Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4465: Meet Xiaoyao again

"The time mystery that Senior Desolate Beast taught me, I have also cultivated to a higher level.

From now on, I can go out again. "

A satisfied smile appeared on Lin Fei's face.


Lin Fei stood up and walked out of the small world.

"Little master, you have made a lot of progress on top of the law of time and the law of reincarnation."

The golden giant appeared in front of Lin Fei and said to Lin Fei.

"Next, I am going to go out and wander around."

Lin Fei said to the golden giant.


It’s also good to go out more. "

The golden giant nodded.

Soon after, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also walked out of the small world of his cultivation.

It can be seen that during this period of time, in the world of Tianmu, practicing in retreat, his strength and progress are also very great.

"Let's go out.

I stayed here for hundreds of years, and my bones will rust if I don’t go for a walk. "

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast heard that Lin Fei wanted to go for a walk, and immediately nodded and said.

"Little master, strive to break through to the ninth-level master god.

Then, you can use those three Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman to break through to Chaos God.

With your talent, coupled with the three Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, I estimate that at the very least, you have a 50-60% chance of taking that final step and becoming a Chaos God. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.


I will work hard to practice, and strive to break through to the ninth-level main **** as soon as possible. "

Lin Fei said, a little grateful to this golden giant.


Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast used the long-distance teleportation in the Tianmu World Sea to teleport away and appear in the absolute space sea.

"Senior, next, I will continue to search for reincarnation fragments.

While looking for the fragments of the cycle of rebirth, it is also a kind of training and improvement for oneself. "

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.


Finding the fragments of the cycle of rebirth and improving the state are the most important things for you. "

Po Meng nodded.


Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast began to wander around in the sea of ​​absolute space again, passing through seas of space one after another.


The Dark Clan's search for Lin Fei has not given up.

Many wizards of the Dark Clan are still deducing Lin Fei's whereabouts until now.

this day.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast entered a strange sea of ​​space.


I seem to feel that there is a breath of reincarnation in this sea of ​​space.

Lin Fei, search carefully. I think there should be fragments of reincarnation in this sea of ​​space. "

Not long after entering this sea of ​​space, Po Meng suddenly said to Lin Fei.

"is it?

That's great! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

As a result, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast immediately began to search carefully in this sea of ​​space.

This sea of ​​space is a sea of ​​medium strength.

There are many main gods.

However, there is no chaos god.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast can move with confidence without scruples.


Before Lin Fei could find the whereabouts of the reincarnation debris, Lin Fei discovered that another group of master gods had broken into this sea of ​​space.

Lin Fei knew one of the main gods.

It turned out to be Xiaoyao son! Back then, in the Chaos Sea of ​​the End of the World, Lin Fei, the Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Lord of Reincarnation, and Young Master Xiaoyao, in order to get a fragment of the Naihe Bridge, they entered the palace together.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Xiaoyao actually betrayed Lin Fei, the Chaos Swallowing Beast and the Lord of the Reincarnation Palace, and took refuge in the shrine.

Fortunately, Lin Fei had the teleportation charms left by the Tianmu Chaos God on his body, and he escaped the shrine without any danger.

Since then, Lin Fei has never seen Young Master Xiaoyao again.

Unexpectedly, now, we meet again.

This is really a narrow road! Since Lin Fei had practiced the time mystery taught by the wild beast, and used it to cover up the breath of himself and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, Young Master Xiaoyao did not find Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast in this space. In the sea.


Unexpectedly, even they came.

However, why not see the Lord of the Samsara Palace? "

Suddenly, Lin Fei's expression moved, and he found ten familiar figures.

It turned out to be the Lord of the Reincarnation Palace, Yao Tianmiao, Wang Tianhu, Zhu Junyu and others.

Originally, Lin Fei was with them before.

However, afterwards, Lin Fei was spotted by the archmage of the dark clan and kept deducing.

Therefore, Lin Fei offered to separate from them.

Unexpectedly, so soon, I met again! "This world is really small."

Lin Fei couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

"It's just that the Lord of the Reincarnation Palace knows that Young Master Xiaoyao has already taken refuge in the shrine of the Chaos Sea of ​​the End of the World, why should he be with him?"

Lin Fei didn't understand.

Because, the reincarnation palace lord and other ten people, followed Young Master Xiaoyao, and entered this sea of ​​space together.

"We hide in the dark and see what they want to do here."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said to the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.


Lin Fei did not show up to recognize the reincarnation palace lord and the others, but hid in the dark with the chaos-swallowing beast, quietly following Young Master Xiaoyao and the others.

"You just trust me.

I can guarantee that there is definitely a piece of reincarnation fragment in this sea of ​​space.

Soon, we will be able to find it! "

Young Master Xiaoyao led the way and walked towards the depths of the void of this space sea.

"That direction is the reincarnation fragments and the direction in which it is located. It seems that this young master Xiaoyao has also discovered it."

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with this Xiaoyao boy."

Lin Fei said.

"Prince Xiaoyao, you shouldn't have been before.

He actually took refuge in the shrine and betrayed us. "

The Lord of the Samsara Palace and Young Master Xiaoyao, walking side by side, said in a loud voice, with a complaint in their tone.

"At that time, I couldn't help myself.

You also know that in the Chaos Sea of ​​the End of the World, there is a Chaos God who sits in person.

The Chaos God threatened me, if a few of us don't return to the shrine, then he will kill us all.

I also pretended to join the shrine for everyone to survive, and wanted you to join the shrine temporarily, and then I would find a chance to escape.

At that time, I felt that with the strength of these few of us, it was absolutely impossible to escape from the hands of a Chaos God.

Therefore, I can only obey him.

If I had known that Lin Fei possessed such a clever teleportation charm that he could escape in front of a chaos god, I would not have taken refuge in the palace.

Speaking of which, Lin Fei is also responsible.

He has such a powerful teleportation talisman, but he didn't disclose it to us in advance. "

Young Master Xiaoyao explained, his tone was very helpless.

"I also didn't expect that Lin Fei would possess such a clever teleporter.

Otherwise, with the strength of the few of us, it is indeed impossible to escape in front of a chaos god. "

The Lord of Samsara nodded, actually believing Young Master Xiaoyao a little.

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