Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4343: Nine poles yin and yang talisman

"There are a total of 9 thick beams of light of different colors, which are ejected from the sea of ​​Tianmu World at the same time. Could it be that the legendary Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman appeared?"

A Chaos God said suspiciously.

"Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Symbol?

! "

The other Chaos Gods were a bit surprised.

"If the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman really appeared, then it is indeed a great opportunity for the Lord God!"

"If any main **** obtains the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, then the probability of breaking into the Chaos God in the future can at least increase by hundreds of times."

There are many chaotic gods in the sea of ​​absolute space, and there are many discussions.

According to legend, the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman is a precious treasure collected by the Tianmu Chaos God, and the Nine Extremes Yin Yang Talisman is a treasure that all the main gods in the world dream of.

Because, in the nine-level Yin-Yang Talisman, all the laws of the world are recorded. As long as the laws that have existed in the world, no matter how profound or simple it is, they will be recorded by the Nine-Extreme Yin-Yang Talisman.

When a master **** wants to take that ultimate step and become the chaos god, he must comprehend and analyze various laws in the world.

Only by comprehending as many laws as possible and clearly understanding the nature of everything in the world can it finally be possible to take that ultimate step.

Therefore, a master **** who wants to cultivate to become a chaos **** must travel everywhere, walk through the sea of ​​space one after another, and spend a lot of time slowly to understand all the laws encountered.

When the accumulation is enough, it will be possible to take the ultimate step.

The legendary Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman records all the laws that have ever appeared in the world.

In this way, if any of the main gods obtains the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, then there is no need to travel everywhere, and there is no need to find the world sea by sea to understand the laws.

Instead, you can find a place to retreat and comprehend the laws recorded in the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman.

Just think about how much time and energy this can save! Therefore, it can be said that the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman is the best auxiliary treasure for all the main gods in the world, who want to cultivate to become the Chaos God.

Soon, news of the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman appeared in the Tianmu World Sea, spreading out at an astonishing speed.

After hearing this news, one after another, the uncountable number of main gods in the sea of ​​space was moved, and they began to set off one after another, rushing towards the sea of ​​heavenly eyes, wanting to obtain the nine-pole yin and yang talisman.

In a sea of ​​space with green laws floating everywhere.

Above a huge green star, there was a long horn with two curved horns, and the old man with green hair was sitting leisurely.

This old man has been meditating on this star for hundreds of thousands of years.

"The ancestor... the ancestor..." Suddenly dozens of main gods hurriedly rushed to the old man in the distance.

"what's the matter?"

The old man opened his eyes, and in his eyes were endless scenes of the universe.

"Ancestor, have you heard of it?

News of Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman appeared in the Tianmu World Sea. "

One of the main gods said respectfully.

"I know about this. In fact, I have deduced a long time ago that there will be a nine-pole yin and yang talisman in the world of Tianmu."

The old man nodded and replied.

"It turns out that the ancestor has already deduced it! The ancestor's deduction technique is really rare in the world! So, ancestor, should my clan send out men and horses to **** the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman?

Now many main gods are rushing to the Tianmu World Sea one after another, all for the purpose of the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman. "

One of the main gods spoke up.

"Send someone to try it. Although the result of my deduction, the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, it is very likely that it will fall into the hands of an obscure human kid, but the deduction is only a sign, and the real result is unknown. .

I will use a secret technique of luck to forcefully increase your luck and increase your chances of getting the Nine-Zole Yin and Yang Talisman. "

The ancestor thought for a while and nodded and said.

"Old ancestor, you deduced that the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman will fall into the hands of an obscure human kid?

This is unlikely.

You must know that this time the news of the birth of the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman has spread throughout countless seas of space. As far as I know, there are some great forces with terrifying strength that have sent troops to the Sea of ​​Tianmu.

So the competition will be fierce. How could the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman fall into an unknown kid? "

Those main gods felt a little puzzled and didn't believe it very much.

"This is the result I personally deduced. Although the human kid himself has no reputation, he has the cause and effect of reincarnation in his body.

So you must not underestimate him.


Wasn't the line of reincarnation already destroyed in that battle?

Why did it suddenly appear now? "

A main **** asked puzzledly.

"The cycle of reincarnation cannot be truly destroyed, because the cycle of reincarnation emphasizes reincarnation, which is too mysterious.

Even if the entire army was almost destroyed by the dark creatures, the reincarnation gods will definitely leave behind one after another hole cards and lay out many back paths.

The law of reincarnation in the reincarnation line is very mysterious, and it is difficult for me to really understand it.

During this period of time, the dark creatures have continuously sent troops into the sea of ​​absolute space, searching for people in the line of reincarnation everywhere.

This shows that the reincarnation line has been reborn.

Okay, you don't need to worry about these things. Hurry up and send people to the Tianmu World Sea.

If you can bring back the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, there may be more Chaos Gods in our race in the future.

In this way, our clan will truly rise, and will be much stronger than it is now. "

The ancestor said.

"Ancestor I, there is one thing that I don't understand. Since the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman are so precious, why don't you go out to the Tianmu World Sea by yourself and take the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman."

Suddenly, a main **** asked in a loud voice.

"You don't know that the fellow Tianmu Chaos God collected a lot of treasures, and he kept those treasures in the Tianmu World Sea.

In order to prevent other Chaos Gods from entering the Tianmu World Sea to **** his treasures, he has long deployed many methods specifically to prevent the Chaos God from entering the Tianmu World Sea.

If we chaotic gods insist on breaking into the Tianmu World Sea, then the Tianmu World Sea will react and explode directly, exploding all the treasures in the Tianmu World Sea to smash and vanish.

Therefore, no matter how precious treasures there are in the world of Tianmu, we chaotic gods will not have the opportunity to enter it personally. "

The old man said in a loud voice.

"Tianmu Chaos God is a guy with a very strong guard heart. He would rather destroy all the treasures he collects than leave it to other Chaos Gods."

The old man shook his head and smiled [].

"So that's the case, ancestor, that means that all the people who entered the Tianmu World Sea and snatched the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman this time were all the main gods."

A main **** asked in a loud voice.

"Yes, so you go quickly, our clan is powerful, and there is a chance to get the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman."

The old man nodded and replied.

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