Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4371: Fighting white puppets

After entering that space, Lin Fei perceives the past one by one, looking for a suitable inheritance.

The same is true for the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast, looking for the inheritance he is interested in among the densely packed stone tablets.

After a while, Lin Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. On one of the steles, Lin Fei discovered a kind of inheritance related to kendo.

The name of this heritage is Sword World.

So Lin Fei just started to study the inheritance of this sword world.

It turns out that the sword world is to use kendo energy to build a sword world. This inheritance is a bit similar to the mind power world. The mind power world builds a world with heart power, and the sword world uses kendo energy and the laws related to kendo to build a world. The world of swords.

Once displayed, the true power is no weaker than the world of mind power.

Lin Fei himself has made good achievements in the sword world. Now that he sees the inheritance of this sword world, since he is happy with the hunt, he immediately decided to practice this inheritance of the sword world.

So Lin Fei began to study the martial arts of this sword world carefully.

The sword world is divided into 5 levels, the first level is called the sword style.

The second level is called kill sword style.

The third level is called Xinzuijian.

The fourth level is called the sword of heaven and earth.

The fifth level is called one sword, one world.

The sixth level is the essence of kendo.

The seventh level is called Wuguijian.

The eighth level is called the sword of all heavens and ten thousand realms.

The ninth level is called, the sword is in the heart.

The tenth level is called Sword Slash.

Because, in the past, the sword elders in the sword world had allowed themselves to work hard at the level of sword slashing ten thousand realms. Unable to think of this kind of sword world heritage, the last level was sword slashing ten thousand realms.

"So, in other words, if I succeed in practicing the inheritance of this sword world, I can reach the realm of sword slashing ten thousand realms to the last level.

This is the direction that Old Man Jian asked me to work hard! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Well, in the next time, I will practice this kind of sword world heritage!"

Lin Fei made a decision.

Therefore, Lin Feipan sat in front of the stone tablet and began to practice the first level.

"Sword style."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Then, start practicing.

I have to say that the inheritance of the sword world, every move and every style, contains very clever kendo mysteries.

Lin Fei did not know how long he practiced for this first stroke of the sword before finally succeeded in practicing.

Fortunately, that golden giant has changed the flow of time in this space. No matter how much time has passed in this space, it is only one second in the outside world.

After practicing to the first level, Lin Fei clearly felt that his kendo level had been greatly improved.

Next, Lin Fei continued to practice the sword world, every move and every style of this inheritance.

Lin Fei felt that his mental strength level had improved qualitatively after each practice.

"This young man is really good. Not only is he extremely talented in terms of mental strength, but he also seems to be very good in kendo. At a young age, he has achieved such kendo achievements. It is really rare in the world!"

The golden giant watched Lin Fei's every move and couldn't help sighing.

The fifth level, one sword and one world, turned out to be a sword world built with kendo energy. This method is a bit similar to the world of mental power.

It's just that the world of kendo actually exists and can be seen with the naked eye, while the world of mental power is a bit illusory, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see the world of mental power! I don't know how long it took before Lin Fei finally succeeded in his cultivation.

Then, proceed to the sixth level of cultivation.

The sixth level is the essence of kendo.

The heart of kendo is to allow one's kendo to touch the heart. The purpose of this technique is to make one's kendo heart firmer and stronger.

As time passed, Lin Fei succeeded in cultivating one level after another.

"This young man, I really did not misunderstand him! His talent is indeed top-notch!"

Seeing Lin Fei's performance so dazzling, the golden giant nodded and secretly admired.

Finally, Lin Fei succeeded in practicing all the inheritance of this sword world! At this time, Lin Fei's kendo level has obviously improved a lot, and his combat effectiveness has also increased with the tide.

"Okay, senior, now I am going to go out in the square to experience!"

Lin Fei said to the golden giant.

"Well, young man, good luck to you!"

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.

Now, Lin Fei had the last opponent left, the white puppet.

Of course, this last opponent is also the most terrifying and powerful one.

At this time, the white puppet was sitting in a corner of the square, looking very low-key, but he released a very dangerous aura, so no one dared to approach him, let alone fight him. .

Of course, he did not defeat all the other puppets, nor was he qualified to fight this white puppet.

Lin Fei bit his head and walked into the square, looking at the white puppet.

"Well, young man, you can do it."

The golden giant spoke to Lin Fei.

As soon as the golden giant's voice fell, the white puppet suddenly opened his eyes, and two terrifying rays of light spurted from his eyes, as if to dismember a large space in front of him.

Then the white puppet spoke up.

"Young people, you can come all the way to me, your strength is really good. It is estimated that you should be famous among the younger generation, but when you come to me, you will not have so much luck.

Now I give you two choices, the first one, you kneel down and knock a few heads, and then you can leave.

The second option is to die. "

The white puppet looked at Lin Fei with sarcasm and said slowly.


Lin Fei could not imagine that this white puppet still possessed human consciousness and thought.

"Stop talking nonsense, just fight if you want.

I will beat you. "

Lin Fei stared at the white puppet and spoke lightly.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, you must remember that arrogant people often have no good end. Today is your death date."

The white puppet said lightly.

There is not much fluctuation in his mood.

Next, Lin Fei and the white puppet rushed towards each other.

boom! Unimaginable shocking energy began to burst out.

Lin Fei started fighting with the white puppet.

Lin Fei's face began to change as soon as he fought.

The fighting power of this white puppet is really terrifying. Every move and every style burst out, destroying the world and destroying the earth.

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