Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4382: success

"Little master, the main god's thunder tribulation will last a long time, at least half a year, so you must be psychologically prepared."

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.

"I've known this for a long time, and I'm ready."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

On the stone tablet left by the Tianmu Chaos God, there is a detailed introduction to the realm of the main **** and the realm of the chaos god, including the various precautions for breaking through to the main **** and breaking through to the chaos god.

Therefore, Lin Fei had long known that it would take a long time to break through the thunder tribulation that the Lord God would overcome.

Before I knew it, Lin Fei's thunder disaster went on for more than half a year.

"No way! It's been a whole year since my Thunder Tribulation, and it doesn't seem to be over yet."

Lin Fei couldn't help being very helpless.

Above his head, the dense thunder tribulations continued to land, and the space where Lin Fei stood had long been a sea of ​​thunder.

Lines of thunder-light electric snakes that were thicker than the mountains were surging and roaring, desperately bombarding Lin Fei's body.

"Little master, your thunder catastrophe seems a bit long. Generally speaking, the time to break through the thunder catastrophe that the main **** will experience is mostly between six months and one year. Little master, your thunder catastrophe has been carried out for one year now. Time is up, but there is no sign of stopping."

Even the golden giant felt a little strange and said in a loud voice.

When it came down, Lin Fei continued to cross the thunder and catastrophe.

Unknowingly, more than half a year has passed.

Counting Lin Fei's thunder calamity, it has been one and a half years since the beginning.

"No way, why does my Thunder Tribulation take so long!"

At this time, Lin Fei felt a little helpless and gave a wry smile.

"Little Master, your Thunder Tribulation is really a bit special. I have never seen a Thunder Tribulation that takes such a long time to break through to the Lord God."

The golden giant sighed.

"Little master, I think this is because your combat effectiveness is too strong, so you have to go through more hardships than others if you break through to the main god."

The golden giant said in a loud voice.

In the next time, Lin Fei's thunder robbery continued.

Before I knew it, half a year passed.

Lin Fei's thunder robbery has been going on for two years.

"This is too exaggerated!"

Lin Fei felt quite helpless.

Although with Lin Fei's current strength, those thunder tribulations that fell from high in the sky could not cause any harm to Lin Fei at all.

Lin Fei even stood there with his hands on his back, letting thick thunder-light electric snakes fall on his body.

Because Lin Fei's body had reached a state of immortality, this level of thunder catastrophe could not cause any practical harm to Lin Fei's body.

At most, it caused some skin injuries. A hole was pierced here and a large piece of skin was burnt there.

"Little Master, your Thunder Tribulation is too amazing!"

The golden giant also sighed again and again.

The Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast was also constantly amazed.

Finally, when Lin Fei's thunder calamity progressed, in the third year, the thunder-light electric snakes that were constantly smashing down from the high sky began to gradually become sparse, and the number became less and less.

"Great, the first level is finally over!"

Lin Fei sighed.

After a while, creatures condensed from lightning energy appeared in the sky.

Every creature exudes a kind of terrifying and devastating lightning energy.

The shapes of these creatures existed in all races, and there were a lot of them. As soon as they appeared, they rushed down to Lin Fei.

"Little master, this is the second level of the Lord's Tribulation. You need to defeat these thunder and lightning creatures."

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.

"I know this."

Lin Fei nodded.

In the stone stele left by the Tianmu Chaos God, various situations of the realm of the Lord God were introduced in detail.

Including the thunder tribulation to be experienced when breaking through to the main god, there are also detailed explanations.

So Lin Fei knew that to break through the thunder tribulation of the Lord God, he had to pass four levels.

The first level is to face those numerous lightning snakes, and the second level is to defeat the thunder and lightning creatures that appear.

The third hurdle is to withstand the ten thousand laws to refine the body, that is, to turn into flames to burn the body.

The fourth level is the magic light of the heart.

After passing the third level, various demons will appear in the heart, and the fourth level is to resist and eliminate these demons.

After passing the fourth level, it is considered to have truly passed the thunder calamity of the main **** and become a main god.

Now Lin Fei has only reached the second level.


Lin Fei killed the thunder and lightning creatures that had rushed down high in the sky, and began a fierce battle.

This battle lasted for two years.

Lin Feicai finally defeated all the thunder and lightning creatures.

"What kind of thunder calamity is this! It took five years to pass through the second level, which is too exaggerated!"

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling quite helpless in his heart.

"Little Master, the time it takes for your Thunder Tribulation is really amazing."

The golden giant also said aloud.

Then the third level began. In the time and space around Lin Fei's body, one rule after another appeared, densely packed, like ribbons one after another, wrapping around Lin Fei's body.

Then, these colored ribbons all turned into strips of flames, blazingly burning, emitting astonishing burning temperatures.

Lin Fei's body felt huge pain under the burning of these laws.

It's just that Lin Fei's physical quality is too strong, and he can stand the pain.

It was not until a year later that Lin Fei finally passed the third pass.

"Well, now there is the last level left, that is the heart demon level!"

At this time, Lin Fei finally felt a little relaxed.

But Lin Fei knew that this last level might also be the most dangerous one.

Soon in Lin Fei's heart, one after another demons began to appear continuously.

Some heart demons are regrets in Lin Fei’s past life, and some are illusions, but the level of these illusions is too high. Even with Lin Fei’s strength, if you don’t pay attention, you will be caught by these illusions. Affected.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's will was too firm. Although those inner demons were numerous and powerful, there was no way to get Lin Fei's real influence.

As time passed slowly, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, in the void, trying to crack the demons one after another.

Unknowingly, another year passed.

A year later, finally all the demons were cracked by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei finally passed the third stage successfully, and then a very powerful energy aura radiated from Lin Fei's body.

This energy is actually the energy breath belonging to the Lord God!

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