Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4404: Join the Shrine

"You have the ability to escape from a chaos god?"

Xiaoyao was the first to express his unbelief.

"As long as I can enter the shrine and get that piece of Naihe Bridge fragment, I have a way to safely leave the Chaos Sea of ​​the End of the World."

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, really?"

The Lord of the Samsara Palace asked Lin Fei.

"of course it's true.

Therefore, the most important thing for us at present is to find a way to get into the shrine. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"The best way is to join the shrine, become a member of the shrine, and then look for opportunities to enter the shrine."

Said the Reincarnation Palace Master.

"Not bad.

Indeed, this method is the best. "

Lin Fei nodded.


Let's split up and join the shrine first. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Chaos Swallowing Heaven Beast, Samsara Palace, Xiaoyao Young Master nodded.

As a result, the four separated and moved separately in this plane.

After a few more years, finally, all four people successfully joined the Shrine Organization.

After all, the four of them are the strength of the main god, and it is naturally a good thing for the temple to have such a master willing to join.

What's more, the four of them have lived in the Chaos Sea of ​​the End of the World for decades, and they can barely be regarded as people in this Chaos Sea.

Gradually, the four of Lin Fei realized that the dozens of elders in the temple had been shut in the temple all the year round, comprehending the law, and looking for opportunities to impact the realm of Chaos God.

These dozen or so elders are the core group of masters in the shrine.

They are very close to the realm of the Chaos God.

Under normal circumstances, he would not go out for activities anymore, he would only focus on cultivation, and would like to take that ultimate step and break through to the Chaos God.

Only the high-level figures of the shrine, and those young people who have made great contributions to the shrine, or are particularly talented, have the opportunity to enter the shrine every once in a while and receive the teachings and teachings of the dozens of elders. .

At the same time, Lin Fei also inquired about an amazing news.

In the Chaos Sea of ​​the End of the World, the only Chaos God, used to be the Palace Master of the Palace! After he broke through to become the Chaos God, he passed the position of Palace Master to the current Palace Master.

"In this way, if you enter that shrine, take away the fragment of Naihe Bridge.

This Chaos God in Tianya Chaos Sea will definitely interfere.

Because he is from the shrine. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but frowned secretly.

"It's just that, in any case, we must get those Naihe Bridge fragments.

Otherwise, when rebuilding the cycle of rebirth in the future, one piece will be missing. "

Lin Fei's heart was very firm.

Lin Fei, the Primordial Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Lord of Reincarnation, and Young Master Xiaoyao discussed with each other and decided to give more credit to the temple, and then see if there is a chance to be influenced by those elders in the temple. Summoned to enter the shrine.

The shrine always dispatches men and horses to fight outside to open up new territory.

Therefore, the four of Lin Fei were very active, fighting everywhere for the shrine, conquering many other seas of space, and made great contributions.

this day.

Lin Fei followed the other masters in the palace and brought the army of the palace to a space sea called Yixuan Chaos Sea.

The overall strength of this space sea is similar to that of the boundless chaotic sea.

"Yi Xuan Chaos Sea, from now on, belongs to the shrine, and those who dare to violate the order will be killed without mercy!"

The commander of the shrine, a fifth-tier main god, shouted loudly.

"Huh! We Yixuan Chaos Sea has always been incompetent with the world, and never attached to any forces.

Go ahead. "

The main **** of Yixuan Chaos Sea appeared, there were more than one hundred in total.

"Those who refuse to accept! Kill without mercy!"

The commander of the shrine said coldly.

Thus, the war between the two sides began.

The shrine’s army, strong and strong, soon gained the upper hand.

Thus, the crazy massacre was staged in this sea of ​​space.


The army of the shrine, like a group of terrifying beasts, gallops horizontally and horizontally in this sea of ​​space, wherever it goes, it kills bones like mountains and blood flows into rivers.

Lin Fei couldn't help being silent when seeing such a scene.

Lin Fei knew in his heart that in every world of the warrior, such a thing would happen almost every day.

In the endless sea of ​​absolute space, in the sea of ​​space one after another, in the universe one after another, things like this are too common.

Killing, plundering, and conquering are the eternal theme of the world of warriors! It's just that Lin Fei stood here, witnessed it with his own eyes, and couldn't help feeling sad.

"Stop! Don't kill my grandpa!"

Suddenly, in the void ahead, a little girl's cry sounded.

Dozens of gods from the shrine were besieging a **** from Yixuan Chaos Sea.

The **** of Yixuan Chaos Sea was already scarred, and was about to be unable to hold it, and died tragically under the siege of dozens of gods.

Beside, a little girl was shouting.

"Little bitch, go to hell!"

A **** from a shrine blasted at the little girl with a palm.

Boom...The mighty divine power crushed towards the little girl.

The strength of this little girl is still very weak, there is no possibility that she can withstand the attack of that god.

"Xiaoling, run away!"

When the **** of Yixuan Chaos Sea saw this, he couldn't help his eyes cracking, and he roared.

However, it was too late.

Seeing that the little girl was about to be shattered by a palm.


A powerful hand suddenly stretched out and pulled the little girl away.

It turned out that Lin Fei made the shot.

"Meng Fei, what are you doing?

! "

The gods of those dozens of gods were all taken aback and asked.

Lin Fei joined the Shrine Organization, using the name Meng Fei.

"Forget it, why bother with a little girl.

Let her go. "

Lin Fei said.

"What do you mean?

Show kindness?

I want to kill whoever I want to kill. What qualifications do you have to stop me?

Get out, I'm going to kill this little bitch! "

Just now, the **** who wanted to kill the little girl couldn't help being furious and shouted at Lin Fei.

It turned out that after joining the shrine, Lin Fei rose rapidly, and in a short period of time, he repeatedly made military exploits, and the limelight surpassed many old gods.

This makes that there are many gods in the shrine, in fact, they are very opinionated about Lin Fei.

Now, seeing that Lin Fei dared to save the person he wanted to kill in public, the **** suddenly felt that he had been severely provoked.

"I said you are not allowed to kill, you are not allowed to kill.

Why, are you not satisfied? "

Lin Fei's face sank and said with a sneer.

"Meng Fei, do you want to play sideways in front of us?

! "

The other gods in the temple also looked badly at Lin Fei.


What do you want? "

In Lin Fei's heart, murderous intent moved.

"Today, I will kill this little bitch."

The **** approached Lin Fei step by step.

"With me here, I can't kill her."

Lin Fei said lightly.

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