Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4342: Tianmu World Sea

"I was about to leave, and suddenly I felt a heavy burden on me.

To enter the sea of ​​absolute space and trespass, you must not only look for fragments of the cycle of rebirth, but also look for opportunities, and work hard to cultivate to make yourself stronger. "

Lin Fei replied.

The words of the two reincarnation gods made Lin Fei realize that his strength is actually not strong enough, and he has no real confidence to fight against the dark creatures.

In the battle not long ago, it took a long time for a master against a dark creature to destroy it. If you really encounter those chaotic **** level masters among the dark creatures in the future, you can't be an opponent at all.

Lin Fei suddenly felt an urge to become stronger.

Some time ago, Lin Fei entered the sea of ​​absolute space, single-mindedly looking for the whereabouts of the debris of the cycle of rebirth, and had already neglected in cultivation.

Lin Fei suddenly realized this problem after a battle with the army of dark creatures.

"Yes, in fact, I am also very weak now. I have to hurry up and make myself stronger."

The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast nodded when he heard Lin Fei's words.

"Two princes, even you feel weak and weak. Then I am weaker and poorer. It seems that I have to work hard and catch up, otherwise I will never catch up with you."

The ancestor of the wind demon couldn't help sighing after hearing Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

"My son, since you said that, I won't keep you.

In fact, when I settle things in the desert world and sea, one day I will also enter the sea of ​​absolute space to trespass, experience, and make myself stronger.

Young Master Lin takes care, and we will definitely meet again in the future. "

The Lord of Samsara said to Lin Fei.

"I teach you two a secret method to imprint each other's spirit and spirit. In the future, you will be able to keenly feel each other's existence even after a distant time and space."

In the second round, God said openly.

"That's great!"

The Lord of Samsara said immediately.

She knew that in the future, she would definitely enter the sea of ​​absolute space to trespass, and if she could get in touch with a strong man like Lin Fei, of course there would be many benefits.

What's more, Lin Fei is also a descendant of the reincarnation line, everyone is his own, and if he can contact, he will have one more reference.

"that's good."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

So the second reincarnation taught Lin Fei and the reincarnation palace lord a secret technique, allowing them to imprint each other's spirit aura.

As a result, Lin Fei and Palace Master of Reincarnation realized that they could perceive each other's existence more clearly.

"Sure enough, this kind of secret technique is very mysterious, even if it is separated from the distant time and space, it is possible to feel the presence of the other party."

The Lord of Samsara sighed and said.

A few days later, Lin Fei bid farewell to the second reincarnation **** and the reincarnation palace lord, and left the sky-destroy world sea with the chaos-swallowing beast and the ancestor of the wind demon, and re-entered the absolute space sea.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, in a sea of ​​black misty space, all living in this sea of ​​space are dark creatures, which is equivalent to a nest of dark creatures.

In the depths of this sea of ​​space, there is a plane of horrible dark energy.

"Immediately send someone to chase down that human boy. He has two reincarnation fragments on his body. You must grab those two reincarnation fragments and destroy them. In this way, the cycle of reincarnation will be rebuilt. The difficulty is much greater.

The order is passed on, and from now on, we will send troops into the sea of ​​absolute space to look for the whereabouts of the reincarnation fragments. Once found, they will be destroyed directly. We must not let the reincarnation line successfully rebuild the reincarnation, otherwise, wait until they succeed. Rebuilding the cycle of rebirth will pose a great threat to our dark creatures. "

A rumbling, demonic and evil voice rang in this plane.

"My lord, I understand, I will send a man and horse to chase down that human kid now!"

Another voice replied respectfully.

After a while, a large number of dark creatures left the sea of ​​space and entered the sea of ​​absolute space.

At this time, Lin Fei, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and the ancestor of the Wind Demon continued to wander through the sea of ​​absolute space, passing through strange seas of space after another.

Whenever they came to a sea of ​​space, Lin Niu would look for things related to reincarnation, but after walking through more than a dozen seas of space in a row, they did not find anything related to reincarnation.

Just when Lin Fei and the others were wandering around in the sea of ​​absolute space.

In the distant and endless sea of ​​absolute space, there is a very large-scale space sea. The name of this space sea is Tianmu World Sea.

It is said that the Tianmu World Sea was a residence left by the Tianmu Chaos God who was ranked first in the Absolute Space Sea.

A long time ago, the Tianmu Chaos God was a top master with a great reputation in the sea of ​​absolute space.

It is possible that creatures like Lin Fei who have been in a sea of ​​space before have never heard of the name of the Tianmu Chaos God.

However, for those creatures who often wander in the sea of ​​absolute space, or many chaos gods, the reputation of the Tianmu Chaos God is like thunder, but later, the Tianmu Chaos God left the Tianmu World Sea for some reason. ,Disappear.

After that, it never appeared again.

There is also a legend about the Tianmu Chaos God, that is, he likes to collect all kinds of treasures. After the Tianmu Chaos God left, many creatures broke into the Tianmu world to hunt for treasure.

From generation to generation, throughout the ages, I don’t know how many creatures have entered the world of Tianmu, looking for treasures. Many creatures have found some very precious treasures in it.

There are also some creatures who have returned empty-handed. In short, the Tianmu World Sea has now become a holy land for exploration and treasure hunting.

On this day, in the world of Tianmu.


Boom boom boom...Several very huge beams of light shot out from the sea of ​​tianmu world, a total of nine thick beams of light, with a length of hundreds of millions of meters, jetted out from the sea of ​​tianmu world, into the sea of ​​absolute space Among.

The nine thick beams of light are of different colors, just like a peacock opening a screen, shooting in different directions.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​absolute space, many chaotic world gods discovered this vision.

"What happened on earth, it seems that a vision has happened in the world of Tianmu."

The eyes of countless Chaos Gods all looked at the Tianmu World Sea, wondering what happened in the Tianmu World Sea.

After all, the Tianmu World Sea is a very famous place in the absolute space sea, and it is easy to attract attention.

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