Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4262: Beasts

"There are six continents in this supreme world!"

As soon as he entered the portal of the Celestial Realm, the Chaos Swallowing Heaven Beast cried out.

I saw that in the vast chaos void, there are six continents, exuding a hazy brilliance, looming.

The area of ​​the six continents is huge, immense and immense.

Moreover, the most noticeable thing is that above the six continents, there is a huge millstone suspended in the high altitude of the continent.

At the same time, above the six millstones, in the void, from time to time, there are some corpses, falling down, falling into the holes on the millstone.

The six grinding discs were all turning gently, grinding all the fallen corpses.

What is even more surprising is that under each millstone, there is a path that extends toward the unknown space.

On the path, there are illusory soul bodies, walking slowly towards the unknown distance! "This is the legendary six reincarnations!"

The goblins and the ancient strange beasts all yelled.

"Reincarnation Grinding Disc!"

Lin Fei's gaze was also staring at the six grinding discs, and his heart was extremely shocking.

Lin Fei knew the origin of these six grinding discs.

Originally, it was in the core area of ​​the dark abyss. Later, it suddenly flew out and hovered over the six continents.

At that time, Lin Fei witnessed with his own eyes that after these six grinding discs flew out of the dark abyss, the Celestial Realm began to escalate.

Moreover, the heaven and earth will of the heaven and the human world directly excluded Lin Fei.

Now, entering the Celestial Realm again, and seeing the six grinding discs, Lin Fei's heart is still a bit shocked.

"The six paths are reopened, the cycle of rebirth appears, and the heavens are reshaped..." Lin Fei remembered this sentence.

At that time, in the depths of the dark abyss, a yellow robe phantom appeared, and said this sentence, then, the yellow robe figure, with a wave of the sleeve robe, sent the six grinding discs out of the dark abyss and landed on Over six continents.

"Could it be that these six grinding discs are part of the cycle of rebirth!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei screamed in surprise.

Since becoming the descendant of the reincarnation line, Lin Fei has been searching for things related to the reincarnation line.

Among them, what Lin Fei is most eager to find is rebirth.

Because the cycle of samsara is the guardian of samsara.

"These six millstones all exude a strong law of reincarnation. Even if they are not part of the cycle of reincarnation, they must be in the same vein and have a huge relationship with reincarnation.

Well, it seems that the yellow robe figure in the dark abyss must also be related to the line of reincarnation.

Well, we must enter the depths of the dark abyss and find the senior! "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Okay, go find Xiaohuang Beast and Yu'er first."

Lin Fei said.


Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives the past towards one of the continents.

This continent was the continent that Lin Fei had traversed before, the continent where the eight tribes were located.

"Let's go to that continent first."

Lin Fei stepped forward and walked over.

Soon, Lin Fei brought the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and those Primordial Primordial Beasts and landed on the mainland.

There are at least thousands of sacred mountains floating above this continent.

Every **** is a dazzling divine light.

Each sacred mountain is filled with dense coffins.

It looks a little scary.

"This place is a bit weird."

The Primal Chaos Swallowing Beast and those Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts frowned.

But now, Lin Fei's strength is already very powerful.

The Primal Chaos Swallowing Beasts, and those Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts, are also divine beasts one by one, of course they are not afraid.

It's just strange.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately perceives the entire continent.


How is this going? "

After Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives this continent, he has not found the whereabouts of the eight tribes and the eight heavenly kings.

"What happened?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little strange.

You know, this continent, before, has always been ruled by the eight tribesmen.

"Eight people and horses, not a single one.

Instead, there are monsters and demons everywhere. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but frowned.

On this continent, you can see many monsters, monsters and evil spirits everywhere.

"Go, let's look around."

Lin Fei was puzzled, so, carrying the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and those Primordial Primordial Beasts, walked on the mainland.

"Stop! Where do you come from?

Why are you so faceless! "

Suddenly, a ferocious creature spotted Lin Fei and his group, immediately stopped the way and shouted sharply.

This creature, with a human body and a lion head, looks very vicious and weird.

"This continent was originally ruled by the Eight Tribes of the Heavenly Dragon. Now, where are the Eight Tribes?"

Lin Fei asked directly.

"Eight minions?

Could it be, do you have anything to do with Babuzhong?

Tell me honestly! "

When the creature heard Lin Fei's words, he was immediately alert and sternly shouted.

"Not bad.

The Eight Heavenly Kings of Babuzhong and I are old acquaintances. "

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Looking at the attitude of this creature, Lin Fei knew that he and Ba Buzhong did not seem to have a good relationship.

"It turns out that you are from Babuzhong! Good! You are so bold.

Just tie your hands obediently! "

The creature roared.

boom! In his hand, a big sword with flames appeared, and it struck Lin Fei.

"In front of me, do you show off swordsmanship?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but sneered.

Lin Fei stretched out his right hand, without dodge or evasive, and immediately snatched the big knife.

Lin Fei's level of swordsmanship was far more intelligent than the creature in front of him.

"You..." The creature couldn't help being shocked.

"court death!"

He roared and blasted Lin Fei with a punch.

The mighty energy gushing out from his fist, shaking this space and time, constantly shaking.

However, his attack was not worth mentioning in Lin Fei's eyes.

Lin Fei discovered that the creature with the lion head in front of him was an ordinary lower god. To Lin Fei, with such strength, it was simply an ant.

Lin Fei stretched out his right hand, and all of a sudden, he caught the fist of the creature.

"what are you doing!"

This creature was shocked and angry. He desperately wanted to withdraw his fist, but no matter how hard he tried, his fist couldn't move at all.

"Answer my words honestly.

Where is Ba Buzhong? "

Lin Fei asked lightly.

"Boy, let go! The eight tribes have all been killed by our beasts! Human kid, if you don't want to die, just let go.

Otherwise, let you die without a burial place! "

The creature roared in shock and anger.

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