Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4274: The whereabouts of the little wild beast

"It's just a small effort, it's not enough."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Let's go, I have set a banquet, Young Master Lin Fei, I must show my face."

King Tianbu said.

"it is good."

Lin Fei nodded.

Next, the eight parties held a banquet.

The Eight Heavenly Kings personally accompanied Lin Fei, sitting at the table, and constantly toasting.

Yu'er was vying to sit next to Lin Fei, almost like a bird, hanging on Lin Fei's arm, wrapping Lin Fei asking questions and answers, she was extremely enthusiastic.

Old man Ta Xue and others were also sitting beside Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, what is your current strength?"

During the dinner, the old man Taxue couldn't help but asked in a loud voice.

The others couldn't help but stretched their ears to hear Lin Fei's explanation.

"Haha, my strength, I can hardly say clearly.

My realm is a half-step master god. "

Lin Fei smiled.

In fact, Lin Fei's current strength has almost no rivals at the level of the main god.

However, Lin Fei's situation is very special, and his strength is far above his realm.

Even if I explained this to Old Man Ta Xue, Old Man Ta Xue was still very difficult to understand, so Lin Fei was too lazy to explain.

"Half-step Lord God?

Then why can you single-handedly suppress the entire army of beasts? "

Old Ta Xue couldn't help but asked again.

"Hehe, maybe, I'm more combative."

Lin Fei was noncommittal.

"how is this possible."

The old man Ta Xue shook his head.

However, he could also see that Lin Fei would not explain this question, so he simply stopped asking.

"Hmph, I said earlier that Master Lin Fei's strength is much stronger than ours.

Now, you believe me. "

Yuer said triumphantly.

"Master Lin Fei, you have not guided my cultivation for a long time.

I don't care, from now on, I want to follow you.

You have to guide my practice throughout! "

Yu'er held Lin Fei's arm and said in a loud voice.

"Ahem... Yu'er, don't worry, since our master and apprentice can meet again, I will definitely guide your cultivation."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly, took out his arm, and said to Yu'er.

For this disciple, Lin Fei has always had a headache.

"Oh! That's great, Master Lin Fei, I said this by myself.

Don't reply! "

Yuer said happily.


Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

"By the way, Yuer, do you want to go back to Earth."

Lin Fei said to Yuer.


! Master, can we still go back to Earth?

Of course I want to go back! "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Yuer couldn't help but shake her body slightly.

The earth, but her hometown.

Not only Yu'er, Elder Taxue and others, after hearing Lin Fei's words, their bodies shook slightly, their eyes brightened, and they quickly looked at Lin Fei.

"of course.

Now, the earth is no longer a closed world.

The plane where the earth is, has been completely connected with the outside world.

In the future, you can freely enter and exit the plane of the earth.

Moreover, the current earth has entered an era of great spiritual recovery.

The environment above the earth has become suitable for cultivation.

If you want, you can return to the earth to practice.

Of course, you can also choose to practice in other places in the world of three thousand sizes.

Even the entire boundless Chaos Sea, as long as you like it, you can go anywhere.

Or, if you want to continue cultivating in the Supreme World, you can also stay in the Six Realms. "

Lin Fei said.

"Really! That's great!"

When Yuer heard this, she couldn't help cheering.

"Haha... Lin Fei, is what you said true! That's great!"

Old Man Taxue and others laughed loudly after hearing Lin Fei's words.

In the future, they can go in and out of the earth freely, which is definitely a great thing for them.

"of course it's true.

If you want to go back to the earth and have a look, then you should be prepared.

When I leave the Six Realms, I will take you back to the earth to have a look. "

Lin Fei said.


Lin Fei, we all want to go back to Earth with you! "

Yu'er, and Old Man Ta Xue, all nodded and said.


Lin Fei said.

"Haha...I won't say anything else for now, come..., Lin Fei Young Man, I respect you for this cup.

Today, we are not drunk and homeless! "

The king of heaven made a toast to Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

Not drunk, no home! "

The other seven heavenly kings also toasted to Lin Fei, one by one in joy.

Starting today, Babuzhong can finally end the life of being hunted down, which is a great joy for them.

The next two days.

Lin Fei has been staying on the site of Babuzhong.

With Lin Fei here, the reconstruction work of Ba Buzhong went smoothly.

In two days, most of the reconstruction work was basically completed.

The third day.

"Young man, now, you have found someone.

You can come in and get together with me. "

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

This voice came from the core area of ​​the dark abyss.

"Senior, I still want to find someone.

Moreover, it is searching in the dark abyss. "

Lin Fei said.


Who are you looking for?

Just listen and see if I can help you. "

Said the voice.

"it's him."

Lin Fei waved his hand, simulating the shape of the little barren beast, floating in the void in front of him.


You want to find him?

What is the relationship between you and him? "

That voice seemed a little surprised, and said to Lin Fei.

"This is an old friend of mine.

Before, he and I were separated in the six realms.

I only know that he seems to have entered the dark abyss.

However, he was never found. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Haha, young man, of course you can't find him.

Because he is with me.

If you want to see him, just come to me. "

Suddenly, that voice burst into laughter.

"What, senior, is it true what you said! This friend of mine, really, is it with you!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard it.

"of course.

Why am I lying to you?

You want to see him, now, come in. "

That voice said to Lin Fei.

"It turns out that he's at Senior's place, that's great!"

Lin Fei was extremely excited.

After searching for so many years, finally, the whereabouts of the little barren beast.

You know, the little desolate beast was taken care of by the skeleton of the old desolate beast when Lin Fei left the Yuan Wu world.

At that time, the little wild beast was just an egg.

Later, Lin Fei personally hatched the Little Desolate Beast and watched it grow up.

In Lin Fei's mind, Little Wild Beast was a relative of him.

Therefore, Lin Fei had always been very concerned about the little wild beast, and never gave up the idea of ​​looking for the little wild beast.

Now, it is finally there!

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