Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4367: Cultivating Mind Power World Dafa

The first step in cultivating and experiencing the world's Dafa is to stick to the heart and have a strong enough mind.

The so-called mental strength is the power of the mind. Only when the mind is strong enough, it is possible to give birth to a strong mind.

If you want to have a strong mind, you must stick to your heart and not be affected by any foreign objects. Only those who stick to your heart and stick to yourself can have a strong mind.

And since Lin Fei embarked on the road of cultivation, he has always been able to have a firm heart to martial arts, no matter what difficulties and setbacks he encounters, he will not waver.

From a small disciple of a small school in a small world, growing up step by step, you can achieve today's achievements in a short time! This is also why Lin Fei is so talented in cultivating mental strength.

Because Lin Fei is a person who can stick to his heart and have a strong mind.

The first step in the world of Dafa with this kind of mental strength is to train that you can stick to your original mind and have a strong and unyielding mind no matter how painful or extreme the situation is.

Once the first step is performed, it will bring terrible pain and torture to the soul body, and even this torture and pain, if there is no way to survive, will bring disaster to the cultivator.

Therefore, cultivating this kind of mental power world Dafa is very dangerous! "Okay, let's start!"

Lin Fei said to himself.

Then began the first step in cultivating Mind Power World Dafa.

Lin Fei's hands kept pinching out one after another mysterious tactics, muttering words in his mouth, and chanting a very awkward, ancient, mysterious spell.

Then, he urged the various laws that he had practiced, and attacked the soul body in the sea of ​​knowledge, and immediately began to suffer pain.

Lin Fei's soul body began to feel huge terrible pain.

Moreover, the pain became more and more intense, as if a knife was desperately cutting the soul body, cutting the soul body into pieces.

This is tantamount to a kind of destruction to one's own soul body.

And in this process, Lin Fei had to stick to his heart and use his powerful mind to overcome this terrible pain.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the extreme pain of the soul body to exercise and give birth to a powerful heart.

As time passed slowly, the pain felt by Lin Fei's soul body became stronger and more unbearable.

Lin Fei even felt that his soul body was about to explode, exploding into nothingness.

But in Lin Fei's heart, he always insisted on a strong mind, that is, never give up, never give in, and never bow to this cruel and innocent pain.

Although the soul body felt the extreme pain, Lin Feipan sat in front of the stone tablet and did not move. Except for the slight trembling of his body, he did not scream, let alone roll all over the floor, but with a strong mind. Come to fight the great pain.

Time passed slowly. Suddenly at a certain moment, Lin Fei realized that when he used his strong mind to resist the great pain, his mental strength began to slowly improve.

Because mental strength is originally a kind of power born with strong minds.

Now, Lin Fei's mind became stronger and stronger, so naturally the mental strength that was born also became stronger.

"It's really useful. It turns out that you can use this method to cultivate your mind!"

Lin Fei was very surprised, and even temporarily forgot the uncomfortable feeling caused by the extreme pain of the soul body.

The way of exercising mental strength recorded in the Mind Power World Dafa is simple, cruel, but very effective! Lin Fei felt as if a door had been opened before his eyes in terms of mental strength cultivation.

"From now on, I can use this method to continuously exercise my mental strength level. From then on, I have found the right way to cultivate my mental strength!"

Lin Fei was very surprised.

I have to say that the inheritance left by a Chaos God is indeed very complicated. In addition, Lin Fei is already very talented in the cultivation of mind strength, so the moment he cultivates this mind strength world Dafa, he has gained a lot. And sentiment.

"Young man, it’s very nice. I didn’t expect you to have such a high talent in terms of mental power. My master once said that this kind of mental power world Dafa is very difficult for some living creatures to cultivate, but for those who have this aspect. For the talented creatures, this is very easy to cultivate.

Obviously, young people are the kind of gifted! "

Said the golden giant.

"Unfortunately, I don't have much time. If I have enough time, I can practice slowly and gradually improve, and my mental strength level will definitely have a qualitative leap!"

Lin Fei said regretfully.

In the square outside, more and more main gods entered this palace and started fighting with the black puppets.

Of course, the main purpose of those main gods entering this palace is also for the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman.

So Lin Fei knew that he could not practice here for too long, he had to go out as soon as possible and continue to defeat the remaining golden puppets and the last white puppet, before he could get the third nine-pole yin and yang talisman, otherwise he would go ahead. Ruined.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't have much time to cultivate this kind of mental power world Dafa.

"Young man, you can rest assured that I can help you change the flow of time in this space, so that you have enough time to cultivate the mind-power world Dafa.

Well, let me stop the time in the small space where you are, so that no matter how long you practice, the time outside is just one second past! "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.

"Then thank you senior!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being very surprised.

At the same time, I was very impressed by the golden giant's methods.

Lin Fei couldn't do it with this method.

"You are welcome, young man, your talent is very good, I am optimistic about you."

The golden giant said with a smile.

Then he waved his hand, and a powerful space-time energy and law filled the small space where Lin Fei was.

Then, Lin Fei found that the small piece of space he was in seemed to be frozen, and time and space remained still.

"Well, young man, now you can have a lot of time to slowly cultivate this kind of mental power world Dafa."

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei thanked the golden giant again.

Then, Lin Fei began to concentrate on cultivating Mind Power World Dafa.

Without the pressure of time, Lin Fei became more engaged in cultivation, and gradually, the pain felt by Lin Fei's soul body became stronger and stronger.

His face was flushed, blue veins burst, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

But correspondingly, Lin Fei's ideas became stronger and stronger.

Lin Fei found that as his mind became stronger and stronger, his tolerance for pain was also improving, and gradually he was able to cope with pain easily!

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