Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4307: Tiandao Temple's support

At this time, the pavilion master of Tianjian Pavilion had already arrived at Tiandao Temple.

The Temple of Heaven is one of the most powerful forces in this space.

On the surface, there are two main gods, presiding over the normal operation of the Temple of Heaven.

In fact, the number of main gods owned by Tiandao Temple is at least ten.

"A sword light blocked the path of your Heavenly Sword Pavilion army?"

A high-level person in the Heavenly Dao Hall, sitting high-end, spoke to the Heavenly Sword Pavilion master standing in front of him.

The Heavenly Sword Pavilion is just a subsidiary force of the Heavenly Dao Hall, and the Lord of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion has a very low status in front of the upper level of the Heavenly Dao Hall.


That sword light, with just one move, severely wounded all the members of our Heavenly Sword Pavilion army.

Our Heavenly Sword Pavilion is simply impossible, it is the opponent of that sword light master.

Therefore, I came to the Temple of Heaven for help. "

The Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master said.

"In this way, the master of that sword light should be a master god.

It's strange, a little Qingyang Sect shouldn't have a connection with a main god.

Moreover, in this sea of ​​space, almost all the main gods know that the Heavenly Sword Pavilion is a subsidiary force of our Heavenly Dao Temple, why do you still have to make it difficult for you? "

The senior frowned and said.

"However, in any case, this incident is a provocation to our Heavenly Dao Temple.

Well, now, you go back and organize another army to go to Qingyang Sect.

Our Tiandao Temple will protect you in the dark.

If the master of that sword light dared to make another move, our Heavenly Dao Palace would not sit idly by. "

Said the high-level of the Tiandao Temple.

"I understand.

I will immediately go back and organize an army to conquer the Qingyang Sect! "

The Lord of Heaven Sword Pavilion said with joy.

He was completely relieved when Tiandao Hall made a move.

Because the Temple of Heaven is one of the most powerful forces in this sea of ​​space.

The master of that sword light, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to be stronger than the Temple of Heaven.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, if you dare to provoke my Heavenly Sword Pavilion, you will have to pay the consequences.

Wait and see. "

In the heart of Tianjian Pavilion Master, sneered.

Then, he resigned to the high level of the Tiandao Temple, left the Tiandao Temple, and hurried back to the Heaven Sword Dao.

After a long time.

Tianjian Pavilion reorganized a large army, left the headquarters, and headed towards Qingyang Sect in mighty force.

This time, the army dispatched by the Heavenly Sword Pavilion was more numbered and larger in scale, and deliberately made a lot of movement, wherever it went, it released a powerful energy pressure, roaring to the sky.

As a result, it attracted countless lives onlookers.


The news came out of the Qingyang Church headquarters.

The senior officials of Qingyang Sect were concentrated in the discussion hall.

"Master, it seems that Tianjian Pavilion is not going to let us Qingyang Sect."

A senior executive said with a worried expression on his face.

"What are you afraid of? My master is there.

There is no need to be afraid of Heavenly Sword Pavilion. "

Liu Feng curled his lips and said.

"This time is different.

This time, Heavenly Sword Pavilion must have won the support of Heavenly Dao Temple.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to send a large army to our Qingyang Sect. "

Leader Qingyang sighed and said, looking very worried.

"As far as I know, there are only two main gods in the Temple of Heaven.

In fact, Tiandao Temple has more main gods. "

The leader of Qingyang added.

"Father, don't worry.

I have faith in Master.

As long as the master is willing to take action, the temple of heaven will be vulnerable to a blow. "

Liu Feng said.

"Go on, all the members of our Qingyang Sect, pack their bags and prepare to leave at any time.

This time, our Qingyang Sect has reached the point of life and death. "

Leader Qingyang thought for a while and said slowly.

"Ready to leave?"

The high-level members of the Qingyang Sect were all stunned.

"Not bad.

You don't even know how terrifying the Temple of Heaven is.

Put it this way, in our sea of ​​space, the Temple of Heaven is one of the most powerful forces.

Now, the Temple of Heaven is ready to take action against our Qingyang Sect, it is impossible for us to deal with it.

Only escape this way.

Well, if it's redundant, don't need to say.

Do what I want, and immediately order to let everyone clean up and prepare to leave.

The faster the better. "

Qingyang leader said.


The other senior Qingyang teachers nodded their heads.

As the order went on, all the people in the Qingyang Sect headquarters were packing their bags and preparing to leave.

At this time, only Liu Feng himself seemed very calm.

Because he has absolute confidence in Lin Fei.

He had seen Lin Fei take action many times before and admired Lin Fei to the extreme.

He believed that Lin Fei should be the most powerful existence in this sea of ​​space.

As long as Lin Feiken takes the shot, the Temple of Heaven is not an opponent at all.

Liu Feng directly sent a voice transmission to Lin Fei, telling Lin Fei the situation.


Is the Temple of Heaven one of the most powerful forces in this sea of ​​space? "

After Lin Fei received Liu Feng's transmission, he said to himself.

"I don't know, this Heavenly Dao Temple, how much of this space sea is known everywhere.

Okay, I will go to this Heavenly Dao Temple for a while. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"rest assured.

Qingyang Sect will be fine. "

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to reply Liu Feng.


Master agreed to take the shot! "

Liu Feng was extremely excited when he received Lin Fei's transmission.

At this time, the army of Tianjian Pavilion was marching in the chaotic void.

Countless creatures gathered from a distance to watch.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed the position of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion army, waved his hand in that direction, and slashed gently.

Huh! A sword light penetrated the void, slashed in all directions of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion army.

"Look! Pavilion Master, there is a sword light ahead!"

Suddenly, a high-level member of Tianjian Pavilion pointed to the chaotic void ahead and said.

Immediately, all the high-level eyes of Tianjian Pavilion were looking forward.

Sure enough, I saw a plain sword light hanging quietly in the void ahead.

It seemed that it was a very ordinary, very plain, and even without any energy fluctuations.

However, these high-ranking members of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion were extremely solemn.

They knew that the last time the owner of the sword light had shot again.

"Senior, may I ask, why did you make repeated moves against our Heavenly Sword Pavilion."

The Lord of Heaven Sword Pavilion stepped forward and said in a deep voice.

"I said, don't provoke Qingyang Sect anymore. It seems that you Tianjian Pavilion don't want to listen to me."

There was a voice from the sword light, and said lightly.

"Senior, our Heavenly Sword Pavilion and Senior have no grievances or grudges, Senior, why must we embarrass our Heavenly Sword Pavilion.

Please seniors, don't ask about our Tianjian Pavilion and Qingyang Sect. "

The Lord of Heaven Sword Pavilion said loudly.

"If I want to ask."

The sound that came from the sword light.

"Senior, behind our Heavenly Sword Pavilion is the Heavenly Dao Hall.

Moreover, the Temple of Heaven supports our Heavenly Sword Pavilion and destroys the Qingyang Sect.

Please think twice! "

The Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master said in a deep voice.

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