Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4405: Make a contribution

"Meng Fei, you are just a rookie in the shrine, but you want to provoke us.

Too arrogant. "

Several other main gods also gathered around, looking badly.


Are you trying to do something to me? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but sneered.

"Hand over that little bitch, I can treat it as nothing happened."

The **** who had dealt with the little girl just now said coldly.

"I fell in love with this little girl.

It can't be handed to you. "

Lin Fei said.

The little girl was held in her palm by Lin Fei's spiritual power, extremely frightened.

At this moment, the little girl's grandfather was also very seriously injured.

"In this case, don't blame us for being impolite!"

The gods in the shrine surrounded Lin Fei and prepared to do something.

"Well, then I'm not welcome."

Lin Fei said lightly.

The voice fell off.

Lin Fei directly displayed a world of mental strength, and shrouded all the gods who were ready to do it on the spot.


The expressions of those gods changed.

The strength of these gods was the same as Lin Fei, but they were only the first-tier master gods, facing Lin Fei's mental power world, how could he stand it.

Immediately, these gods felt that their bodies had been madly destroyed by endless mental energy.

Moreover, the body can't move, as if he's hit the fixation method.

"Meng Fei, you..." The gods were frightened and angry.

Lin Fei slapped and lashed over.

Pupu...immediately, the bodies of those gods were directly exploded.

"Meng Fei, how dare you be against our opponent!"

Those gods all roared, and at the same time, they reorganized their bodies.

"Haha, obviously you have to do it to me first.

Why, is it possible that I can't fight back if you are only allowed to do it?

Isn’t it correct to ask me to stand here and let you fight?

moron. "

Lin Fei laughed.

Boom... In the sound of laughter, Lin Fei slapped again and beat him.

Puff...the few gods, who had just successfully reorganized their bodies, were blown to pieces again.

Ahhh... those gods all screamed.

"Meng Fei, forget it, we won't fight you anymore.

That's it! "

Those gods were completely panicked.

They found that in front of this Meng Fei, they were so weak that they could not fight back at all! "It's late! Since you provoke me, don't think about it, just let it go so easily."

Lin Fei sneered and slapped it again.

Puff puff...the flesh of those gods, exploded again.

They were controlled by Lin Fei's mental power, and they couldn't resist or escape.

"Meng Fei, forget it, don't embarrass them anymore."

Beside, the other gods who didn't act on Meng Fei just now persuaded them one by one.

"Hey, what, now, do you know you came out to persuade you?

Just now, when there were so many of them, when I was going to deal with myself alone, why didn't I see you arguing?

Now, when you see them lose, come out and be good people.

If it is me who loses, will you also come out and help me intercede? "

Lin Fei glanced at the other gods and said with a sneer, not buying them at all.

Those gods, after hearing Lin Fei's words, couldn't help but be taken aback, with nothing to answer.

Indeed, just now, the few gods were aggressive, and when they wanted to do something to Lin Fei, they all stood by and watched the excitement, and did not speak to persuade them.

"Meng Fei, everyone is a member of the shrine, do you have to do it this way?

Do you really want to kill us! "

A **** roared.

"What about killing you."

Lin Fei sneered, slapped again, and lashed over.

Pupu... those gods, who had just successfully reorganized their bodies, exploded again.

"Meng Fei, we are not right.

What are you going to do to let us go! You make a condition! As long as you don't kill us! "

One of the gods couldn't bear the pain of being shattered again and again, and quickly said to Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

Meng Fei, no matter what, we are all from the shrine, if you really kill us, the shrine will definitely pursue it.

Why don't we turn our fighting into jade? "

The other **** also said aloud.


Take out what's on you. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

If you really kill all of these gods, it would be really troublesome if the high level of the palace chases them down.

In the end, those gods, in desperation, only each paid Lin Fei a large sum of money, and Lin Fei let them go.

"Fuck me all! If you come to mess with me again, I won't be so easy to talk."

Lin Fei sneered.

The dozens of gods, seeing Lin Fei's attitude, were all scared away from Lin Fei.

Even the grandfather of the little girl, they didn't dare to kill again.

"You go.

Don't stay here.

The army of the shrine is not something you can resist. "

Lin Fei handed the little girl to the **** of Yixuan Chaos Sea and said.

"These are miraculous medicines for healing, you can use them.

Leave immediately. "

Lin Fei took out a space ring and threw it to the god.

"Thanks a lot."

The god, looking at Lin Fei with complicated eyes, said in a loud voice.

Then, he took his granddaughter, without turning his head back, straight into the space and disappeared.

After a while.

The army of the shrine completely conquered this Yixuan Chaos Sea.

Next, Lin Fei continued to fight everywhere for the shrine, and the credit for the establishment became greater and greater.

At the same time, the Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Lord of the Reincarnation Palace, and Young Master Xiaoyao, like Lin Fei, made great contributions in the temple.

Unknowingly, decades have passed.

Finally, all four of Lin Fei became one of the backbone elites of the shrine.


The four Lin Fei received a voice transmission at the same time.

More than a dozen elders in the shrine recently decided to summon a group of elite personnel from the shrine to teach the Fa.

This is a kind of encouragement and affirmation of more than a dozen elders to the elite of the shrine.

"Finally I have a chance to enter the shrine!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being very excited.

I have stayed in this chaotic sea for seven or eighty years, just for the piece of Naihe Bridge in the divine palace, and now, finally, the opportunity has come.

"Great! Lin Fei, our chance has finally come."

The lord of the wheel **** palace was also very excited, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

Our chance has finally come. "

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"Everyone is ready, we enter the palace, after finding the piece of Naihe Bridge, we will immediately grab it, and after we succeed, we will leave immediately.

You must not be muddled. "

Lin Fei told the Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Lord of the Reincarnation Palace, and Young Master Xiaoyao to enter the voice transmission and exhorted them.

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