Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4370: Continue to comprehend

The reason why the main gods were able to enter this palace for experience was also with the consent of the golden giant.

Therefore, the main gods have all heard this golden giant say about the fighting power of these puppets in the square.

The combat power of the black puppet is the weakest, and then the silver puppet, the golden puppet, and the white puppet are on top.

Those main gods are now fighting 30,000 black puppets, and they are already fighting very fiercely, indistinguishable, and it is very difficult to win.

However, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast were already fighting the golden puppets. In contrast, the main gods were too slow.

Especially when they saw that the combat power demonstrated by Lin Fei was so powerful, they could easily defeat the golden puppets, and the main gods were even more unwilling.

They knew that if this continued, Lin Fei might really get the last nine-pole Yin-Yang talisman, and he could also become a disciple of the Tianmu Chaos God, inheriting all the treasures the Tianmu Chaos God left in the Tianmu World Sea! "We have to speed up the speed too, otherwise all benefits will be given to that nasty kid!"

"Yes, so many of us came to the Tianmu World Sea, and spent so much time and energy. If all of them are cheaper in the end, that kid would be really unwilling!"

"The first two Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman both fell in his hands. If the third Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman also fell in his hands, it would be really unfair!"

The main gods all spoke.

Then they began to fight desperately with the black puppets, trying to defeat the black puppets as fast as possible and keep up with Lin Fei's speed.

"Hahaha, believe me, you have no chance, the last Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman will also belong to me, you say nothing!"

Lin Fei looked at the main gods who were glaring at him, and felt very happy in his heart.

This time coming to Tianmu World Sea, even Lin Fei himself did not expect that the harvest would be so great.

The two nine-pole yin and yang talisman in the front are very precious, and judging from the current situation, most of the last nine-pole yin and yang talisman is in his own hands.

With the continuous improvement of combat effectiveness, Lin Fei has become more and more confident about this.

At this moment, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast had already defeated dozens of golden puppets.

This surprised Lin Fei.

"It seems that the inheritance of the chaos-swallowing beast's enlightenment and cultivation in that space is also very powerful!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Then, Lin Fei continued to fight the golden puppets. In the course of the battle, Lin Fei continued to display his mental power and easily defeated one golden puppet after another.

Finally, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast defeated all the 500 golden puppets.

And the time taken is not very long.

Now, what Lin Fei had to face was the last puppet, the white puppet! The white puppet sat cross-legged in a corner of the square, closed his eyes and did not move. There was no energy pressure released from his body.

However, when Lin Fei looked at the black puppet, he had a thrilling feeling and could feel a very strong danger.

Needless to say, the strength of this white puppet must be terrifying, and Lin Fei even wondered if he could defeat this white puppet.

"Young man, in the body of this white puppet is the imprint of the soul left by my master. Therefore, he knows a lot of the secret techniques my master once practiced. In fact, this white puppet is equivalent to me. A clone of his master.

Of course it is a very, very weak clone, but even so, it is not easy to defeat him with your current strength, so you have to be careful.

Of course, in addition to fighting this white puppet, you have another choice, that is, you can enter that space at any time to continue to comprehend and practice, the inheritance left by my master. "

At this time, the golden giant came to Lin Fei's side and said to Lin Fei in a loud voice.

Lin Fei was able to fight those puppets all the way, until the last white puppet, which made this golden giant pay more and more attention to Lin Fei.

In his mind, he has already begun to think that Lin Fei is very likely to go to the end and completely become his master's disciple.

Therefore, his current attitude towards Lin Fei is also very good.

"Young man, I advise you to enter that space again and continue to comprehend the inheritance left by my master.

Increase your combat power first, and then continue to fight the white puppet.

Don't worry, it is absolutely impossible for those other people to be able to keep up with you so quickly.

When you enter that space for enlightenment, I can help you change the flow of time inside.

No matter how long you spend insight inside, the outside world is one second past.

In this way, you don't have to worry about time. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.

"Well then, I will follow the advice of seniors."

Lin Fei nodded after hearing the golden giant's words.

Since this golden giant can change the flow of time inside, Lin Fei has no worries, just take this opportunity to practice well.

"how about you.

Young man, do you choose to fight the last white puppet? "

The golden giant looked at the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

"No, in the end this white puppet, I will give up fighting and leave the opportunity to him!"

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast thought for a while, shook his head and said.

If you can defeat the last white puppet, you will have the opportunity to become a disciple of the Tianmu Chaos God and obtain many things left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

However, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast did not intend to compete with Lin Fei.

He is a famous beast in the sea of ​​absolute space, and his bloodline contains many clever ethnic heritage.

However, he has not really grown up yet.

He believes that as long as he can truly grow up.

Will definitely not lose to any other Chaos God in the world.

As a clan of Chaos-Swallowing Beasts, he has his own pride, and he does not want to be a disciple of Tianmu Chaos God.

Besides, he was not willing to compete with Lin Fei at all.

In his mind, Lin Fei is his closest relative! Moreover, he also understood that Lin Fei was a descendant of the reincarnation line, and the burden on his body was much heavier than him. Lin Fei really needed those things left in front of the Tianmu world.

"I will enter that space together and continue to comprehend the inheritance inside."

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast thought for a while and said.

"Okay, let's go in together and continue to comprehend the inheritance in cultivation."

Lin Fei understood the idea of ​​the chaos-swallowing beast, and was a little grateful, nodded and said.

Then, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast walked into the space near the square, and began to look for their own inheritance on the stone tablets.

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