Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4331: provocative

"Is there such a thing?

A young human? "

The lord of the Samsara Palace couldn't help being taken aback.

The lord of the Samsara Palace is a beautiful girl! The whole person, like a moonlight covering the body, and like a fairy Turui, a graceful jade body, slender and colorful.

Her body surface was covered with a faint fairy mist.

If Lin Fei were here, he would immediately know that this layer of fairy fog was actually condensed by the clever law of reincarnation.

"Contact Xiao Zi immediately and ask her to provide more information about that human young man."

The Palace Master thought for a while and said.

"Okay, the subordinate understands."

The old woman nodded and said.

at this time.

In the reincarnation palace.

"Master Lin, the big thing is not good.

Fei Xian Palace sent a large army to the Samsara Palace. "

Suddenly, Xiao Zi was a little panicked, and said to Lin Fei.

"It's okay.

I'll deal with it. "

Lin Fei nodded.

As a result, Lin Fei immediately released his divine consciousness, and passed away from the distant time and space, towards the army of Fei Xian Palace, sensing it.

Rumble...The army of Fei Xian Palace, mighty, coming towards Samsara Palace.

Flying Immortal Palace is one of the most powerful forces in this sea of ​​space.

Now, the army of Feixian Palace is dispatched, naturally arousing the attention of the entire space sea.

Countless creatures looked at the army of the Fei Xian Palace from a distance and talked a lot.

"Dare to be the enemy of our reincarnation, it can only be destroyed."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness, perceiving every move of this Fei Xian Palace army, said lightly.

After half a day.

Finally, this army of Feixian Palace came outside the gate of Samsara Palace.

The current Reincarnation Palace, only Lin Fei, the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast, the ancestor of the Wind Demon, and the dozens of women in the Reincarnation Palace were all empty.

"Kill in, kill all the people inside!"

This army of Feixian Palace, headed by a middle-aged man with a mighty power, waved his hand and shouted.

"Kill..." The entire Feixian Palace army shouted in unison.

The roar shook the sky.

"I went out and killed them all."

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast said.

"Where does it take so much trouble.

Let me deal with it. "

Lin Fei smiled.

After speaking, Lin Fei waved.

call out! A bright sword light appeared, and rushed out towards the outside of the Samsara Palace.

Lin Fei got the inheritance of the old man of sword, although it has not yet reached the level of sword slashing the world, but within the same space sea, he can attack any enemy in that position.

After receiving the inheritance of Old Man Sword, Lin Fei has been taking time to practice hard, and his kendo level is getting better and better! Rumble...The sword light that Lin Fei slashed was constantly magnifying, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into the size of a mountain range, vast and terrifying.

The people in Fei Xian Palace are preparing to rush into the Samsara Palace.

Suddenly, I saw a huge sword light, rushed out from the Samsara Palace, and slashed over.

Puff puff puff... wherever the sword light went, the creatures in the Fei Xian Palace continued to explode.

This time and space seemed to bloom with blood-colored fireworks, extremely dazzling.

Ahhh...the screams kept ringing.

Just in the blink of an eye, this army of Feixian Palace was all wiped out! Not one left! "so amazing!"

Xiao Zi and the dozens of women in the Reincarnation Palace looked at the Fei Xian Palace army, and they were instantly destroyed, shocked to the extreme.

Just now.

"Palace Masters, there is an answer!"

Suddenly, Xiao Zi's face moved, and he was extremely surprised.

Then, she took out a piece of jade slip for transmission.

Among the jade slips, voices came from a message sent back by an elder of the Samsara Palace.

"It turns out that the palace lord and them are all okay and hid.

that is really good. "

Xiao Zi was very excited.

What she feared most was that the people in the reincarnation palace had an accident.

Now, knowing that the main force of the Samsara Palace is safe and sound, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Palace Master..." Xiao Zi immediately activated the transmission jade jade, how she met Lin Fei in the sea of ​​absolute space, how she returned to the Samsara Palace, until just now, how Lin Fei sent out a sword light, and then disappeared. The whole process of losing an army of Feixian Palace was explained in detail.

"Young Master Lin, you are so amazing!"

After sending the message, Xiao Zi came to Lin Fei and said excitedly.

She looked at Lin Fei's gaze, looking a little admiring.

"It's indecent to come and not talk.

Fei Xian Palace has repeatedly sent people to harass Samsara Palace.

Let's return courtesy. "

Lin Fei said.

After speaking.

Lin Fei raised his hand and slashed in the direction of the Samsara Palace.

Rumble... a sharp sword light slashed out.

This sword light, carrying terrifying energy, roars to the sky, tearing time and space into two halves wherever it passes.

Boom... This sword light is constantly advancing at an astonishing speed in the chaotic void.

Moreover, this sword light is constantly magnifying.

Soon, the entire sky and the sea are full of swords screaming to the sky, endless sword lights, like a peacock opening the screen, dazzling extremely.

The entire Tianhuangtian world, countless creatures, were shocked.

Countless creatures were shocked to see this dazzling sword light.

"Oh my God! This sword light is so terrible that it spans most of the sea of ​​space. Who on earth killed it?

Who is the target? "

"In our wild world, when did such a terrifying swordsman appear?"

"I deduced it, that sword light seems to have come from the reincarnation palace."

"Look at it, it seems that this sword light seems to be slashed towards the Feixian Palace."

... In the whole world, there are shocked discussions everywhere, constantly ringing.

"Look, that sword light is indeed heading towards Feixian Palace!"

Suddenly, someone screamed.

Rumble...I saw that the sword light came outside Feixian Palace and aimed at the door of Feixian Palace, murderous.

Within the Fei Xian Palace.

At this time, the entire Feixian Palace was a sensation.

"Report to the palace lord, outside the gate, a sword light suddenly appeared, it is very large, it seems that the person who came is not good!"

Several senior officials rushed to report to the palace lord.

"A sword light?

Who is so presumptuous! Dare to provoke us so much! Go out and take a look! "

The palace lord of Feixian Palace roared loudly.

Then, he led a group of high-level officials from Feixian Palace and rushed out of the gate.

"Palace Master, I will destroy it!"

A high-level Fei Xian Palace stepped out one step, and endless terrifying energy was released from the body.

Boom... He blasted out with a punch and blasted towards the sword light.

Rumble... a huge unmatched fist mark, violent, slammed before the sword light.


In the Samsara Palace, Lin Fei gently shouted.

Although, separated by distant time and space, Lin Fei could clearly see the situation of Feixian Palace.

"Sword Slashing Ten Thousand Realms, I seem to have improved a bit."

Lin Fei said to himself.

The so-called sword cut across the world is that no matter where you stand, in which space, in which river of years, you can cut out with one sword, and the sword light can manifest in any world and attack any opponent you want to attack. ! This is the legacy of Old Man Jian!

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