Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4317: Best cooperate

"Well, after a while, I will leave this sea of ​​space, enter the sea of ​​absolute space, and go to other worlds."

The man said to himself.

Suddenly at this moment, his expression moved, and he took out a piece of jade slip from his arms.

Then his face became a little ugly, and there was some anger in his eyes.

"My disciple, Master Fu, is actually asking me for help. In this sea of ​​space, there are still people who are so bold and dare to do something with my disciple. Don't you really put my ancestor of the wind demon in his eyes ?"

This man said with a sneer, his eyes already showing some murderous intent.

At the same time, he felt a little confused. In this sea of ​​space, the only one who could threaten the Master of True Talisman was the Lord God, because Master of the True Talisman himself was a Lord God.

But all the main gods in this sea of ​​space should know his ancestor of the wind demon, so why dare to do something with the Master of True Talisman?

"Well, no matter who you are, no matter what the reason is, even my ancestor of the wind demon dare not give up the face, then you have no need to continue to exist."

Wind Demon Ancestor said with a sneer.

Then he stood up, stepped into the depths of the void, traversed and left, and rushed to the position of Master True Talisman.

At this time, in the palace of Master Zhenfu.

Lin Fei, the Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast, and the ancestor of heaven and earth are sitting at will.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast were both meditating and recuperating, only the ancestors of heaven and earth were a little nervous.

Because this time, it was Wind Demon Ancestor, one of the three most powerful masters in this sea of ​​space.

"I hope these two young people can beat Wind Demon Ancestor, otherwise I will be miserable."

The ancestor of Heaven and Earth has been praying silently in his heart, knowing that his current life and death are pinned on the two young men before him.

At this time, Master Zhenfu couldn't move a single move. Just now, Lin Fei used a dozen time-space formations to suppress him to death.

Master Zhenfu's heart was both frightened and angry. What he hoped most at this time was that Master Fengmao ancestor would arrive earlier.

"You three guys, don't be proud, you will know you regret when my master arrives!"

Master Zhenfu thought bitterly in his heart.

After a while, suddenly, a figure appeared in the palace. This was a man in a black robe, with his eyes like lightning, fierce and compelling.

"Master, you are finally here!"

Master Zhenfu looked up and immediately showed a surprised look.

This black-robed man is his master, the famous wind demon ancestor in this sea of ​​space.

"Oh, is this guy the ancestor of the Wind Demon?"

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast stared at the black-robed man immediately.

Almost at the same time, the black robe man's gaze fell on Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.


how is this possible?

In our sea of ​​space, when did such two masters appear? "

The ancestor of the wind demon saw the extraordinary of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast at a glance.

"He is not a human being, but a bit like a certain kind of beast in the legend..." The ancestor of the wind demon finally stared at the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast and looked up and down, uncertain.

"Who the **** are you?

I haven't seen you. You shouldn't be in this sea of ​​space. Are you from the sea of ​​absolute space? "

Wind Demon Ancestor said coldly.

"It turns out that they are not creatures in this sea of ​​space."

After listening to the words of the ancestors of the wind demon, the ancestors of heaven and earth and the master of the real rune were a little suddenly realized.

"Don't worry about where I came from. I have something to ask you now. You'd better cooperate. You can answer whatever I ask."

Lin Fei looked at Feng Mo ancestor and said lightly.

"Presumptuous, you dare to speak in this arrogant tone in front of my master, don't you really put my master in your eyes?"

Master Zhenfu was furious and roared.

"Yes, I really don't put your master in my eyes."

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast said with a smile.

As soon as this ancestor of the Wind Demon came, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast knew that his strength was much worse than that of Dijiang.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast did not put it in their eyes.

"Master, let me out quickly."

Master Zhenfu said to the ancestor of Wind Demon that the space-time formation set up by Lin Fei had been suppressing his immobility and felt very embarrassed.

The ancestor of Wind Demon waved his hand, and a huge energy bombarded the space-time formations that were suppressing Master True Talisman.

Rumble... A burst of huge energy explosions continued to sound.

The dozens of space-time formations were shaken by the bombardment.

But what surprised the ancestor of Wind Demon was that the dozen or so time-space formations were not broken by him, and after shaking for a while, they returned to their original form.

"How is it possible! There are still formations in the world that I can't break!"

The ancestor of Wind Demon was very shocked, knowing that with his strength, in this sea of ​​space, there is no formation that can withstand his attack.

Boom boom boom... The wind demon ancestor's face was very ugly, and he kept shooting, one after another violent energy, constantly hitting the dozens of formations that Lin Fei had arranged.

The dozen or so formations were shaken, and cracks appeared one after another on the formation, but for a while, they were not broken, and they seemed very tenacious.

"I don't believe it."

The ancestor of the wind demon was frightened and angry, and kept making moves, even when he sacrificed it, several magic weapons kept bombarding those formations.

Finally under his frenzied attack.

After a while, boom boom..., the dozen formations were all shattered.

Master Zhenfu couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately stood up and hid behind the ancestor of the wind demon. He was already a little scared of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

"I just want to ask you something. You'd better cooperate obediently. If you continue to make trouble like this, you will be at your own risk."

Lin Fei had his hands on his back, staring coldly at the ancestor of the wind demon and said, the chaos swallowing beast also embraced his hands and looked at the ancestor of the wind demon sneer.

"What do you want to ask?"

Finally Feng Mo ancestor also calmed down. He knew the strength of the two young men in front of him was very strong, but he had no idea how strong he was, so he didn't dare to rush.

At the same time, he quietly sent out a message. The content of the message was like this: Master Zifu, two strong men of unknown origin suddenly appeared in our sea of ​​space. I don’t know what their purpose is, you better come over. Take a look.

His message was sent to Master Zifu.

In this sea of ​​space, there are three top powerhouses, namely the ancestor of Wind Demon, Master Zifu, and the ancestor of Thousand Hands.

Thousand-handed ancestor has fallen into the sea of ​​reincarnation.

So now, the most powerful in this sea of ​​space are the ancestors of the wind demon and the lord Zifu.

The two of them are the masters of this sea of ​​space and determine all major events in this sea of ​​space.

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