Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4263: Hands-on

"You belong to the beast family?"

Lin Fei [Tianlai Novel] was taken aback.

This is the first time Lin Fei heard of this race.

"Huh! Scared.

Yes, I belong to the animal family.

Not let go of me immediately, then, kneel down, kowtowing and apologize! Otherwise, the consequences are very serious! "

The lion-headed creature saw Lin Fei hesitate, thinking that Lin Fei was scared, and couldn't help but feel proud.

"Hehe, do you think I am afraid."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

With Lin Fei's current strength, the heavens and the world, the ten thousand races and all the spirits, really, no one can make Lin Fei afraid.

Unless, it is Chaos God.

It can be said that Lin Fei's strength is almost invincible in the world, except for the Chaos God! "Boy, what do you want to do, don't let it go!"

The creature, seeing Lin Fei's disdainful smile, was shocked and angry, and roared.

Lin Fei tried hard.

puff! The fist of this creature exploded on the spot, and then his entire arm was also exploded directly.

what! The creature screamed.

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed his other hand.

"Answer my words honestly.

Otherwise, the consequences will be serious. "

Lin Fei said coldly.

"The Heavenly Dragon and Eight Tribes, where are they?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Boy, do you really want to fight against our beasts?

! Have you ever thought about the consequences! "

The creature shouted.

puff! Lin Fei lightly applied force and shattered his remaining arm.

what! The creature screamed again.

Then, he struggled with fate and turned his head, trying to reorganize his arms.

For the gods, even if their body is broken, they can be reorganized, not to mention two arms.

However, soon, the creature began to panic.

Because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't regroup his arms.

Where his arm was broken, there was a terrifying law that prevented him from reorganizing his arm.

This means that from now on, he will really lose both arms! "Hoo...boy, what did you do to me!"

The creature roared, startled and angry.

Just now.

"Shigan, what's going on?

This human kid has a very face, where did he emerge from?

Why did you provoke him? "

In the distance, there appeared a group of people, headed by a creature with a snake-headed human body.

This creature is a true **** of the upper gods! Be regarded as a master.

Of course, to Lin Fei, it was as weak as an ant.

"Ah, Elder Snake, this human kid, destroyed my two arms and helped me take revenge! Moreover, he is here to find the Heavenly Dragon Babes, and he and the Heavenly Dragon Babes are acquainted!"

The creature with the head of a lion yelled immediately and ran away from Lin Fei.

Lin Fei did not stop.

Lin Fei wanted to kill him, it was useless how far he ran.

"It turned out to be from the Eight Tribes of the Heavenly Dragon, go up, let's take it down!"

The snake elder gave an order.

Immediately, a dozen strange-looking creatures surrounded Lin Fei at the same time.

These creatures are all human bodies, but their heads are different. There are wolf heads, tiger heads, leopard heads, bear heads, elephant heads... "If you don't want to die, it's best, don't mess with me."

Lin Fei said with his hands on his back.

To be honest, these creatures in front of him were too weak for Lin Fei.

Behind Lin Fei, the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast, and the hundreds of Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts, did not move, standing one by one, showing a playful smile.

For them, these strange-looking creatures in front of them are too weak and too weak.

Basically, there is no interest in shooting.

"Boy, tie your hands obediently!"

The dozen or so creatures rushed to Lin Fei's body and launched an attack.

Boom boom boom... Energy attacks blasted towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and did not evade.

Puff... a weird scene happened, all the energy attacks, as soon as they came to Ye Fei's side, it was like the snow under the sun, disappearing directly.

In fact, Lin Fei had arranged several large time-space formations around his body, and all the energy from the attack was transferred.


How is this going?

How could our attack suddenly disappear? "

The dozen or so creatures, one by one, were all dumbfounded.

"Be careful, this human kid is weird!"

The snake elder also narrowed his eyes, knowing that the human boy in front of him was not simple.

"Do it again! Don't have any reservations, come up with a trick!"

A creature roared.

As a result, the dozen or so creatures once again broke out more terrifying attacks, tearing through the sky, like raindrops, and bombarded Lin Fei.

However, the result is still the same.

All the attacks disappeared just as they arrived near Ye Fei's body.

"get out."

Lin Fei waved his hand gently, and a terrifying energy spread to the dozen or so creatures.

Bang, bang, bang...The dozen or so creatures, one by one, shot out into the distant space and time like a cannonball.

"Boy, who are you?

! "

The snake elder couldn't help but shrink his eyes, and he was extremely jealous of Lin Fei.

"Who am I, you are not qualified to ask, you answer my questions honestly.

Otherwise, the consequences will be serious. "

Lin Fei looked at the snake elder and said coldly.

"Presumptuous! Boy, we beasts are not something you can afford! I have already sent the message.

Those lord gods of my clan are coming soon, if you don't want to die, just obediently tie your hands and tie them. "

The Elder Snake couldn't help but roar.

"No matter how many Lord Gods you call, it's no use."

Lin Fei waved, and a mysterious force shrouded the snake elder.

Immediately, the snake elder discovered that his body was out of control, and he flew towards Lin Fei.

"No, let's help Elder Snake!"

Behind the elder Snake, there are a group of creatures, one after another, they used methods to hold the elder Snake's body.


Lin Fei waved his hand and released a huge force.

Bang bang bang... Suddenly, all those creatures were thrown out.

"Boy, what are you doing!"

The snake elder couldn't help being shocked.

He couldn't think that the human kid in front of him was so powerful that he didn't have the slightest resistance to resistance! call out! The snake elder, like a puppet, flew in front of Lin Fei.

"Okay, now, tell me honestly.

Where have you been?

You better don't waste my time, I'm already impatient. "

Lin Fei stared at Elder Snake and said coldly.

Puff! The two arms of Elder Snake exploded on the spot.

what! Elder Snake screamed.

"I said, I said."

Elder Snake was a little desperate. He found that the strength of the human young man in front of him was terrifying.

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