Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4373: Continue to practice

"But it's nothing, young man, if you can really beat me and pass the test I have left, then you can become my disciple."

The white puppet continued.

Obviously he didn't mind Lin Fei's identity.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei was very excited when he heard what the white puppet said.

"But young man, with your current combat power, although you can have some upper hand, you still can't defeat me completely.

And in my fight with you, I cannot give in. "

The white puppet said in a loud voice.

"Yes, my current combat power is indeed not enough to defeat you, senior."

Lin Fei nodded and admitted.

"It's just that I won't give up, senior, since I've come here, I must defeat you until now."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice, appearing very determined.

"Well, it's very good. Young people should have this kind of fighting spirit. So, young people, you can go to the space next to the square to continue to understand the inheritance that I left behind by practicing. I believe it will help you.

Otherwise, if you continue to fight with your current combat power, it would be a waste of energy and time, and it would be impossible to defeat me. "

The white puppet said to Lin Fei.

"Senior said well."

Lin Fei heard the white puppet's words and couldn't help but stop, and nodded after thinking about it.

"Okay, then I will listen to the words of the predecessors, and continue to understand and practice, the inheritance left by the predecessors.

Now, Lin Fei has treated the white puppet in front of him as the Chaos God of the Third Eye, so Lin Fei still respects his suggestions very much.

"I'll follow along, let's learn about and practice the inheritance together!"

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also came over and said to Lin Fei.

"Well, you two go in now."

The golden giant also walked over and personally took Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast into the space beside the square.

In his mind, he thinks that it is very possible for Lin Fei to pass the final test and become his master’s disciple. Therefore, his attitude towards Lin Fei is getting better and better, and even vaguely, he has regarded Lin Fei as a disciple. A little master looked very respectful.

At this time, some of the main gods in the square had defeated all the 30,000 black puppets and began to fight with the silver puppets.

After all, among these main gods, there are also some very powerful combat powers, but because Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast came in early and took advantage of time, they were able to reach the last step so quickly, and The white puppet is fighting.

Otherwise, there are some particularly powerful main gods among them, which might not be slower than Lin Fei and Chaos Sky Devouring Beast.

"Damn it, that kid was so fast, he hit him until the last puppet.

As long as he defeats the white puppet, he can get the third nine-pole yin and yang talisman, and he can also become a disciple of the Tianmu Chaos God, possessing all the inheritance and treasures left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

Our speed should also be faster, or else all the benefits will be taken up by that kid. "

"Yes, we must cheer, we can't lose to that nasty kid!"

When the main gods saw that Lin Fei was already fighting the white puppet, they felt very angry and unwilling.

Because Lin Fei had already obtained the two nine-pole Yin-Yang Talisman in front, they didn't want Lin Fei to **** the last nine-pole Yin-Yang Talisman. In this way, all the benefits would fall on the younger generation kid’s. In hand, such a result, I believe that every main **** who comes here cannot accept it.

"Everyone speed up and catch up with that kid!"

One by one, the main gods started to explode, fighting desperately with those puppets.

"Boy, wait, I will not let you go!"

The white-robed man who was good at formations stared at Lin Fei, looking very bitter, gritted his teeth and said.

He had already snatched the two nine-pole Yin-Yang Talisman in front, but was killed by Lin Fei twice. He was killed halfway and robbed of love. In his mind, Lin Fei was already a deadly enemy. .

At this time, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast entered the space next to the square and began to search for their own suitable inheritance among the numerous stone tablets.

The inheritance left by a chaos **** is of course very precious and wise, and every inheritance recorded on these stone tablets is enough to make all the main gods tempted and crazy.

It's just that Lin Fei and the Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast are not greedy, they are patiently looking for the most suitable inheritance for their own perception and cultivation.

"Don't worry about time. I have changed the flow of time in this space. No matter how long you stay here, the time in the square outside is only a few seconds past!"

The golden giant said to Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

"Thank you so much senior!"

Lin Fei was very grateful, and said to the golden giant.

"Young man, what are you polite to me? You will become my master's disciple in the near future. Then you will be my little master. From then on, I will follow your orders.

So, young man, you don't have to be polite to me at all. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.

"Hehe, I won't bother you anymore, you can understand it here."

After the golden giant finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of this space back into the square.

Because in the square, there are still a large number of main gods fighting those puppets, for every experiencer, the golden giant must patiently explain to them the various requirements and rules of the experience here.

He seemed very polite to every creature who entered here and was tested.

If those main gods don't understand anything, he will answer them patiently.

Because this is his duty.

Back then, his master asked him to stay here just to allow him to receive the creatures who came in and were tested.

Time slowly passed, and soon both Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast found a more interesting inheritance suitable for their cultivation, and began to practice.

"We don't need to worry, because there is plenty of time here, so let's understand and practice more inheritance."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

"Yes, this kind of cultivation opportunity is very rare, just practice more inheritance, then it will become easier for you to defeat that white puppet."

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also nodded and said.

Time slowly passed, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast stayed in the space next to the square, comprehending and practicing in one breath, several clever inheritances.

"Now my comprehensive combat effectiveness should have improved a lot."

Lin Fei stopped practicing and stood up.

"Senior, I am going to go out and challenge the white puppet."

Lin Fei said to the golden giant.

"Well, young man, your current combat effectiveness is indeed stronger. You can try to see if you can defeat him."

The golden giant nodded.

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