Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4466: Show up

"So, when I think of the painful experience in the Chaos Sea at the End of the World, I can't help but want to scold Lin Fei.

However, if you think about it further, you can't completely blame me.

I still have to blame my own will for not being firm enough.

Fortunately, one sting, one wise.

In the future, I must exercise my willpower. "

Xiaoyao said.

"Listen to this guy, it is my responsibility to take refuge in the shrine!"

Lin Fei followed in secret, and was stunned when he heard the words of the reincarnation palace lord.

"Hehe, I found that this guy's eloquence is really good.

His skill in deceiving women is simply top-notch. "

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also shook his head and said.

"I think Brother Lin Fei is a straightforward person. As long as you treat him sincerely, he will definitely pay him back."

Wang Tianhu said suddenly.

"Not bad.

Young Master Xiaoyao, I think that Lin Fei's head cannot be blamed on your experience in the Chaos Sea at the End of the World. "

Yao Tianmiao also nodded and said.

"Hehe, Brother Wang, Miss Yao, you and Lin Fei have not been in contact for much time, and you don't understand it deeply. It is easy, and you will be bewildered by his surface.

When you get in touch with him a little deeper, you will find that, in fact, he is a very scheming person and hides extremely deeply.

This is called, seeing people's hearts over time, roads know horsepower. "

Xiaoyao said.

Although Wang Tianhu and Yao Tianmiao did not agree with Young Master Xiaoyao's words, they were unwilling to argue with him and simply stopped talking.


Young Master Xiaoyao, I think what you said makes sense.

Lin Fei seemed to get along well on the surface.

However, he hides too deeply and seems too mysterious.

When I first saw him, I thought he was just an ordinary first-tier main god.

Unexpectedly, his strength, hidden so deeply, could actually defeat the main **** of Tier 6 strength.

This kind of person, I think, it is best not to have a deep friendship.

As if you don't know when, you will be sold by him. "

Zhu Junyu said suddenly.

"Haha, Brother Zhu, you feel that way too.

This is the same as what a hero sees.

In short, the Lord of Samsara, you believe me, Lin Fei, that person is not credible, let alone close friendship.

In the future, you should be less and get in touch with him. "

Young Master Xiaoyao was very happy when he heard Zhu Junyu's words, and immediately laughed and said.

at this time.

Under the leadership of Young Master Xiaoyao, a group of eleven people have come to the depths of this space sea.

Ahead is a confused and confused chaotic void.

"Sure enough, there is a very clever law of reincarnation in the void ahead, and there are indeed reincarnation fragments!"

Lin Fei was suddenly overjoyed and felt the law of reincarnation passed in the void ahead.

Lin Fei had found several pieces of reincarnation fragments before, so he was a little familiar with reincarnation.

"I have a bad feeling.

In the space ahead, in addition to the law of reincarnation, it seems that there is still the aura of the dark race.

Although, it is very well hidden.

However, I still feel some. "

Just when Lin Fei was happy, suddenly, Po Meng said in a loud voice.


Have the breath of dark creatures?

! "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Not bad.

Those dark creatures seemed to hide very cleverly.

It should be specially ambush here. "

Po Meng nodded and said.

In the battle between the reincarnation line and the dark clan, Po Meng was also the main master who participated in the war, and was naturally very familiar with the aura of the dark clan.

All of a sudden, I realized that something was wrong.

"Could it be that this is a trap!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel moved after hearing Po Meng's words.

"Could it be that Young Master Xiaoyao..." Lin Fei's eyes were cold when thinking of a possibility.

From what Young Master Xiaoyao said just now, it is obvious that the owner of the Samsara Palace was brought here by Young Master Xiaoyao.

If this is a trap, the Dark Clan lie in wait for the people of the reincarnation line to be fooled.

Then, Xiaoyao son is very doubtful.

"No way.

Can't let them go on.

After all, these people are also descendants of our reincarnation line. No matter which one of them has an accident, it is a loss for our reincarnation line. "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

"Go, we show up."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.


The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast understood Lin Fei's meaning and nodded.

"Everyone, go faster, the piece of reincarnation is ahead.

We can see it soon! "

Young Master Xiaoyao urged.

"If we can find a piece of reincarnation fragments, we have done another great work."

Said the Reincarnation Palace Master.

"Soon, you will know that what I said is true.

Samsara Palace Lord, in the world, I may lie to anyone, but I will never lie to you.

Don’t you, until now, don’t understand my heart? "

Young Master Xiaoyao suddenly said to the reincarnation palace lord, his tone was very affectionate.

"do not do that."

The Lord of Samsara could not help but blush.

In her heart, she naturally knew that this happy father had always been interesting to her.

However, she didn't feel much about this Xiaoyao son.

Therefore, always keep a distance from him deliberately.

Unexpectedly, not long ago, this young master Xiaoyao suddenly came and found her, saying that he had found a piece of reincarnation fragment, and wanted to take her to collect it.

At that time, the Lord of the Samsara Palace was with Yao Tianmiao and the others, so Young Master Xiaoyao invited everyone to come together.

The reincarnation palace lord could not expect that Young Master Xiaoyao would suddenly say these things that embarrassed her.

Moreover, there are other people around.

"Palace Lord Samsara, what I said is true.

please believe me. "

Young Master Xiaoyao didn't care, and said in a loud voice.

"All right.

Xiaoyao, please stop talking. "

The Lord of Samsara was a bit annoyed.

"Palace Master of Samsara, you will understand sooner or later, my heart for you."

Young Master Xiaoyao continued to say that he didn't let it go.

"Young Master Xiaoyao!"

The Lord of Samsara's face flushed, and he whispered, a little angry.

"Palace Master of Reincarnation, please give it..." Young Master Xiaoyao was endless.

Just at this time.

"You really won't lie to the reincarnation palace lord?

Hey, I don’t think so.

Are you lying to her now? "

Suddenly, a voice sounded nearby.

Then, two figures stepped out of the void and came to everyone's eyes.

"Lin Fei!"

Immediately, everyone was dumbfounded and exclaimed at the same time.

They were still talking about Lin Fei just now, but they didn't expect that Lin Fei appeared in front of them so soon!

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