of years, a sword is cut out, the sword light can manifest in any world, attack any one, want to attack Opponent.

At this level, there is no time and space to constrain and obtain swordsmanship. No matter where the sword caster is, no matter how far away the enemy is, you can cut through time and space and attack the enemy with one sword! It can be said that this kind of swordsmanship is simply the most powerful swordsmanship Lin Fei has seen so far! In the small world, Lin Fei sits still, like an old monk entering concentration.

Time passed by Lin Fei's side slowly.

Before I knew it, more than ten years passed.

For more than ten years, Lin Fei remained motionless.

In my mind, I felt the inheritance of Old Man Jian again and again.

In the inheritance of the old man of sword, not only kendo, but also a lot of knowledge about time and space.

Therefore, Lin Fei is not only practicing kendo, but also practicing the laws of space and time.

"The law of space! The ancestor of the face clan once passed on to me the space inheritance of the face clan, and his experience of space in his life.

I can reference it. "

Suddenly, Lin Fei remembered the ancestor of the face tribe and gave himself space to inherit.

Therefore, when Lin Fei practiced the inheritance of the old sword man, he also referenced the spatial inheritance of the face clan.

Sure enough, this made Lin Fei's understanding of the laws of space more profound.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years passed.

In the past few decades, Lin Fei has made great progress in kendo and the law of space.

However, it has never reached the realm of sword slashing all realms.

"Actually, what I lack most now is the law of time."

Suddenly, Lin Fei said by mistake.

If you want to reach the sword slashing world, kendo, time, space, three aspects, you must reach a very high height.


Lin Fei discovered that now, his worst is the law of time.

"The law of time... Little Huang Beast, what he is best at, is the law of time.

If I can get it, the time inheritance of the Desolate Beast clan may be helpful to me in cultivating the sword and slashing the world. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"it is good.

Enter the heaven and human world.

Look for the little barren beast. "

Lin Fei stopped practicing and stood up.

Lin Fei walked out of this small world that had been practicing for decades.

"how about it."

The five sword spirits immediately surrounded them.

They are very concerned about Lin Fei's kendo practice.

If Lin Fei could reach the Sword Slashing Worlds, then Divine Sword Mountain would be officially owned by Lin Fei.

Their five sword spirits will follow Lin Fei from now on.

Therefore, they naturally care.

"not yet."

Lin Fei said.

"There is still a lack of fire, but this is not anxious."

Lin Fei added.


When you reach your level of kendo, you can cultivate mainly by enlightenment.

If you don't understand it, no matter how much time you spend, it's useless. "

One of the sword spirits nodded and said.

So Lin Fei bid farewell to Wu Jian Ling and left Shen Jian Mountain.

"Master Lin Fei, a group of demons are looking for you."

Just after Lin Fei walked out of the Shenjian Mountain, several leading gods of the sword world came to Lin Fei and said to Lin Fei.

"Lin Shaoxia, we want to go back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos."

Soon, the seven demon gods and a group of demon men and horses came to Lin Fei.

"Okay, I will take you back now."

Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei left the sword world with these demons and returned to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Lin Shaoxia, if you can open the door of the Demon Realm, that would be great.

In this way, in the future, our demon race in the boundless sea of ​​chaos will be able to enter and leave the demon world freely. "

One of the demon clan main gods said to Lin Fei.

"There is a chance in the future.

At that time, I will help you get through the gates of the Demon World. "

Lin Fei said.

"Thank you Lin Shaoxia!"

Those demons, after hearing Lin Fei's words, were all overjoyed.

If others say this, they may not believe it.

However, Lin Fei is different.

In their eyes, Lin Fei is a person who constantly creates miracles.

Even Dijiang was defeated by Lin Fei and fled.

"The Primal Chaos Swallowing Beasts, and those Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts, are still in the sea of ​​absolute space. You have to call them back."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, but he didn't find the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast or the hundreds of Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts, knowing that they were definitely still in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Therefore, Lin Fei entered the God Battle Tomb again and let the two evil beasts lead the way into the sea of ​​absolute space.

Entering the sea of ​​absolute space, Lin Fei immediately took out a piece of jade slip and sent the sound transmission.

This piece of jade slip was refined by those prehistoric and ancient alien beasts. Once activated, it can enter the sound transmission in the sea of ​​absolute space.

The Primordial Alien Beast is a kind of beast born in the Absolute Space Sea. It is very familiar with the various laws in the Absolute Space Sea. Only they can refine this kind of special beast in the Absolute Space Sea. The jade slip of ZhongYin.

And Lin Fei, entering the sea of ​​absolute space, even the direction is a bit hard to tell! "Ok.

You can go back to the Boundless Chaos Sea and wait.

Once they receive the information, they will return.

It's just that the sea of ​​absolute space, time and space are constantly changing and moving. How long will it take for them to receive your voice transmission?

You can only go back and wait slowly. "

The beast leading the way, said to Lin Fei.

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