Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4270: I met Young Master Lin Fei


you! ......" King Yasha was stunned for a while, staring at Lin Fei, unable to speak for a long time.

"Why, Senior Yasha King, can't you recognize me?"

Lin Fei smiled.

"You..., you are, Lin Fei!"

King Yasha stared at Lin Fei, looked up and down, finally confirmed, and shouted.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

"But, Young Master Lin Fei, why are you staying with the army of beasts?

They are the deadly enemies of our Heavenly Dragon and Eight Tribes! "

King Yasha asked suspiciously.

"Come up all and salute Senior Yasha King."

Lin Fei turned around, and shouted coldly at the beasts.

How dare those beasts and horses defy Lin Fei's orders.

Immediately, under the leadership of the few main gods, all the people of the beast clan stepped forward.

"Welcome to Lord Yasha!"

The army of the beasts shouted in unison.


..." King Yasha was completely dumbfounded, staring at these beasts and horses, and Lin Fei, wondering what happened.

"Haha, Senior Yasha King, please rest assured, they are here to welcome you from the heavenly dragons and eight tribes.

So, immediately, call out all the people from the Eight Departments.

With me, these beasts and horses are not rude to you all. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Young Master Lin Fei, is what you said true?"

The impact on the king of Yasha was very big.

You know, in the past few years, under the chase of the beasts, the men and horses of the eight tribes fled into the dark abyss and hid in Tibet. There was no good day.

The army of the beasts is too powerful.

Babuzhong is not an opponent at all.

Now, the army of these beasts has suddenly become like this, and they are coming to welcome the people of the heavenly dragon and eight tribes.

Such a thing is really amazing.

No wonder, Yasha King couldn't accept it.

"All right.

Senior Yasha King, please believe me.

What I said is true. "

Lin Fei smiled and said to King Yasha.


Young Master Lin Fei, of course I believe you. "

King Yasha swallowed his saliva and smiled reluctantly.


Young Master Lin Fei, what is your current strength? "

King Yasha suddenly thought of something and said.

"Just so-so."

Lin Fei smiled.


How do I feel, I can't seem to see your strength, how strong is it? "

King Yasha asked.

"Haha, Senior Yasha King, don't ask for this for now.

It is better to contact the King of Heaven and them as soon as possible. "

Lin Fei said.


King Yasha nodded.

"I will contact them now."

King Yasha said.

Then, he turned into a black light and went away.

at this time.

The other seven heavenly kings, with eight people and horses, are heading towards the core area of ​​the Dark Abyss, another remote place.

"I don't know, what happened to King Yasha.

I'm most afraid of it, on impulse, he will fight hard with the main gods of the animal family.

If so, the consequences would be disastrous. "

When King Tianbu thought of King Yasha, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

"Actually, I shouldn't have let him go just now."

King Tianbu regretted a little bit.

Just now.


In the distance, a black light came instantly.

It is the king of Yasha.

"King Yasha, you are back! Just come back!"

When the king of the sky saw him, he was very surprised.

"Guess everyone, who I met just now."

When the king of Yasha saw these seven heavenly kings, he said aloud.


King Yasha, who did you meet?

Let's just say it, don't be so mysterious. "

The other seven heavenly kings were all taken aback, and then asked.

"Do you remember Young Master Lin Fei?"

King Yasha smiled.

"Little Lin Fei! Of course I remember."

King Kinnaruo immediately shouted when he heard it.

"King of Yasha, what are you doing when you mentioned Young Master Lin Fei suddenly?"

King Tianbu looked at King Yasha and asked.

"I just met Young Man Lin Fei!"

King Yasha said.


! "

The other seven heavenly kings all showed shocked expressions when they heard it, obviously, they couldn't believe it.

"What is possible! Our world has become a supreme world.

Young Master Lin Fei is a low-level person from the outside world. If he enters our world, he will be rejected.

How could you meet him! "

"Yes! Young Lin Fei had a very strong combat power back then.

However, his realm is not even Heavenly Wonderland.

There is no ability to enter our supreme world.

King Yasha, what are you kidding? "

The King of Heaven also shook his head and said.

"What I said is true! Why don't you believe it."

King Yasha was a little anxious.

"I'm absolutely true, I met Young Man Lin Fei! I can swear!"

King Yasha said.


You are so sure.

So, what about Lin Fei Xiaoxia? "

King Kinara asked.

"Little Lin Fei, now with the army of the beasts.

He told us to go over and meet him. "

King Yasha said.


Young Lin Fei, now with the army of the beasts? "

The other seven heavenly kings were shocked when they heard, "King Yasha, what is going on?

You speak in detail. "

King Tianbu finally saw that King Yasha didn't seem to be lying.

"Listen to me."

King Yasha said.

So, the king of Yasha once met Lin Fei and said it again.

After speaking, the other seven heavenly kings were silent.

You look at me, I look at me.

"What do you think about this.

It seems that Young Master Lin Fei has indeed appeared.

But why does he want to be with the army of beasts? "

The king of heaven looked at the other kings and said.

"Could it be that Young Master Lin Fei is in the same group as the beast?

Does he help the beasts? "

A heavenly king said.


You listen to me.

I can see that the main gods of those beasts seem to be very scared of Lin Fei.

Just now, the people of the animal family saluted me together.

Lin Fei Shaoxia said, the army of beasts is no longer an enemy of us.

Instead, they came in to greet the eight of us.

Moreover, I can feel that now, Lin Fei Shaoxia's strength seems to be unfathomable.

Compared to us, perhaps, more powerful! "

King Yasha said.

"how is this possible!"

After hearing the words of King Yasha, the other seven heavenly kings were all shocked.

You know, these eight heavenly kings are now the main gods! "King Yasha, have you seen it clearly?

Lin Fei's talent, although it is very good.

However, this is only a few hundred years, how can he be stronger than us?

You know, we are cultivating in a supreme world! "

King Kinara asked.

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