Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4366: Mind Power World Dafa

During the battle, Lin Fei displayed the secret technique of transforming one Qi into three clears, and three identical Lin Fei appeared.

One of them used all kinds of martial arts secrets to fight with the silver puppets.

The other is to continuously use the heart sword to attack the energy spar between the silver puppets' eyebrows. The third Lin Fei is responsible for comprehending the mind power and constantly trying to build the mind power world.

With the passage of time, Lin Fei continued to defeat silver puppets one after another, and due to a large number of uninterrupted use of heart swords, Lin Fei's mental strength level continued to rise, and I don't know how long it took.

"Great, with the last 1,000 silver puppets, we can defeat all these pesky silver guys!"

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, there are the last 1,000!"

Lin Fei was also a little excited, and said in a loud voice.

What surprises Lin Fei the most is that his mental strength level has improved a lot, and the power he can exert is at least twice as high as before. It is very difficult to cultivate mental strength, and it is the most difficult in the world. An energy of cultivation.

The cultivation of mental strength has nothing to do with diligence or the amount of time spent. The improvement of mental strength is the most important thing about whether you have the talent in this area and whether you can deeply understand and feel your mind.

If you don't have this talent, no matter how long you practice, it's useless.

With the continuous improvement of the level of mental strength, Lin Fei displayed the sword of the heart, and it became easier to deal with the silver puppets.

One after another, Heart Swords constantly attacked the energy spar between the silver puppet's eyebrows, and it didn't take long to consume those energy spars.

Then, the fighting power of those silver puppets also began to decline rapidly.

In this way, Lin Fei will defeat them more easily.

During the battle, the number of silver puppets that Lin Fei defeated was at least four or five times that of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast. This was mainly because Lin Fei was good at mental strength.

"How do I feel that your heart sword is getting stronger and stronger."

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast couldn't help but said to Lin Fei in surprise.

"Yes, in this kind of high-intensity battle, it helps a lot to improve my mental strength."

Lin Fei nodded.

Next, time slowly passed.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast continued to fight the silver puppets. As Lin Fei's mental power level continued to improve, it took Lin Fei to defeat the silver puppets in less time.

Later, Lin Fei almost crushed it unilaterally, and could defeat a silver puppet in a moment.

The silver puppets just rushed to Lin Fei's body, Lin Fei released a wave of heart attack, and immediately the fighting power of the silver puppets plummeted.

Then, Lin Fei rushed up with a fierce attack and quickly defeated all these silver puppets.

It can be said that the last two to three hundred silver puppets were all defeated by Lin Fei himself.

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast followed Lin Fei, and before he could make a move, one after another silver puppet was defeated by Lin Fei.

"Too abnormal!"

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast couldn't help but exclaimed.

Finally, all the 5,000 silver puppets were defeated, and they all returned to their original positions, standing still.

"So, you have two options next. The first is to deal with the 500 golden puppets. What I want to remind you is that the strength of these golden puppets is not much worse than the two of you.

Therefore, it is very difficult for you to defeat these 500 golden puppets. The second option is that you can go to the space next to the square and see the inheritance left by my master.

Because you have defeated all the black puppets and all the silver puppets, you are already qualified to enter that space.

I think you should choose the second one.

If your savvy is good enough, you can get some of the inheritance left by my master, which will greatly help you improve your combat effectiveness.

In this way, your hopes for defeating these 500 golden puppets and the last white puppet are much greater. "

The golden giant stood beside the square, watching the battle between Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and said in a loud voice.

After hearing the golden giant's words, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast looked at each other, hesitating which one to choose.

"Senior, I would like to ask, in the inheritance left by the Tianmu Chaos God, are there any exercises or martial arts related to mental strength?"

Suddenly, Lin Fei thought of this and asked.

"Of course there is. In fact, my master had relatively high attainments in mental strength back then. The master also left a set of mental strength exercises on a stone tablet in the space next to the square. If you want to To learn and enlighten, you can enter that space."

The golden giant nodded and said to Lin Fei.

"Then we choose to enter that space and learn about those steles."

Lin Fei made a choice immediately.

"Well, the inheritance left by a Chaos God is indeed worthy of our understanding."

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also nodded, agreeing with Lin Fei's choice.

"Well then you two will go over!"

The golden giant nodded.

Then with a wave of his hand, a golden avenue appeared at the feet of Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast. Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast walked along this golden avenue and quickly walked into a special space beside the square.

In this space, there are huge stone tablets floating in the air, and each stone tablet records a kind of exercise or martial skill.

"That stone stele records the inheritance of the heart and strength left by my master."

The golden giant also followed in, pointed at one of the steles, and said to Lin Fei.

"Thank you senior for your advice."

Lin Fei was very moved, and immediately walked to the stone tablet, sat down cross-legged, released his divine consciousness, and felt the past towards the stone tablet.

Mind Power World Dafa! Soon, Lin Fei knew what the name of the heart power inheritance recorded on this stone tablet was.

This is actually a special cultivation method to build the mental power world.

This surprised Lin Fei. In the course of the battle, Lin Fei had been trying to build a world of mental power, but failed all the time. There was no way to successfully build a world of mental power.

Unexpectedly, now I have encountered this kind of mental power practice that specifically builds the world of mental power.

"Okay! Let's immediately comprehend and cultivate this kind of mental power world Dafa!"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

Then Lin Fei began to comprehend carefully.

Soon, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also discovered a kind of inheritance he was very interested in, sitting crouched in front of one of the stone tablets, and began to comprehend.

At this moment, suddenly, a large number of main gods walked into the palace and came to the square.

Many of the main gods outside have passed the assessment of that white corridor, defeated the black puppets, and came to the palace.

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