Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4309: Repentance of the Lord of Heavenly Sword Pavilion

"How could it be like this! The six Lord Gods of the Heavenly Dao Temple, they shot together, unexpectedly, they were tied with that sword light.

The combat power of that sword light is too terrifying! "

In the distance, the heavenly sword pavilion master and those high-level officials saw this scene, their feet and legs were soft with fright, their faces pale, and their whole bodies trembling.

"Oh my God! What kind of terrible existence our Heavenly Sword Pavilion provokes!"

At this time, the Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master finally knew that he was afraid, and began to regret it.

I knew that this sword light was so terrifying, it gave the Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master a thousand courage, ten thousand courage, and dare not provoke it! At this time, the body of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion Master was cut in half, still unable to reorganize, and could only barely glue it together, leaving a shocking bloodstain.

In his flesh, there is a weird and terrifying law that is eroding, consuming the vitality of the flesh, and preventing the reorganization of the flesh.

"Don't have any more reservations, go all out.

Otherwise, our great reputation will be destroyed here! "

One of the main gods roared.

Boom... The six main gods all started desperately, and they didn't dare to have the slightest reservation anymore.

Rumble... the old man who came first, erupted with golden light all over his body, and between his hands and feet, there was the sound of landslides and tsunami coming out of his body, golden blood and energy, and displayed a kind of boxing technique.

With a punch, there are six shadows of fists, which actually represent the six reincarnations.

However, in Lin Fei's eyes, these six reincarnations were very low-level and very ridiculous.

Hum! The other main **** urged a huge treasure seal, constantly magnifying, and the mighty power, slamming towards that sword light.


There is also a main god, with a wave of his hand, a series of pitch-black icy iron chains, constantly appearing, intertwined, forming a black magic umbrella, falling down a series of black energy laws, spinning fast, towards the sword The light rushed.

boom! A main god, opened his mouth and sprayed, a large **** sea, rushed out from his mouth, and flooded the sword light.

boom! A master **** stretched out his palm and grabbed it at the sword light. In the palm of his palm, interfaces evolved with stars and stars with a terrifying aura.

Boom boom boom...There was also a main **** who stretched out his hand and pointed towards the sky. Immediately, there were heavy sacred mountains, rushing out from the void, and hitting the sword light.

For a while, the six main gods, all without reservation, used the strongest martial arts to attack that sword light.

The entire time and space is filled with endless energy fluctuations everywhere, which is terrifying.

The space has undergone a large-scale collapse, continuously annihilated, and turned into nothingness.

boom! That seemingly plain sword light, at this time, seemed to have completely exploded, constantly growing, and instantly, it was like a thick mountain range that lay across the void and swept out.

The attacks of both sides collided.

Boom boom boom... Everyone can only see, one huge energy mushroom cloud after another, constantly rising into the air.

The time and space in the center of the impact was completely destroyed.

"too frightening!"

In the distance, the creatures onlookers desperately backed away.

"What's going on?"

All creatures want to know the result.

After a while, finally, all the gunpowder smoke slowly disappeared.

In the chaotic void, the scene began to become clear.

I saw that the six main gods of the Heavenly Dao Temple stood together, looking very embarrassed. The clothes on their bodies were also a little tattered, and their faces were a little pale.

That sword light is gone.

"Great! That **** sword light is finally gone!"

"Too much relief!"

... Seeing that sword light disappeared, the people of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion couldn't help but cheered.

"It seems that the sword light was extinguished.

The Lord Gods of the Heavenly Dao Temple are really amazing. "

In the distance, some of the creatures who watched the excitement exclaimed, feeling that the six main gods in the Heavenly Dao Temple were very powerful.

"The six main gods, shot together, if you can't beat even a sword light, then what kind of main gods are they?"

There are also some creatures who disagree, secretly slandering in their hearts.

The six main gods of the Heavenly Dao Temple do not know whether they should be happy or sad.

It stands to reason that the sword light was finally shattered, which is a happy thing.

However, the six main gods joined forces to smash a sword light, and it seems that there is nothing to be happy about.

Beyond the distant time and space, in the world.

A secret room.

"Unexpectedly, the combat power of those six guys is pretty good.

Actually shattered my sword light. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

You know, Lin Fei's current kendo level is so powerful.

Although it was just a sword light that was killed, the kendo energy and kendo laws contained in it were too terrifying.

With a sword of light, defeating a master **** is simply easy! However, unexpectedly, the six main gods joined forces and actually shattered Lin Fei's sword light.

"Let's go and take a look.

Feel free to visit that Temple of Heaven.

See if you can ask something from the mouth of the Heavenly Dao Temple. "

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.


Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast immediately replied.

He is so active by nature, it is actually a very painful thing to let him sit quietly in the secret room and recuperate.

So Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast walked out of the secret room.

Walking towards the six main gods in the Heavenly Dao Temple.

How fast are the body speeds of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Within a few steps, I came to the time and space where the six main gods were.

At this time, the six main gods were discussing.

"The main **** of sword light has unfathomable strength.

The six of us, impossible, are his opponents.

In my opinion, we will go back to the headquarters immediately and discuss with the hall master and others, how to deal with the master of the sword light. "

One of the main gods said.

"Not bad.

Let's go back first. "

Several other main gods all agreed.

The horrible combat power of that sword light just now made them all feel that the pressure was quite heavy.

They knew that once the master of that sword light came, their six main gods would definitely not be opponents.

"Immediately take your army from the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, and go back.

During this time, don't provoke Qingyang Jiao anymore.

The most important thing is to block the headquarters of your Heavenly Sword Pavilion, keep a low profile.

Otherwise, our Heavenly Dao Temple cannot protect your Heavenly Sword Pavilion. "

One of the main gods said to the master of Tianjian Pavilion.


Hearing this, the Lord of Tianjian Pavilion couldn't help but sink in his heart.

He could see that these six Lord Gods were already afraid of the master of that sword light.

"I knew this before, our Heavenly Sword Pavilion, don't provoke that sword light.

Oh, it's a pity, I didn't regret buying medicine. "

The Lord of Tianjian Pavilion sighed.

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