Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4341: Collect rebirth fragments

"The battle is finally over!"

The Lord of the Samsara Palace looked at the ground, piled up into piles of small black creatures, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Young Master Lin, I didn't expect your strength to be so terrible, much stronger than mine."

The beautiful eyes of the reincarnation palace lord looked at Lin Fei and said in a loud voice.

Lin Fei's combat effectiveness made her admire.

"Palace lord, you praised, the strength of the palace lord is not bad."

Lin Fei smiled.

At this time, the second and fourth reincarnation gods also appeared.

"We are in the same line of reincarnation. With two descendants like you, there is hope for future revival. It is not difficult to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation."

God said with satisfaction in the second round.

"Well, now put away the road monument and the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation. These are the two essential parts for rebuilding the cycle of reincarnation in the future."

God said in a loud voice in the fourth round.

"Okay, let's do it together."

Lin Fei said to the reincarnation palace lord.

Therefore, the two reincarnation gods began to instruct Lin Fei and the reincarnation palace lord how to collect the monument and the path.

The two reincarnation gods taught Lin Fei and the reincarnation palace master a very awkward technique, and also taught a secret method of how to communicate with the reincarnation fragments.

According to the secret method taught by the two reincarnation gods, Lin Fei and Princess Reincarnation quickly got in touch with the monument and the path respectively and made contact.

Lin Fei and the Reincarnation Palace Master both displayed the energy of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation that they had cultivated, and summoned the monument and the path.

Reincarnation was the top existence of the year. With the strength of Lin Fei and the reincarnation palace lord, it was actually a bit reluctant to collect the reincarnation fragments.

At the beginning, no matter how hard Lin Fei and Palace Master Samsara worked hard, there was no response from the stone stele and the path.

"Come slowly, don't worry.

Think of it as a kind of cultivation. "

The two reincarnation gods continued to encourage Lin Fei and the reincarnation palace lord.

Finally, after Lin Fei and Palace Master of Reincarnation tried for more than half a year, the stone stele and the path finally floated slowly, moving slowly towards Lin Fei and Palace Master of Reincarnation.

"Finally it's about to succeed!"

Both reincarnation gods are very pleasantly surprised.

"It seems that the two of you have great potential. You can actually get in touch with reincarnation so quickly.

This situation means that the two of you have been recognized by the cycle of reincarnation. From now on, even if the two of you are genuine, recognized by the cycle of reincarnation, the descendants of the cycle of reincarnation.

"The second round of God said in a loud voice.

"Yes, from now on, you two are descendants of the authentic cycle of reincarnation, because reincarnation has already recognized you and gained recognition from reincarnation. From then on, you two practice reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation, as well as the secret technique It will do more with less."

God also said in the fourth round.

Lin Fei and the Lord of Reincarnation kept displaying the law of reincarnation, keeping in touch with the stone tablet and the path. Finally, slowly the stone tablet and the path came to Lin Fei and the princess.

"Now you [Pencil Novel] two of them put them away."

God asked in the second round.

"Young Master Lin, you should put them away. Your strength is much stronger than mine. You have the ability to protect them."

Said the Reincarnation Palace Master.

"Yes, you should put them away. If those dark creatures know that there are two reincarnation fragments in your hands, they will definitely chase them madly. So whoever of you is strong, put it away. , It’s safer."

God also said in the second round.

"All right, I'll come and put them away."

Lin Fei nodded.

It is also true that Lin Fei's strength is much stronger than that of the reincarnation palace, and it is more conducive to protecting these two reincarnation fragments.

Therefore, Lin Fei transported the stone stele and the path into a human world in his body.

"Okay, let's go back."

God said in the fourth round.

As a result, everyone left this abandoned continent and returned to the sky and the sea.

"Lin Fei, you have two reincarnation fragments on your body. From now on, you may be chased by dark creatures, so you have to be careful."

Both the second and fourth reincarnation gods repeatedly told Lin Fei.

"Two seniors, please rest assured, I am mentally prepared, those dark creatures, let them come if you want, I am not afraid of them."

Lin Fei still had confidence in his own strength.

"That's not the case, Lin Fei, the master of the dark creatures you just met, is just the strength of the main god, if the masters of the chaotic **** among the dark creatures are staring at you.

It is difficult to deal with your current combat power. "

God said to Lin Fei in the second round.

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yes, I almost didn't expect that this dark creature could break the cycle of reincarnation back then, and almost destroyed the cycle of reincarnation, how could there be no master of Chaos God level.

There must be many masters with the strength of Chaos God among the dark creatures. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Lin Fei's current strength doesn't need to be afraid of encountering most of the main gods, but if he encounters the chaos gods, it is still a bit not enough.

"Lin Fei, don't think that your current strength is already very powerful. You can challenge the dark creatures only if you cultivate to become the Chaos God."

The second round reminded Lin Fei.

"Senior, I understand. From now on, I will work hard to cultivate and strive to become the Chaos God as soon as possible."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"Lin Fei, it is possible to cultivate to become a Chaos God with your strength, but if you want to truly cultivate to become a Chaos God, you can't just work hard.

The world does not know how many main gods there are, after a very long time of cultivation, how much energy and effort, and ultimately, there is no way to take that ultimate step. It is not easy to become a chaos god.

It requires hard work, but also depends on personal luck and resources, but you have to work hard anyway.

Maybe, when the chance comes, you will have the opportunity to break through and become the Chaos God. "

God sighed and said in the fourth round.

"Senior, I understand. I will work hard. I believe that one day, I will definitely be able to cultivate to become the Chaos God."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice, with huge confidence in his eyes.

You know, Lin Fei has been trained step by step from a small sect's miscellaneous disciple, an insignificant little figure to the present, and his heart has been tempered enough.

Lin Fei vowed that no matter how difficult it is, he must cultivate to become the Chaos God.

Lin Fei also believes that he has this talent.

"Well, two seniors, next I will leave the sky and sea, enter the sea of ​​absolute space, continue to wander, and look for other reincarnation fragments."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Young Master Lin, don't you plan to stay for a while in our wild world?"

Princess Samsara's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Fei and asked.

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