Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4372: The fighting power of the white puppet

Although the tone of the white puppet's speech seemed very rude, his combat effectiveness was beyond doubt.

"Young man, I have to say that you are really courageous. You are the first in these years to dare to challenge my creatures.

It’s just that you want to beat me but it’s not that easy. "

The white puppet looked very relaxed while fighting, and spoke to Lin Fei in a loud voice.

"It's too early to say this. I don't know who wins and who loses."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

The voice fell off.

Lin Fei directly used his mind power world, a mind power world that enveloped the white puppet, and the endless heart sword attacked the energy spar between the white puppet's forehead.

"Yes, it's really good to cultivate your mental strength to this level at a young age."

The white puppet nodded involuntarily.

Then, Lin Fei began to display the sword world.

The sword world is divided into 10 levels in total, which can also be said to be divided into 10 moves.

Lin Fei directly used the fifth trick, one sword and one world, to construct a world of kendo, and directly surrounded the white puppet.

The endless kendo energy turned into dazzling sword lights, continuously attacking the energy spar between the white puppet's eyebrows.

In this way, the world of mind and the world of swords, the two worlds attack together, and the power produced is very powerful.

Then, Lin Fei took out a war knife, surging with the billowing energy of the sword, displayed all kinds of clever swordsmanship, and rushed to the white puppet.

Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Lin Fei held the knives in both hands, and slashed at the white puppet one by one.


Lin Fei's fighting spirit was boiling, and he appeared very brave, attacking forward.

"Very good, interesting, young people have to say, I underestimated you just now."

Under Lin Fei's crazy attack, the white puppet's gaze finally revealed a taste of appreciation.

In the body of this white puppet, there is a mark of the soul of the Tianmu Chaos God. His task is to stand here to test the incoming creatures, so he has no hatred for Lin Fei.

At the beginning, the reason why he spoke so unceremoniously to Lin Fei was actually because he underestimated Lin Fei's strength and felt that it was impossible for Lin Fei to pass his test.

But now, he found that he underestimated Lin Fei, so his attitude towards Lin Fei started to get better.

In the course of the battle, Lin Fei suddenly waved his hand and began to arrange the formation. The surging formation energy filled this space, one after another, various types of large formations were arranged.

There were offensive, defensive, psychedelic, and siege. In a very short period of time, hundreds of large formations surrounded the white puppet.

"What a brilliant formation level!"

The white puppet couldn't help but praise it.

But even so, Lin Fei couldn't take advantage of it. The combat effectiveness of that white puppet was too strong.

Moreover, he seemed to have a very deep understanding of the various laws in the world, and various clever laws were displayed in every gesture of action, and Lin Fei's various attacks were resisted.

"My main task is to break the energy spar between his eyebrows. No matter how powerful this white puppet’s combat power is, the energy spar between his eyebrows is his biggest flaw. All attacks must be aimed at that energy spar."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Then, Lin Fei desperately attacked the head of the white puppet.

"Yes, young man, you know how to grasp the point, you are very clear-headed, and you have a strong sense of fighting."

The white puppet could naturally see Lin Fei's intention and said in a loud voice.

Rumble...The battle between the two sides broke out with a terrifying shock wave of energy, which spread out in all directions.

With a wave of his hand, the golden giant displayed a brilliant time and space secret technique, isolating the time and space where Lin Fei and the white puppet were fighting, forming a sealed space and forming a world of its own.

In this way, the energy of Lin Fei fighting the white puppet would not affect the other main gods and puppets in the square.

When the battle reached a fierce point, Lin Fei suddenly displayed the secret technique of the Three Purifications. Three identical Lin Fei appeared, rushing towards the white puppet from three directions.

These three Lin Fei all have the same strength.

In this way, Lin Fei's combat effectiveness is equivalent to three times stronger.

Suddenly, the white puppet began to vaguely at a disadvantage.

"Yes, there is such a clever avatar technique!"

The white puppet couldn't help sighing.

You know, the body of this white puppet bears the imprint of the soul of the Tianmu Chaos God, and even he praises the brilliance of the one-qi transforming the three-clears. It is conceivable that this kind of avatar originating from the earth is in the end. How clever! The battle continued, and I saw that the mental power world built by Lin Fei enveloped the white puppet, and heart swords after another were like locusts crossing the border, continuously slashing the energy spar between the eyebrows of the white puppet.

Heart Sword has no way to resist, even this white puppet can't resist and evade.

Therefore, in this battle, Lin Fei’s most effective attack method is the heart sword. At the same time, the sword world’s attack power is also very powerful. The dense sword light is bright and dazzling, like a peacock on the screen, aimed at the white puppet. The head continuously beheaded.

Within the sword world, the energy of kendo is also endless.

The sword world built by Lin Fei can automatically launch attacks. Therefore, every minute and every second, there is an incalculable sword light that automatically attacks the white puppet.

Rumble...The big formations arranged by Lin Fei are also launching crazy attacks, while the three Lin Fei are using various martial arts secrets they have practiced before to besiege the white puppet.

During the battle, Lin Fei also displayed the law of reincarnation and attacked the white puppet.

"Young man, your cultivation of the law of reincarnation is so brilliant, are you a person in the line of reincarnation?"

Suddenly, the white puppet asked.

"Senior is right, I really belong to the line of reincarnation."

Lin Fei didn't hide it, so he nodded and admitted.

"It turns out that you belong to the line of reincarnation!"

The white puppet nodded.

"The reincarnation gods in the line of reincarnation, I have come into contact with several of them back then, and each of them is very powerful in combat. No wonder, young people, your combat effectiveness is so strong.

I really didn't expect that there was a person from the reincarnation line who came into my world, and he was very likely to become my disciple. "

The white puppet couldn't help sighing.

Because the body of this white puppet has the imprint of the soul of the Chaos God of Tianmu, this white puppet can actually be regarded as a clone of the God of Chaos Tianmu.

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