Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4369: Fight against golden puppets

"Senior, now I am going out to continue challenging those puppets."

Lin Fei stood up and said in a loud voice.

Now, Lin Fei became more and more respectful and grateful to this golden giant.

"Go, the next thing you have to deal with is the 500 golden puppets. Now that your mental strength has improved so much, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat the five or five hundred golden puppets."

The golden giant nodded and replied.

"I can too!"

At this moment, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also stood up and said in a loud voice.

During this period of time, he has also practiced a kind of inheritance, and his combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.

The kind of inheritance he was comprehending was related to power. Now his power is not only much stronger than before, but he also possesses many kinds of supernatural powers related to power.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast returned to the square.

At this time, many other main gods had entered in the square, fighting those black puppets.

"Boy, you took my two Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, and now you immediately return them to me, otherwise, I will never let you go!"

The white-robed man who is good at formation has also arrived in this square, and he is fighting a dozen black puppets. He has seen Lin Fei appear, and immediately furious, his eyes fixed on Lin Fei. Want to rush over and fight Lin Fei desperately.

This white-robed man's formation level is very high, compared with Lin Fei's formation level, each has its own merits, and in some aspects of his formation, he is stronger than Lin Fei, so his combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

Otherwise, he would not have grabbed the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman twice before.

"Haha, nonsense.

Whoever Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman belongs to you, all the geniuses and treasures in the world are unowned. If you want to get it, you have to rely on your own ability. Now I grab the two Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, they are already mine So you don’t just say that the two Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman belong to you, do you understand? "

Lin Fei sneered and said to the white robe man.

"Boy, dare to be arrogant in front of me, I will kill you now!"

The man in the white robe was so angry that he was even more completely furious when he heard Lin Fei's words. He desperately wanted to rush towards Lin Fei and start his hand.

At this time, the golden giant appeared.

"This is the place left by my master for experience. You are not allowed to fight with each other. Whoever dares to violate, don't blame me for being rude!"

The golden giant roared and glared at the white-robed man.

Immediately a very terrifying energy appeared out of thin air, blocking the white robe man's body, and instantly shook him back.

This place is the territory of the golden giant, and he has all kinds of terrible methods.

The white-robed man was frightened and angry, looking at the golden giant, his face was uncertain, and finally he did not dare to do anything.

"Boy, I won't let you go if you wait. The two Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman on you, I will grab it back sooner or later!"

The white-robed man glared at Lin Fei, gritted his teeth and said.

Then he turned and went to fight the black puppets again.

"Let's do it too!"

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

Then, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast walked toward the golden puppets and provoked.

Immediately, those golden puppets were activated, and 20 golden puppets rushed out at the same time, 10 rushed towards Lin Fei, and 10 rushed towards Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast immediately started fighting with the golden puppets.

As soon as he started his hands, Lin Fei found that the combat power of these golden puppets was terrifying, much stronger than the silver puppets before.

"If I hadn't practiced the Mind Power World Dafa and had a qualitative improvement in my mind power level, it would be really difficult to defeat all these 500 golden puppets!"

Lin Fei was secretly surprised while fighting the golden puppets.

Then, Lin Fei used the display to transform the three clears, and three identical Lin Fei appeared, fighting with the golden puppets at the same time.

Then, Lin Fei began to display the world of mental power, Lin Fei's mind moved, and a transparent world of mental power appeared immediately, covering all the 10 golden puppets.

In this way, the ten golden puppets were completely plunged into the mental power world constructed by Lin Fei.

In this world of mental power, it is full of endless mental power. Everything in this world is controlled by Lin Fei's mental power.

Immediately, the movements of the ten golden puppets became slow.

Because, at all times, there is endless mental strength, squeezing their bodies strongly, and infiltrating into their bodies, forcibly controlling their bodies, and at the same time, a powerful heart sword is constantly directed at them. The energy spar between the eyebrows attacked frantically.

In the mental power world, Lin Fei's mental energy is almost inexhaustible, and can be produced continuously.

With Lin Fei's display of the mental power world, the combat power of the 10 golden puppets almost dropped by more than half in an instant.

In this way, they looked very weak to Lin Fei.

The remaining combat power of these golden puppets is almost the same as the previous silver puppets.

In an instant, the energy spar between the 10 golden puppets' eyebrows was shattered by Lin Fei.

Then, the ten golden puppets returned to where they stood before, standing with their heads down, motionless.

Then, another group of golden puppets rushed up and began to attack Lin Fei.

This time, 20 golden puppets came up to deal with Lin Fei at the same time.

Lin Fei's mind moved, and the world of mental power shrouded in the past, covering all these 20 golden puppets in the world of mental power, and then, endless mental energy madly attacked these 20 golden puppets, one after another. , A steady stream, madly attacking the energy spar between their eyebrows like a rainstorm.

The combat effectiveness of these 20 golden puppets also dropped by more than half in an instant.

"The mental power world is really amazing!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Of course, what my master left behind is the mind-power world Dafa, but it is quite clever. The mind-power world constructed by your cultivation of the mind-power world Dafa is more powerful than the mind power world constructed by many other mind-power practitioners.

So young people, with your current mental power level, and then meet other mental power practitioners, most of you can easily defeat them. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei triumphantly.

"Yes, the mind-power world Dafa left by Senior Tianmu Chaos God is indeed very powerful!"

Lin Fei also had to admit, nodded and said.

After a while, Lin Fei easily defeated the 20 golden puppets.

"How is it possible, how can this kid's combat effectiveness become so powerful! Those are golden puppets! He can defeat those golden puppets so easily!"

In the distance, the main gods who were fighting against the black puppets couldn't believe them all looking at them.

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