Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4273: Meet

"Impossible! I have an intuition that Master Lin Fei's current strength is definitely much stronger than ours.

Believe it or not, just wait and see.

It's not that you don't know how enchanting Master Lin Fei's talent is. "

Yuer said.

"I know that Lin Fei's talent is very enchanting.

However, the six realms are always a supreme world, and our cultivation in this supreme world has already occupied the right time and place.

No matter how enchanting Lin Fei is, it is impossible, the strength is stronger than ours. "

Old Man Taxue shook his head and said.

Just now.


A figure, like a ghost, appeared in the hall.

"The King of Heaven!"

In the hall, everyone shouted.

The King of Heaven is the most prestigious person among the eight tribes of the Heavenly Dragon.

Coming here in person now must be something big.

"Guess everyone, who is here?"

As soon as King Tianbu entered the hall, he said directly.


The old man and others were very curious.

"Could it be that Master Lin Fei is here?"

In Yu'er's heart, Lin Fei was the most concerned, blurted out.

"Yu'er, the entrance and exit of the six realms have been closed, how could Lin Fei come in?

Yu'er, you have been thinking about Lin Fei all day, and you are a little crazy. "

Old man Taxue couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

Because Yu'er kept Lin Fei on her lips all day long, and she mentioned Lin Fei at every turn. There was indeed a sign of confusion.

"Haha..., Yuer girl, this time, you were right.

Yes, it was Lin Fei who came to us. "

The King of Heaven laughed loudly.


! "

In the hall, all the people jumped up on the spot, their faces full of unbelievable.


My master Lin Fei has really come to us! "

Yuer rushed over with excitement, shook the hand of King Tianbu, and asked.

"of course it's true.

Moreover, Lin Fei single-handedly subdued all the beasts.

From now on, we don't need to continue hiding in the dark abyss.

We can go out and live honestly.

Go, now, let's see Lin Fei! "

King Tianbu said.

"Great! I knew that Master Lin Fei was the best! Yo!"

After hearing the words of King Tianbu, Yu'er jumped with excitement and kept clapping her hands.

"how is this possible!"

In the hall, everyone else was shocked and speechless.

However, they knew that the King of Heaven could not lie.

"Lin Fei, has he really become so powerful now?

Really made Yu'er right? "

Old man Taxue couldn't help being stunned.

"Okay, let's go.

If you have any questions, when you see Lin Fei, ask him for yourself. "

King Tianbu said.


King Tianbu leaves the warship.


Booming long...The King of Heaven, with eight people and horses, headed toward the direction Lin Fei was.

After a while.

Finally, the people of Babuzhong came far away.

Lin Fei's gaze, looking at the eight men and horses, came in mighty, and the divine consciousness immediately sensed the past.

"Yu'er, the old man of Heavenly Sword, Daoist Qiyue, Xiao Zichong of Huashan, and four generals of the Heavenly Court, they are all here, it is good to be alive.

Lin Fei felt a lot of familiar figures and felt relieved.

No matter what these acquaintances are now, anyway, if they are still alive, everything is fine.

"All right.

Now the people from Babuzhong have arrived.

Your army of beasts, all welcome! "

Lin Fei's sharp gaze glanced at the main gods of the few beasts, and said harshly.

"We understand."

The main gods of those beasts were very unwilling, but there was no way.

They knew that they could no longer provoke Lin Fei.

Otherwise, with Lin Fei's strength, in a fit of anger, they might wipe out all of their beasts! At that time, there is no place to cry.

"A large army of beasts, all come to welcome the people of the eight tribes!"

Under the leadership of the chief gods of the beasts, the army of the beasts all bent over and roared together.

The mighty roar, gathered together, resounded through Yunxiao! "This..." Almost all the members, including the Eight Heavenly Kings, were a little confused.

Even if the Eight Heavenly Kings and others have known it beforehand, it is still a bit shocking to see this scene with my own eyes.

"Call a few more times!"

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Meet the people of the Eight Minds!"

"Meet the people of the Eight Minds!"

... The army of the beasts called out a dozen times in one breath.

"Well, Lin Fei has enough."

King Tianbu said quickly.

"All right.

enough. "

Lin Fei waved.

"Take everyone out first, and after setting them up outside, let's talk about it slowly."

Lin Fei said.

"it is good!"

King Tianbu nodded.

"We are ready to go out! Go back and rebuild the Babuzhong!"

The King of Heaven turned his head, looked at the people of the Eight Departments, and slowly scanned it, and then said loudly.

All the horses in the Eight Departments were silent for a moment.


"Go back and rebuild the Eight Departments!"

"Rebuild the Eight Departments!"

...Roars continued, resounding through Yunxiao.


Under the leadership of the Eight Great Heavenly Kings, the eight men and horses left the abyss of darkness in mighty force.

The army of the beast clan, under the leadership of the main gods, downcast and cautiously, followed behind Lin Fei.

After a long time.

Finally, the people of Babuzhong returned to their original homes.

These places were originally occupied by the army of beasts.

Lin Fei gave an order, and the army of the beasts immediately made room.

Lin Fei let the chief gods of the beasts lead the army of the beasts to find a remote and desolate place and settle down first.

Originally, the main gods of the beasts were planning to return to the land of the beasts with the army of the beasts.

However, Lin Fei temporarily refused to let them leave.

Because Lin Fei planned to make time to visit the livestock continent when that time comes.

"Watch these beasts and don't let them run away."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast and the hundreds of Primordial Primordial Beasts.

"Relax! They can't escape with us! Who dares to escape, I will shoot him into meatloaf!"

A great ancient strange beast said loudly.

The main gods of the few beasts were shaking secretly with fright.

Because, the chaos-swallowing beast, and the aura from the hundreds of ancient ancient alien beasts, made them tremble with fear, and almost suffocated! "Haha, Young Master Lin Fei, this time, it's good to have you.

Otherwise, the eight of us don't know how long we will hide in the dark abyss! "

After the eight men and horses were settled, the king of heaven brought the other seven kings to see Lin Fei.

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