Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4269: long time no see

"Who are you looking for?

Are you looking for it here? "

The voice asked.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Who do you want to find, I will help you find.

Here is my site. "

Said the voice.


I am looking for the Eight Heavenly Kings. "

Lin Fei was taken aback for a moment, then, with a wave of his hand, he simulated the appearance of the eight heavenly kings and hovered in front of him.

"They are.

I will give you their specific location immediately. "

Said the voice.


A divine soul message rushed out from the core area of ​​the dark abyss and directly entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

It is the position of the eight heavenly kings.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Go, I know where they are."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast and those Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts and rushed towards the position of the Eight Heavenly Kings.

at this time.

The eight heavenly kings, with the people of the heavenly dragon and eight tribes, are moving.

There are too many people in Babuzhong.

Therefore, the transfer speed is a bit slow.

"Report! The army of beasts is getting closer and closer to us!"

A spy is here to report.

"Everyone, speed it up!"

King Tianbu shouted loudly.

"You take a large force to transfer, I will go to meet those animals for a while!"

King Yasha said.

He couldn't help it anymore, he took out a three-bladed steel fork and said.


However, you have to be careful.

Just grab their attention.

Don't try hard.

The number of the main gods of the animal family is more than us, and the strength is by no means worse than ours.

Hard work is impossible. "

King Tianbu confessed.

He knew that King Yasha's combat power, although very good.

However, the character is too grumpy.

As soon as something happens, it will go into a rage, often without considering the consequences.

"Don't worry, I know."

King Yasha nodded.


The king of Yasha carried the three-blade steel fork, turned into a black streamer, and went away.

"Oh, I hope he is more careful."

King Tianbu sighed.

"Speed ​​up and transfer!"

Then, Tianbu Wang shouted sharply.

at this time.

Lin Fei took the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and the others, and they were quickly approaching the core area.

After a while.

"Young man, you have also come in."

Lin Fei met the main gods of the beast clan, and the main gods quickly came up to say hello.

"Come on, I know where they are.

Come with me and meet them. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Young man, do you know where the people of the heavenly dragons and eight tribes are?"

The main gods of those beasts were all taken aback, and then followed Lin Fei.

From beginning to end, Lin Fei's divine consciousness locked them.

Therefore, they knew that they could not escape in front of this terrifying young human being.

What makes them even more frightened is that they have a feeling that this young human being can completely kill them! You know, a main **** is hard to be killed.

However, this young man possesses the ability to kill them. One can imagine how terrifying the strength is! Moreover, the Primal Chaos Swallowing Beast and the hundreds of Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts also made the chief **** of these beasts feel tremendous pressure.

Therefore, the main gods of these beasts have become very well-behaved.

For Lin Fei's order, he did not dare to resist the slightest.

After a while.


In the distance, a black streamer came from afar.

Rumble... a black evil energy burst out completely.

A black Yasha holding a three-edged steel fork, his figure constantly raised, stood upright, appeared not far away, murderous.

"You beasts, come up and die!"

The Yasha, with a loud roar, the three-bladed steel fork in his hand, pointed at a distance, two dark eyes, like two dark sharp blades, shooting from a distance.

"Beasts, come and die!"

A large army rumblingly appeared, lined up behind that Yasha, holding weapons one by one, bursting out with a powerful aura.

"Haha, the temper of King Yasha is still as hot as before."

Lin Fei naturally recognized at a glance, the Yasha in front of him was the King of Yasha.

"Ahem..." The chief gods of the animal clan standing next to Lin Fei were a bit embarrassed.

If it were before, they would definitely rush to fight in such a situation immediately.

But now, they didn't dare to speak out at all, they could only watch the scene before them awkwardly.

"You beasts, dare you come up and fight your uncle for three hundred rounds!"

King Yasha waved the three-edged steel fork in his hand and roared.

Rumble...The mighty energy was released from his body.

"The king of Yasha turned out to be the main god! Before, when I was in the Celestial Realm, he was just a Celestial Wonderland!"

Lin Fei suddenly discovered this and couldn't help being surprised and happy.

"It seems that the Celestial and Human Realm has upgraded and become a supreme world. The King Yasha belongs to the strongest in this world, and has also made rapid breakthroughs. Within a few hundred years, he became the main god.

It's just that, I don't know if the other seven heavenly kings have broken through to become the main gods. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"What the **** is going on with these beasts?

There was no reaction at all. "

In the distance, the king of Yasha roared and challenged him for a while, and suddenly realized that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

The people of the beast clan did not move, but stood quietly.

" beasts, are you afraid of me?

Now, afraid, it's too late! "

King Yasha laughed wildly.

"I feel good about myself."

Lin Fei wanted to laugh a little.

"To fight, or not to fight.

Don't waste Lao Tzu's time! "

King Yasha became a little impatient and roared.

"The king, the king of the sky means that our main task is to divert the attention of the army of these beasts.

It's best to avoid fighting with them. "

At this time, a creature came to the side of King Yasha and said in a loud voice.

"You are big, or I am!"

King Yasha glared at the creature and scolded.

"Of course you are older."

The creature shrank his head, his face paled in fright.

He knew that the fiery temper of the king of Yasha in front of him would cause disastrous consequences if he angered him.

"Ahem, Senior King Yasha, stop calling.

These beasts dare not fight with you anymore.

They are afraid of you. "

Just when the Yasha King was impatient, suddenly, a voice rang from the army of the beasts.


who are you! "

King Yasha was taken aback for a moment, and then yelled at the army of the beasts.


Among the army of the beasts, a figure appeared more and more.

"Senior Yasha King, long time no see."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

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