Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4330: Palace Lord

Faced with the attack of the Son of Heaven, Lin Fei dismissed it.

Because this Heavenly Son is just a main **** of ordinary strength.

Lin Fei could beat dozens of such main gods before, let alone now.

Boom... Lin Fei stretched out a palm, zooming in continuously, and patted the nine-story pagoda.

The palm of his hand was constantly enlarged, overwhelming the sky, releasing the terrifying law of reincarnation, and directly sealed the nine-story pagoda.

Then, with a sudden grab, he directly grabbed the pagoda in his hands.

"how is this possible!"

The Son of Heaven couldn't believe it.

The young man in front of him used his body to shake his magic weapon and easily snatched his magic weapon.

"What else is there.

Use it all. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

Boom boom boom... With a wave of the Son of Heaven, dozens of divine magic weapons were sacrificed at the same time, all activated, like dozens of rounds of hot sun, booming towards Lin Fei.

"It's just a little trick."

Lin Fei used the law of swordsmanship and slashed out.

Dangdang...Dozens of magic weapons of the gods were cut at the same time, and they were all thrown away.

"You..." The Son of Heaven couldn't help being shocked, and back again and again.

Boom...Lin Fei suddenly stretched out a big hand, and Rumble grabbed it to Tian Shengzi.


The Son of Heaven was frightened and angry, and then he opened his mouth and vomited.

Boom boom boom...Five orbs rushed out of his mouth, constantly zooming in, turning into five stars.

These are the five real stars, which he refines into five orbs and uses them as magic weapons.

Boom... Lin Fei waved his palm and hit the five stars.

Rumble...The five stars were exploded on the spot, turned into powder in the sky, and drifted away in the wind.

Then, Lin Fei's palm continued to grab the Tianshengzi.


Tian Shengzi turned pale with fright, he finally realized that the strength of the young man in front of him was far higher than himself, which was terrifying.

So, he turned around and fled.

However, the powerful laws of reincarnation descended from the sky and entangled him, firmly sealing the time and space he was in.

Suddenly, Tian Shengzi found that his actions had become difficult.

Then, a huge palm fell from the sky and grabbed him.

"let me go!"

Tian Shengzi roared.

Lin Fei directly sealed him and sent it into one of the human worlds.

"Go, let's go in."

Lin Fei waved his hand and walked into the Samsara Palace.

At this time, in the Samsara Palace, there were still a group of people from the Feixian Palace stationed.

It's just that Lin Fei, the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast, shot from time to time, fanning all the men and horses of the Flying Immortal Palace.

After a while.

In the Samsara Palace, there is no one in Feixian Palace.

"Now, you can post a message to let the people in the Samsara Palace come back to the Samsara Palace."

Lin Fei said to Xiao Zi.

"Young Master Lin, I'm afraid, it won't take long before Fei Xian Palace will send an army to Samsara Palace.

The people in Fei Xian Palace will never give up like this. "

Xiao Zi hesitated.

"It's okay, with me here, the army of Fei Xian Palace, even if it comes, don't be afraid."

Lin Fei said.

"Do not worry.

Not to mention Fei Xian Gong, even if you are a sea of ​​space, all the strong come, don't be afraid.

With these two princes, no matter how many strong people come, they are the same.

Can be easily dealt with. "

Wind Demon ancestor said with a smile.

He was very confident in Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

You know, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast are in his space sea, but the entire space sea is overwhelmed, and all the strong must bow their heads.


I will now contact the people in our Samsara Palace and let them come back! "

Xiao Zi hesitated, gritted his teeth, and said.

"As long as we put everyone's strength together, we will have more advantages."

Xiao Zi said.

Therefore, Xiao Zi and the dozens of women in the reincarnation palace immediately contacted the people in the reincarnation palace through various channels to explain the situation and let the reincarnation palace return.

At this time, Xiao Zi was taking Lin Fei and Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast to visit everywhere in the Samsara Palace.

In the reincarnation palace, there is a strong law of reincarnation everywhere.

This makes Lin Fei feel more cordial.

"Your Palace Master, where are you now?"

Lin Fei asked Xiao Zi.

"I do not know either.

At that time, the troops of Fei Xian Palace suddenly attacked in large numbers, and the palace owner personally met the enemy, bought time, and let us flee in batches.

When I escaped from the Samsara Palace, the palace lord was still fighting with the army of Feixian Palace.

I have just used the transmission jade slip to send a transmission to the palace lord.

However, for the time being, no reply from the palace lord. "

Xiao Zi said.

"Well, let's wait here.

I believe that the palace lord will come back after receiving your subpoena. "

Lin Fei nodded.

at the same time.

In the wild world, in the headquarters of Feixian Palace.

"Unreasonable! Who is it, actually dared to help Samsara Palace and attack the people in Feixian Palace?

Come, immediately send a large army to the Samsara Palace and capture the kid back! "

A tall and thin old man covered in red flames said coldly.

This tall and thin old man is a high-ranking member of Feixian Palace.


A middle-aged man in a battle suit replied loudly.

After a while.

A large army left Feixian Palace mightily and headed in the direction of Samsara Palace.

"Have you not found the whereabouts of the palace lord of the Samsara Palace?"

A creature shrouded in black mist suddenly appeared next to the tall and thin old man and said in a hoarse voice.

"have not Get it yet.

However, please rest assured, I have sent a large number of people to search everywhere.

Believe that it won't be long before you can find it. "

The tall and thin old man said respectfully.

"Hurry up and find the owner of the Samsara Palace."

The creature shrouded in the black mist said coldly.


The tall and thin old man answered quickly.

at the same time.

In this wild world, in a very remote chaotic void.

There is a small world hidden in a certain location.

This small world was created temporarily.

At this time, this small world was covered up by numerous formations, almost not leaking any breath.

In the small world, there are a large number of creatures.

These creatures are the backbone of the Samsara Palace.

This group of people, under the leadership of the palace lord, escaped from the reincarnation palace, fled to here, opened up a small world, and hid it.

"Palace Master, received a message from Xiao Zi.

She said that there are three creatures that came from the sea of ​​absolute space.

Of those three creatures, one of them was a young human, who was very powerful.

That human young man personally shot away all the people in the Fei Xian Palace in the Samsara Palace.

Now, that human young man, asked Xiao Zi to contact the person in our reincarnation palace, saying that he would let us all go back. "

Suddenly, an old woman came to the palace lord of the Samsara Palace and said in a loud voice.

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