Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4308: The power of a sword light

"The Temple of Heaven, is it great?

Why should I think twice? "

That sword light said lightly.

"You..." The Heavenly Sword Pavilion master didn't know what to say.

Heavenly Dao Palace is the most powerful force in this sea of ​​space.

In this world, there are people who don't know the power of the Heavenly Dao Temple, this is simply incredible.

"Get off now. From now on, you are not allowed to provoke Qingyang Sect.

This is my final warning. "

That sword light seemed impatient.

"Senior, if we are in the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, we will find the trouble of Qingyang Sect."

The Lord of Heaven Sword Pavilion took a deep breath and said.

He felt that there was the Heavenly Dao Temple behind him, and he was not afraid of the master of this sword light.

Once there is a conflict, the main **** of the Heavenly Dao Temple will definitely take action.

Therefore, the Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master is very calm and not afraid.

Huh! As soon as the Lord of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion's voice fell, the sword light had already cut at him.

The Lord of Heavenly Sword Pavilion was shocked, and immediately retreated with all his strength.

However, he found that his body could not move! A mysterious force of law sealed him.

He could only watch the sword light and slashed towards his body.


The Lord of Tianjian Pavilion was so scared that his soul flew away, and he hurriedly asked for help.


In the distance, nearby, suddenly an old man stepped out from the depths of the void and shouted sharply.

Then, the old man directly shot, stretched out a big hand, exuding a breath of majestic energy, and grabbed it towards the sword light.

Where this big hand passed, the space was constantly shattered, full of power.

However, when this big hand just touched the sword light.

boom! The big hand trembled violently, and then it was directly blown to pieces and turned into powder! what! The old man, with a scream, his right hand and phalanx were all exploded into blood.

Click! That sword light slashed past, slicing Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master in half.

what! The Lord of Heaven Sword Pavilion screamed.

Then, his two halves escaped at the same time and stopped in the distance, wanting to regroup.

However, he was horrified to find that the two halves of his own body could not be recombined.

"How could it be like this..." The two halves of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master desperately wanted to be put together, but there was a very terrifying law that eroded his body and made him unable to regroup.

After cutting the Lord of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion in half, the sword light did not dissipate, and it seemed that the sword light was not consumed at all, and the energy aura emitted was exactly the same as before.

"Your Excellency, are you really going to be hostile to our Heavenly Dao Palace?"

The old man's face was gloomy, he stared at the sword light with a jealous look, and said in a deep voice.

"Your Heavenly Dao Temple, are you really going to be against me?"

That sword light said lightly.

"good very good.

Since your Excellency doesn't put our Tiandao Temple in your eyes at all, don't blame our Tiandao Temple for not being affectionate. "

The old man said coldly.

"You Tiandao Palace, don't come to provoke me in the end.

Otherwise, you are at your own risk. "

The sword light said lightly.

"Haha, good, good, good.

This is the first time that I have met someone who dares to look down upon our Heavenly Dao Temple so much! "

The old man laughed furiously.

"Then let me try, how many catties do you have?"

The old man stepped forward and hit the sword light with a punch.

boom! The billowing golden energy erupted from his fist, the mighty power of billions of miles, the energy hurricane swept across the sky, shaking this space and time, continuously breaking and destroying.

This old man is a master god, and when he takes action, he destroys time and space and cuts off time, which is very terrifying.

"Quickly retreat! The great power of the Heavenly Dao Temple has taken action!"

The Heavenly Sword Pavilion master, surprised and delighted, hurriedly roared, causing the Heavenly Sword Pavilion's army to retreat.

If a master **** takes action, if it is affected, it will definitely be a devastating and terrifying consequence.

Wow! The Tianjian Pavilion army retreated quickly.

In the distance, the creatures onlookers saw a master **** making a move, and they were so scared that they backed desperately.

laugh! The sword light looked very flat, trembling lightly, directly cut it over, and collided with the fist wrapped in the golden energy.

puff! That fist was pierced through a blood hole, then shattered and exploded into a blood mist.

what! The old man screamed, his right hand, which had already been successfully reorganized just now, was blown to pieces again, leaving only a broken wrist, bones and blood dripping.

"Who is your excellency?"

The old man retreated beyond the chaotic void of billions of li, staring at the sword light, his face was uncertain and jealous to the extreme.

It was just a sword light, and he had such terrible combat power, which was simply beyond his expectation.

He finally understood that the master of this sword light was definitely a master god, and his combat power was far above him.

"With your skill, you are definitely not an unknown person. Excuse me, who are you?

What is the festival with our Tiandao Temple?

Was it our Tiandao Temple, when did it provoke you?

In fact, as long as your Excellency stands up, has a good discussion with our Heavenly Dao Temple, maybe a perfect solution can be obtained.

After all, our Tiandao Temple is definitely not unreasonable. "

The old man said to the sword light.

In the world of warriors, the strong is respected. He knows that the master of this sword light has terrible combat power.

The Temple of Heaven, in the end, is to turn enemies into friends.

"Let me come out and discuss with your Heavenly Dao Hall, I am afraid that your Heavenly Dao Hall does not have this qualification yet."

The sword light said lightly, in his tone, he appeared very indifferent and dismissive.

"Huh! Your Excellency is too mad.

Is it true that there is no one in our Tiandao Temple! "

The old man couldn't help getting furious when he heard the words of Jianguang.

Heavenly Dao Temple, as one of the most powerful forces in this sea of ​​space, when was it so underestimated.

Shoo...the next moment, five figures suddenly appeared next to this old man, each of them exuding powerful energy fluctuations, shaking this space and time, and it seemed unbearable.

These five are the main gods! "Let's do it together!"

The five main gods who had just appeared, shouted together, and attacked the sword light at the same time, or fist, or palm, or claw... the old man also acted from time to time.

There are a total of six main gods, attacking the sword light together.

Om...The sword light shuddered slightly, shining brightly, extremely dazzling, and billions of sharp sword lights burst out, cutting forward.

Dangdang...A violent collision sounded continuously.

A sword light, and the six main gods, was inextricably beaten! Suddenly, both hands are irrelevant! "How can this be!"

Those six main gods couldn't believe it.

The six of them joined forces, and unexpectedly, they were tied with a sword light!

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