Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4332: Dark creatures appear

Following Lin Fei's soft drink, in front of the Fei Xian Palace gate, the sword light suddenly rose sharply, and the terrifying sword energy was released tremendously.

Click! Jian Guang slashed forward, smashing the entire arm of the high-level Fei Xian Palace on the spot, turning it into a cloud of blood.

"How is it possible [Bequgex]!"

In shock, that high-level backed desperately.

It's just a sword of light, it is so powerful! The other high-level members of Feixian Palace stared at the sword light hanging in front of the gate, their expressions became serious.

"Whose swordsmanship can reach this level amidst the wild world?"

The Palace Master of Feixian Palace said in doubt.

"Palace Master, the highest level of swordsmanship in the world of heaven is the old man with hidden swords.

Only the old man with hidden swords can have such a sword skill. "

A senior said in a deep voice.

"Old man with hidden sword?

Have we ever offended the old man with Tibetan swords in Fei Xian Palace?

Or, does the old man with the Tibetan sword have a good relationship with the Samsara Palace, so, help Samsara Palace to come out to deal with our Feixian Palace? "

The palace lord said thoughtfully.

"Palace lord, the old man with hidden swords has lived in seclusion for a long time, and has never been involved in the world.

We Fei Xian Gong, and the old man with the Tibetan sword do not have any hatred.

It is estimated that there will be no intersection between the Samsara Palace and the old man with the Tibetan sword.

It stands to reason that the old Tibetan sword should not come forward to deal with our Fei Xian Gong. "

A senior said.

"However, with the exception of the old man with hidden swords, it is impossible for other swordsmen to possess such a sophisticated level of kendo.

I think this sword light is mostly from the old man hiding the sword.

It is very possible that the old man of Tibetan sword misunderstood our Fei Xian Palace.

Maybe, explain it clearly and it's all right. "

A senior said.

"Yes, it makes sense."

The other senior officials nodded one after another.

In the wild world, the old man with hidden swords is famous and is one of the most powerful.

Even Fei Xian Gong was unwilling to be an enemy of the old Tibetan sword.

"Senior Tibetan sword old man, our Fei Xian Palace treats you with great respect.

Excuse me, is there something offended in our Fei Xian Palace? "

The Palace Master of Feixian Palace took a deep breath, took a step forward, and said loudly to the sword light.

"Dare to commit the reincarnation palace, go to death."

In the sword light, a voice suddenly came out.


Rumbling... the sword light began to riot, and the sword light was billowing, pouring out mightily.

Huh! That sword light aimed at the palace owner of Feixian Palace, slashed suddenly, like a thunder and lightning.

"Palace Master, he is not an old man with a hidden sword!"

"This is not the voice of the old Tibetan sword!"

...Immediately, the high-levels of Feixian Palace all yelled loudly.


Facing the sword light that was slashed violently, Palace Master Feixian roared, and a huge golden long knife was cut out from his body, as thick as a mountain, blocking the sword light.

when! The golden long knife collided with that sword light, making an amazing sound.

The master of Feixian Palace retreated dozens of steps on the spot, his face was full of shock.

Flying Immortal Palace is one of the strongest forces in the sky and the sea, and the Master of the Flying Immortal Palace is also one of the top masters in this space sea.

Now, he was shocked by a sword light.

It is conceivable that the master of this sword light is so powerful.

Boom... Before the Fei Xian Palace stood still, the sword light shook again and suddenly slashed.

Billowing sword energy, surging surging, flooded this piece of time and space.

"Okay, let me see how capable you are!"

The Flying Immortal Palace Master was so angry that he rushed out like a dragon with murderous intent. He raised the golden long knife, shook violently, and slashed forward.

when! The sword light and the golden long knife collided again, and the violent impact energy caused this time and space to riot.

Like a piece of cloth, it shakes violently.

Palace Master Flying Immortal, back again dozens of steps.

Huh! Before he could stand firm, the sword light came again quickly.

Dangdang...Next, the sword light, like a gust of wind and rain, repeatedly cut.

Feixiangong was forced to retreat continuously, very embarrassed.

"Let's go together!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other high-level officials of Feixian Palace stepped forward and attacked the sword light.

Boom... one after another fierce attack, like a tide, blasted towards the sword light, and finally, after a while, the sword light was successfully blocked, and he could no longer advance half an inch.

After all, these high-levels in Feixian Palace are all main gods.

Moreover, the combat power of each one is very powerful.

Dozens of main gods, added up, are very powerful.

However, even so, the power of that sword light was enough to shock people.

The entire Feixian Palace, all the high-levels, together with their sword power, could stop the sword light! At this moment, these high-level members of Feixian Palace looked at the sword light with solemn eyes.

"Huh! It turns out to be the remnant of the reincarnation line!"

Suddenly, a cold snort came out from Fei Xian Palace.


A black mist rushed out surging from the Fei Xian Palace.

More than a dozen black figures, hidden in the mist, exuded terrible ferocity.

"It really is a dark creature!"

In the distant Samsara Palace, Lin Fei couldn't help but look cold.

It seems that behind Feixian Palace, there are dark creatures.

It is no wonder that Fei Xian Palace and Samsara Palace used to live in peace, but Fei Xian Palace suddenly launched a war against Samsara Palace.

All this is due to the entry of dark creatures.

"The remnants of the reincarnation line, all deserve to die!"

A black figure said coldly.

Then, a black palm stretched out, and a palm patted the sword light in front of the gate of Fei Xian Palace. The billowing black energy frenzy swept out and disappeared.

The sword light suddenly vibrated and cut forward.

when! The black palm retreated, and the sword light was also shaken back.

The two sides seem to be invincible.

"The combat power of the black creatures is really terrifying!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Dangdang... That black palm, carrying the billowing black energy, slapped the sword light from palm to palm.

Finally, the sword light was forced to keep backing away from Fei Xian Palace.


The high-levels of Feixian Palace cheered in unison.

"Well, I will meet these dark creatures!"

Lin Fei said coldly in the reincarnation palace.


Lin Fei took the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and the ancestor of the Wind Demon towards the Fei Xian Palace, constantly crossing the void.

Before flying fairy palace.

"he came."

A black figure hidden in the mist said coldly.

"The remnants of the cycle of reincarnation, all deserve to die, kill without mercy!"

Another black figure said.

"Could it be the palace lord of the Samsara Palace, finally showing his face?"

A black figure said.

"Do not.

Not the master of the Samsara Palace, but the remnants of another line of Samsara. "

Another black figure said.

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