Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4272: Yuer

"Haha, Young Master Lin Fei, don't worry.

These people were all you entrusted us to take care of.

We have always treated them as guests.

Never treated them badly. "

Tianbu Wang laughed and said.

"Thanks a lot!"

Lin Fei said gratefully.

"All right.

I'm going to call the army over now. "

The king of heaven left excitedly.

King Yasha stayed behind and stayed with Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, your strength has actually become so powerful.

It's amazing.

What have you experienced over the years.

In those low-level worlds outside, you can actually cultivate to such a powerful strength within a few hundred years.

I can't believe it. "

King Yasha said to Lin Fei.

"Haha, Senior Yasha King, it is true that I have entered many Supreme Worlds over the years.

Therefore, I am not unfamiliar with the Supreme World at all, on the contrary, I am very familiar with it.

It can be said that in these years, most of my time has been spent cultivating in the highest world. "

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

In fact, what Lin Fei said is correct.

Over the years, Lin Fei spent almost half of his time practicing in the sword world.

It is precisely because of entering the sword world that Lin Fei has obtained various opportunities, Lin Fei's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in just a few hundred years.

At the beginning, if he hadn't entered the sword world and had been cultivating in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, Lin Fei knew that his strength was impossible, and he would have achieved what he has achieved today.

"So that's it! Lin Fei, have you been to many Supreme Worlds?

It seems that the gateway of the Supreme World to the boundless Chaos Sea is closed. "

King Yasha said.

"Hehe, it is.

Many of all the portals of the Supreme World to the boundless Chaos Sea have been closed.

However, I can get in.

And, now, I am not in your supreme world. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Yes! Young Lin Fei, I was almost confused.

The entrance and exit door of our six realms has been closed.

How did you come in? "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, King Yasha couldn't help but pat his head, and then asked curiously.

"I rushed in.

Use violence to smash open the door of your six realms.

Then, he broke in. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly and said.

"Broken in?

how is this possible! "

King Yasha couldn't help being stunned.

The main gods of those beasts were also stunned.

One by one looked at Lin Fei with shocking eyes.

Someone unexpectedly used violence to open the entrance and exit of a supreme world! Such a thing is too amazing! The king of Yasha and the main gods of those beasts were a little bit unbelievable.

However, when they thought of Lin Fei's displayed combat power, they vaguely believed in their hearts.

at this time.

In the core area of ​​the dark abyss.

The other six kings, with eight men and horses, are quietly moving.


"Haha, good news, good news.

Everyone stopped.

There is no need to shift positions.

I saw Lin Fei just now.

Lin Fei is not the same as the army of the beasts.

Lin Fei came to us specially.

Moreover, in order to find us, he controlled all the army of beasts, brought in, and greeted us together. "

The excited voice of King Tianbu sounded.

"King of Heaven, what you said is true?

! "

The six heavenly kings immediately asked.

"King of Heaven, are you sure?"

King Kinara asked.

"Of course it is.

100% sure.

As you don't know, Lin Fei's strength is now beyond description. "

King Tianbu nodded and said.

Then, he explained in detail the situation he saw Lin Fei just now.

"Lin Fei, he has actually become so powerful! This is too amazing!"

After listening, the six heavenly kings were shocked to the extreme.

"So, now, lead all of you, let's see Lin Fei."

King Tianbu said.

"Wait, I'll see Yuer and them."

The King of Heaven suddenly thought of something, his figure shook, and he rushed into the crowd of eight.

At this time, among the eight men and horses, in a certain warship.

"The army of the beasts is really annoying.

Over the years, has been chasing us.

When will such days of hiding in Tibet come to an end? "

Inside the warship, a clear woman's voice sounded.

A young girl with a beautiful face was walking around in a hall inside the battleship, looking very impatient.

"Yu'er, just stop for a while.

You keep walking around and make me dizzy! "

An old man said in a loud voice.

This old man is exactly the old man walking snow.

In addition, the old man of Heavenly Sword, Daoist Qiyue, Xiao Zichong of Huashan, and four generals of the heavens, all those who followed Lin Fei from the earth to the world of heaven and man were all in this warship.

All along, Ba Buzhong has regarded these people as distinguished guests.

This time the transfer, King Tianbu personally ordered a high-level warship to be used by people like Yu'er.

"I miss my Master Lin Fei."

Yuer said suddenly.

After listening to Yuer's words, the other people in the warship were silent.

"Yu'er, in fact, we all miss Lin Fei.

However, now, the six realms have reached levels and become a supreme world.

Lin Fei now, in the outside world, it is impossible to enter the Six Realms again.

We want to see Lin Fei, unless the entrance and exit of the Six Realms are opened.

Otherwise, I am afraid that we will never have the chance to see Lin Fei again.

Ugh. "

Taoist Qi Yue sighed softly.

"What the highest world, I am not rare at all.

I just want to be with Master Lin Fei. "

Yuer curled his lips and said.

"Yu'er, stop talking.

We still hope that this time, the people of the eight tribes can escape and be tracked by the beasts.

If the army of the beasts finds out, we will follow, and it's all over. "

The old man Ta Xue sighed.

"It would be great if Master Lin Fei was here.

I feel that if Master Lin Fei is here, then there is definitely no need to be afraid of the army of the beasts.

Master Lin Fei will definitely beat them up! "

Yuer said.

"Yu'er, you are wrong.

You know, when Lin Fei was in the Six Realms, he was not even the Heavenly Wonderland.

It was only a few hundred years. Lin Fei was cultivating in the low-level world outside, no matter how strong he was, it was limited.

We are now possible one by one, far stronger than Lin Fei.

What use is he even here? "

Old Man Ta Xue said.

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