Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4365: Mental world

As time passed slowly, Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast fought fiercely with the silver puppets that kept rushing up.

The bodies of these silver puppets were the same as those of the black puppets, very hard, no matter how hard Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast attacked, there was no way to harm their bodies.

If you want to defeat them, you can only attack and smash the energy spar at the center of their brows.

The defense of these silver puppets is very tight, especially for the position of the eyebrows. It is almost a dripping defense. It is very difficult to hit the position of their eyebrows.

Lin Fei is a little better, because Lin Fei is good at mental attacks. During the battle, he kept showing his heart sword, hitting the silver puppets' eyebrows continuously.

Although the energy spar is very hard, under Lin Fei's continuous and massive attacks, slowly, the energy spar will be consumed.

Then, Lin Fei discovered that when the energy spar was depleted, the combat effectiveness of the silver puppets would slowly decline.

This discovery made Lin Fei very pleasantly surprised. As soon as he launched an attack, he would desperately display his energy, constantly attacking the energy spar between the silver puppets' eyebrows.

However, when the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast fights those silver puppets, it seems much harder than Lin Fei, because the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast is best at power attacks. It fights fiercely, and every move contains terrible power. But no matter how powerful the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was, there was no way to hurt the bodies of those silver puppets.

The devouring ability of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast is of little use to these puppets, because these puppets have a special law. Whenever the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast opens its mouth and wants to swallow them, there will be a special kind of The law released to resist the devouring energy displayed by the chaos-swallowing beast.

So even if the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast opened its mouth wide, there was no way to swallow those puppets.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was greatly reduced.

It's just that the Chaos Swallowing Beast is a prestigious divine beast after all. In addition to its swallowing ability and infinite power, it also has many other racial inheritance secrets.

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast has continuously displayed these racial inheritance secret techniques, which are very powerful, and continuously throw the silver puppets out.

"These guys are too difficult!"

After fighting for a few days and nights, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast couldn't help but sighed and said to Lin Fei.

"It doesn't matter, just consider it to exercise our combat effectiveness. After fighting with these puppets for so long, I feel that my combat effectiveness has improved a bit. I seem to have improved the various exercises and martial arts that I have previously practiced. Deep understanding.

So don't worry, it's just a kind of training. "

Lin Fei smiled and said to the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast.

"That's also true. I have fought so many puppets during this period. It seems that my combat power has also improved a bit, especially the several racial inheritance secrets I have just learned. In this high-intensity battle, It seems to be more and more proficient.

Well, it is a kind of calendar. "

The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast couldn't help but nodded in agreement after hearing Lin Fei's words.

It is also true that during this period of time, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast did not know how many games they fought with these puppets. During the battle, all kinds of exercises and martial arts they had previously practiced were repeatedly performed , Is indeed more and more skilled.

Even faintly improved, so by now, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast are aware that these puppets in front of them seem to be a very rare opportunity for themselves.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had different mentalities. Instead of the irritability and anxiety they had before, they became full of high fighting spirit.

The battle continued. Although the number of these silver puppets was only a few thousand, it was much less than the number of black puppets.

However, because the fighting power of these silver puppets is very powerful, the time it takes Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast to deal with these silver puppets is much longer than the time it takes to deal with the black puppets.

In the course of the battle, Lin Fei repeated and didn't know how many heart swords he had cast. Almost every minute and every second, he continuously launched heart sword attacks.

Slowly, Lin Fei realized that the level of his mental strength seemed to be slowly increasing, because the martial arts of the heart sword, in the final analysis, were the use of mental power. Gradually, Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge showed some mental power Sentiment.

The essence of mind power is the power of mind. If you want to have strong mind power, you must have a deep understanding and perception of mind. The deeper the understanding and perception of mind, the stronger mind power can be stimulated.

In the course of the battle, Lin Fei's sentiment of the mind suddenly became much deeper with the heart swords that he used repeatedly.

"My mental strength seems to be stronger!"

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

All kinds of understandings and perceptions about mental power continued to surface in Lin Fei's heart. With the continuous improvement of mental power level, Lin Fei thought of another question.

Those mental power experts can actually simulate a mental power world with their mental power.

"How can they do it?"

Lin Fei couldn't help thinking of the mental power displayed by those mental power masters when fighting for the first and second nine-pole Yin and Yang talisman, which made Lin Fei feel very yearning.

Therefore, Lin Fei began to think about how to build a mental power world. To build a mental power world, first of all, we need to have a strong mental power as a foundation. This is beyond doubt.

Then, you still need to have a very precise control of your mind, and then it is possible to use your mind to build a huge mind world bit by bit.

"I don't know if I can build a mental power world with my current mental power level."

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

Therefore, Lin Fei began to try, while recalling the mental power world shown by those mental power masters he had seen before, while using his mental power energy to try to construct his mental power world bit by bit.

However, Lin Fei soon realized that it was really difficult to construct a mental power world.

Not only need to have a strong mind, but also to control it to reach the point of heinous precision.

Moreover, enough patience and high concentration are required, and there is no slightest negligence.

As long as a slight omission is made, the entire mental power world built immediately will collapse and all previous efforts will be useless.

In the process of trying, Lin Fei failed again and again, but Lin Fei understood that it is not so easy to construct a mental world, and it is estimated that a lot of attempts will be required.

Of course, while trying to build a world of mental power, Lin Fei still fought fiercely with the silver puppets.

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