Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4316: Wind Demon Patriarch


I wanted to talk to you, but you want to do so many things. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but sighed slightly.


Lin Fei waved his hand gently, and the power of the formations was released.

Immediately, the formations in the palace began to sway violently, and obvious cracks continued to appear.

"How is this going?

impossible! These formations were arranged by my teacher's father, how can you break them. "

Master True Talisman looked at those arrays that were constantly breaking up unbelievably, shocked to the extreme.

In his mind, the master is omnipotent, and no one can break the formation laid down by the master.

But soon, he looked at the formations in the palace in shock, and began to shatter one by one.

"How is this possible, I don't believe it!"

Master Zhenfu simply cannot accept what is happening in front of him.

Even the ancestors of heaven and earth were shocked by the constantly exploding formations.

You must know that these formations were arranged by the ancestors of the wind demon! The ancestor of the mad demon is one of the most powerful top masters in this sea of ​​space, and the formations he has set up by himself can be imagined how clever.

But now, the formations laid down by the ancestors of the wind demons were fragile like eggs one after another, and were instantly destroyed.

"You idiot, we wanted to have a good chat with you, but we didn't expect you to come hard with us as soon as we met. Why do we have to do it?"

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast sighed helplessly.

"How is this going?

The ancestors of heaven and earth... who are they? "

Master Zhen Fu was full of horror, staring at Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast, feeling extremely shocked.

"Don't talk too much nonsense. Now you can answer whatever I ask. It is best to cooperate obediently, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

Lin Fei looked at Master Zhenfu, and said lightly. As soon as his voice fell, an invisible pressure instantly spread over the entire palace.

At this moment, the entire palace seemed to be quiet, and an indescribable energy and law completely controlled the space in which the palace was located.

Master Zhenfu was surprised to find that his body seemed to be held down by thousands of horrible mountains, and it was difficult to move his body.

He finally understood that the strength of the young man in front of him was much higher than him, and he could not be an opponent at all.

Originally, he was ready to make trouble suddenly, but now he gave up, knowing that once he did it, the consequences would be disastrous.

He has no confidence at all to deal with the two young people in front of him.

"Ancestor Heaven and Earth, you brought them to deal with me, haven't you thought about the consequences?

Once known by my master Feng Mo ancestor, your fate can be imagined.

And you two, I advise you to be polite to me, otherwise, you will regret it. "

Master Zhenfu said in a threatening tone.

Master Zhenfu knew that he couldn't beat these people in front of him, but he felt that he had a background because his master was the ancestor of Wind Demon, and he was one of the three most powerful players in this sea of ​​space.

Because of this background, no one has dared to provoke him in this sea of ​​space over the years. No matter how powerful the opponent is, as long as the name of the ancestor of the wind demon is played, the opponent will be a little jealous.

So now, he understands that his only way is to move out of the master's name, hoping to frighten him.

"I know that your master is the ancestor of the Wind Demon. It is precisely because your master is the ancestor of the Wind Demon that I came to see you, so you don’t need to emphasize again and again. You'd better cooperate with me honestly, otherwise you will have to Suffer."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Junior, who are you?

Isn't even my master Fengmo ancestor not afraid? "

Master Zhen Fu heard Lin Fei's words, was shocked and angry, and asked loudly.

"You guy doesn't seem to suffer a bit, and you really refuse to cooperate obediently."

The Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast felt a little impatient, and took a step forward. A terrifying energy pressure was suddenly born, crushing it like the Master of True Talisman.

Although Master True Talisman is a main god, but wherever he can withstand the energy pressure of a chaotic sky-swallowing beast, he immediately crawls on the ground, even with a move, his fingers can't do it.

"Don't mess around. I have notified my master that my master will be here soon. Don't mess around, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

Master Zhenfu said in horror.

"The strength of these two young people is really terrible. Fortunately, I have directly surrendered to them before and didn't fight them hard. Otherwise, I don't know if I can stand here."

The ancestor of heaven and earth could not help but secretly rejoice in his heart as he watched Master Zhenfu who was crawling on the ground and unable to move.


You have notified the ancestor of Wind Demon, is he coming soon? "

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling very funny when he heard it. He came to this True Talisman to find the ancestor of the Wind Demon. Unexpectedly, he had already notified the ancestor of the Wind Demon without having to speak.

"Hahaha, this guy, I thought it would take some persecution to get his master to come. I didn't expect that he was so timid, and he immediately contacted his master."

The Chaos Swallowing Beast was also very funny.

"Okay, now that you have notified your master, let's wait for him here."

Lin Fei smiled and said in a loud voice.

Master Zhen Fu heard the words of Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast, and couldn't help feeling a little bad in his heart.

"Could it be that these two terrible human youths came to me to find a master?

They are so bold and dare to find a master, can it be that their strength can be stronger than that of the master, impossible! Absolutely impossible! "

Master Zhenfu couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart.

For a while, his mood was very complicated.

At this time, in this sea of ​​space, on a certain deserted continent, on top of a desolate mountain.

There is a man sitting cross-legged. He has been sitting here for a long, long time. He has not moved, not even the smallest movements, just like an immovable statue.

Thick dust has fallen on his body. If you don't look closely, you won't be able to tell that this is a person, and it will make people mistakenly think that it is a pile of mud.

"This sea of ​​space is too small for me. It's time for me to go out. I can no longer develop in this sea of ​​space.

But after all, this is my hometown. I was born and grew up here, and I have reached the heights I am today. I still have some nostalgia. "

Suddenly, a faint voice came from the man's mouth.

Then this person who had been doing nothing for a very long time raised his head gently and looked at the distant time and space.

"But I still have to leave after all. I want to step into the wider world outside, into the sea of ​​absolute space, and pursue greater development."

The man sighed softly.

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