Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4381: Cross catastrophe

On the stone tablet, in addition to introducing the power realm of the main **** and the chaos god, it also introduced various precautions for breaking through to the main **** and breaking into the chaos god.

The first step in breaking through to the main **** is to comprehend enough laws, and then it is possible to capture the opportunity for a breakthrough.

Lin Fei took out the three Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman from his arms.

"If you want to break through and become the main god, I guess, as long as I understand, the law contained in one of the nine-pole Yin-Yang talisman should be enough.

After all, the number of laws contained in each of these three nine-pole yin and yang talisman is quite astonishing. Breaking through the laws required by the main **** is far inferior to the laws required by the chaotic god. There are so many. "

So Lin Fei collected two of the nine-pole yin-yang talisman, and then began to concentrate on comprehending the laws contained in one of the nine-pole yin-yang talisman.

"Too many!"

Lin Fei's sense of consciousness entered this nine-pole yin and yang talisman, and immediately said in amazement.

The various laws contained in this nine-pole Yin-Yang talisman are really too many, there are low-level laws as well as high-level laws.

The low-level law is like the law of a continent, the law of a star, or the law of a small world, while the high-level law is the law of a plane, or the law of a world group, or even the law of a space sea.

Even in this Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, the law in the sea of ​​absolute space is also recorded.

You know, there are all kinds of spaces, planes, and interfaces in the world. The number is endless, almost endless. Every world has its own unique laws.

Therefore, you can imagine how huge the number of laws recorded in this Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness deeply and carefully comprehend every law in this nine-pole yin and yang talisman.

It takes a lot of time to comprehend the law, but Lin Fei is not impatient, because for Lin Fei, he is almost immortal, and there is no need to think about time.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed.

Lin Feipan sits in a small world in front of the palace gate, motionless as if an old monk enters concentration.

In the past few hundred years, Lin Fei has been comprehending the various laws recorded in the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman in front of him.

As the number of enlightened laws increased, the aura that radiated from Lin Fei's body became more and more illusory.

Now Lin Fei has become more and more ordinary from the outside, it is completely integrated with the surrounding space, and it seems very natural, without any energy and law aura leaking out of his body.

It even looks like a mortal youth who has never practiced.

This is because, as the number of enlightened laws increases, Lin Fei begins to enter a state of returning to nature.

"Although I have improved a lot, it is not enough to break through and become the main god."

Lin Fei said suddenly.

Next, Lin Fei continued to comprehend the law, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of years passed.

Lin Fei is now completely integrated with the surrounding time and space, naturally, full of a very profound aura.

"It's still not enough."

At a certain moment, Lin Fei spoke softly.

In these hundreds of years, the number of laws that Lin Fei has enlightened has been increasing, but it is still a little bit close, and there is no way to truly capture the opportunity to break through to the Lord God.

Lin Fei understood that his accumulation was actually enough, and now there was an opportunity. As long as he caught that opportunity, he would immediately have the opportunity to break through and become a master god.

Lin Fei understands that the opportunity for breakthrough is nothing and ethereal. You must not be impatient, you must have enough heart and wait slowly.

So, in the following time, Lin Fei began to enter the state of enlightenment again.

Time flies, and hundreds of years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Finally, on a certain day, Lin Fei's face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Finally let me capture the breakthrough opportunity!"

Lin Fei said in surprise.

Then, Lin Fei waved his hand, and a powerful suction force was released. The fruits hanging on the Taiyi primitive woods around the palace felt the suction force from Lin Fei and fell off the branches one after another and rushed towards Lin Fei’s location. .

Lin Fei opened his mouth and swallowed all the flying fruits into his stomach, knowing that all the fruits of these Taiyi Primitive Trees were all Primal Chaos.

"The power is terrible!"

As these fruits swallowed into Lin Fei's stomach, immediately, one after another horrible energy burst out in an instant, rushing formidably within Lin Fei's body.

At this time, Lin Fei could only feel that his body was filled with endless, endless, surging energy.

Lin Fei's body swelled up in an instant, like a balloon filled with air.

Lin Fei knew that he had to hurry to break through, otherwise, the terrifying energy in his body might explode his body.

At this moment, above Lin Fei's head, dark clouds were suddenly covered, one after another, thunder-light electric snakes larger than the mountains, constantly shining, releasing a terrifying aura of destruction.

Slowly, the dark clouds accumulated above Lin Fei's head became more and more thicker, one after another, the thunder-light electric snakes walked densely among the thick clouds, looking very scary.

"let's start."

Lin Fei stood up, walked out of the small world, facing the terrifying thunder robbery above his head, and said softly.

Rumble...The next moment, the dense thunder-light electric snakes smashed down at Lin Fei.

Each of these thunder-mang electric snakes is bigger than a mountain range.

The destruction energy contained in it can easily destroy all planes.

It's just that Lin Fei's accumulation is enough, so facing these terrifying thunder tribulations, he didn't feel much pressure at all.

Because Lin Fei's combat power was too strong, these terrifying-looking Thunderman electric snakes fell on Lin Fei's body, and there was no way to cause Lin Fei much damage.

However, the only thing that made Lin Fei feel a headache was that this wave of thunder disasters actually lasted for several months.

In the past few months, every minute and every second, there were a large number of thunder-lighted electric snakes that were bigger than the mountains, smashing down continuously.

"It seems that the Thunder Tribulation of the Lord God is indeed very simple!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this time, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and the golden giant had already arrived, standing by and watching Lin Fei's tribulation.

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