Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4271: Regain control

"Anyway, I just feel that Lin Fei's current strength is stronger than ours.

If you don't believe me, you will know when you see him. "

King Yasha said.

Then, the other seven heavenly kings were silent.

"Everyone thinks, can we trust Lin Fei?"

King Kinara said suddenly.

"What are your opinions?"

The King of Heaven also said.

However, the other heavenly kings were silent, and no one dared to give advice.

"King Yasha, are you saying that the main gods of those beasts are very respectful towards Ye Fei?"

King Tianbu asked King Yasha.


Very respectful.

Moreover, with Lin Fei's order, the main gods of those beasts brought all the men and horses and came up to salute me.

It gave me the feeling that Lin Fei seemed to be the owner of an army of beasts. "

King Yasha said.

"If this is the case, I think Lin Fei can be trusted.

You know, the main gods of those beasts are so proud. If they are not afraid of Lin Fei, how can they be so respectful to Lin Fei? "

King Garuda said.

"Not bad."

The King of Heaven also nodded.


Even if Lin Fei's strength is about the same as ours.

Even better than us.

Do the main gods of the beast family need to be afraid of him?

You know, the animal family has several main gods.

No matter how good Lin Fei is, can he beat several master gods at the same time?

I do not believe. "

King Kinara questioned and said.

After listening to King Kinara's analysis, the other heavenly kings also felt reasonable.

Anyway, they couldn't analyze this matter at all.

"How about this.

King Yasha, I will go to see Lin Fei with you.

Other people, continue to transfer.

After I met Lin Fei and confirmed what was going on, I would make a decision. "

King Tianbu thought for a moment, and then said.

"It can only be this way."

The other kings nodded.


The King of Heaven and the King of Yasha moved quickly towards the location where Lin Fei was.

After a while.

"Haha, King of Heaven, it seems to be gone."

Lin Fei immediately smiled when he saw King Tianbu and King Yasha coming from a distance.



King of Heaven, you eight tribes, what about the other people? "

Lin Fei is a little strange.

"Ahem... Young Master Lin Fei, long time no see.

Why did you come here suddenly?

You and the army of these beasts... what's the matter? "

The King of Heaven came to Lin Fei's body, saluted, and asked in a loud voice.


Hahaha...I see.

King of Heaven, are you afraid, are I in a group with the army of these beasts?

Are you afraid, me and them, together to deal with your eight men and horses?

King of Heaven, you misunderstood. "

Lin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and immediately wanted to understand what was going on.

None of the other heavenly kings and eight men and horses appeared. Obviously, they were scrupulous.

The only scruples must be his relationship with the animal family.

"Ahem..." Wang Tianbu was a little embarrassed.

"come here."

Lin Fei suddenly stretched out his hand and waved to one of the main gods of the beast family.

A powerful and unmatched reincarnation energy immediately enveloped the main god, and then forcibly dragged it over.

The main **** of the animal family struggled desperately, but he couldn't struggle at all.

When Lin Fei displayed the energy of reincarnation, he also set up several large space-time formations to firmly control his body, making him unable to move at all.


The body of the main **** flew in front of Lin Fei.

"how is this possible?

! What a terrible means! "

When King Tianbu and King Yasha saw this scene, they were shocked to the extreme, and they couldn't believe it.

You know, the strength of the main **** of the animal clan in front of him is not worse than the two of them.

Actually, when Lin Fei beckoned, he stopped, and there was no resistance at all! The main gods of the other animal clan also turned pale in fright.

I am even more in awe of Lin Fei! "For you, what the **** is going on.

Why am I with your beasts? "

Lin Fei said to the main god.

The main **** of this animal clan was completely restrained by Lin Fei's methods.

He looked at Lin Fei's gaze, he was terrified to the extreme.

"I understand."

This main **** has no desire to resist.

Therefore, he explained in detail why Lin Fei and the army of the beasts entered the dark abyss together.

"Young Master Lin Fei, you are alone, and you have defeated all of them?"

King Tianbu asked cautiously in an incredible tone.

However, when he thought of the method Lin Fei used just now, he believed more than half in his heart.

"The King of Heaven, this matter is absolutely true.

The methods of this young human being are simply unreasonable.

Blessed are you all eight.

Actually got acquainted with such a strong man.

It is estimated that in the future, as long as this young human is present, our beasts will no longer be your opponents. "

The main **** of the animal family couldn't help but sigh.

"Little Lin Fei, this is amazing.

Unexpectedly, your strength is actually so strong! "

The King of Heaven couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Young Master Lin Fei, you are the person I admire most in my life, there is no one!"

King Yasha also sighed.

"So, King Tianbu, now, you can rest assured.

Hurry up and call out all the eight of you.

From now on, this continent will be ruled by your eight tribes again. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Okay! Young Lin Fei, now, I'm relieved.

Xiaoxia Lin Fei, thank you for helping us eight tribes to regain the right to rule this continent! "

The King of Heaven finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt extremely relieved.

You know, in the past few years, the people of the eight tribes have been hiding in Tibet in order to escape the hunting and killing of the beasts in the dark abyss.

Now, this bitter life is finally over! "Haha, Young Master Lin Fei, wait, I'll go right now, call them all, and meet Young Master Lin Fei."

The king of heaven let out a hearty laugh.


Yu'er and her, and the few people who came to the Celestial Realm with me before, they are all okay. "

Lin Fei asked the King of Heaven.

In the past, Lin Fei transported from above the earth to the world of heaven and human. He brought the disciples collected from the earth, Yu'er, as well as the old man in the snow, the old man in the sky sword, the Taoist Qiyue, the Xiao Zichong of Huashan, and the four heavenly tribes. will.

Later, in the realm of heaven and human, Lin Fei encountered many enemies, so he placed all these people in the eight tribes and let the eight heavenly kings take care of them.

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