Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4527: Samsara

"Yes, I also feel that this space seems to hide some kind of danger."

The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also had a solemn expression, and said.

Those other people nodded one after another, and everyone seemed very alert.

Everyone releases the power of divine consciousness to perceive it in all directions.

"It's just that there is a strong law of reincarnation in this space, which is most likely related to our reincarnation, so even if it is dangerous, we still have to explore it."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Everyone be careful."

Lin Fei added.

Lin Fei and his party slowly explored and advanced in this special space, surrounded by a large amount of thick white fog, and the laws of reincarnation continued to emerge.

"The laws of reincarnation that exist here are very clever. If I practice here, it is estimated that my cultivation of the laws of reincarnation will be able to reach a higher level."

The princess reincarnation said suddenly.

"Yes, I also feel that the law of reincarnation in this space is indeed very clever."

Yao Tianmiao also nodded.

"Wait for us to explore this space and see what exactly exists here. If there is no danger, we will cultivate here for a while."

Lin Fei said.


The others nodded one after another.

As Lin Fei's group went deeper, the law of reincarnation in the surrounding space became more and more sophisticated.

But so far, no danger has been found.

Just at this time.


Lin Fei's face moved, and his eyes looked forward.

"Everyone, stop first!"

Lin Fei shouted in a deep voice.

The gazes of other people immediately followed Lin Fei's gaze and looked forward.

Then everyone was shocked to find that a huge white monster appeared in the space ahead.

The monster was covered with a piece of white scale armor, like a mighty white armor.

This monster exudes powerful reincarnation energy and a large number of reincarnation laws.

He was flying in the space in front of him, every time he flew it seemed to be walking in a different time and space.

Even Lin Fei couldn't accurately perceive the space coordinates where he was.

Just when Lin Fei and the group spotted the white monster, the white monster's gaze also turned to Lin Fei and the group.

Obviously, a puzzled expression appeared on the face of the white monster.

It seems to be wondering what identity these outsiders are.

"Everyone, be careful! This monster should be very powerful! We are not necessarily his opponents!"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed the white monster, and said solemnly.

"Yes, the strength of this big guy is definitely not weak, I feel a great danger in him!"

The tone of the Chaos Swallowing Beast is also very serious.

"This is a reincarnation beast!"

Suddenly, Po Meng cried in a low voice.

"Reincarnation beast?

! "

Lin Fei and others were all taken aback when they heard Po Meng's words.

The name Samsara Beast, when you hear it, is most likely related to the line of Samsara.

"Yes, this is a reincarnation beast! I have seen it several times that year!"

Po Meng said in an affirmative tone.

"Senior, what is the matter with the Samsara Beast?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but ask.

"The Samsara Beast is the mount dominated by the three reincarnations of our reincarnation line.

As long as the reincarnation beast appeared in the past, it meant the arrival of the reincarnation ruler! Unexpectedly, there is a reincarnation beast here, can it be said that there is a reincarnation ruler in this space? "

Po Meng replied.

"Samsara dominates!"

Lin Fei and others couldn't help being shocked when they heard Po Meng's words.

According to legend, there are three masters in the line of reincarnation, which rule all members of the line of reincarnation in the world.

In that great battle that year, there was a fierce fight between the three masters of the reincarnation line and the three masters of the dark clan.

As a result, the three masters of the Dark Clan had invited several terrifying helpers in advance to ambush them.

Then, the helpers who were lying nearby, while the three masters of the reincarnation line and the three masters of the dark clan were fighting most intensely, suddenly appeared and attacked the three masters of the reincarnation line.

As a result, the three masters of the line of reincarnation were defeated steadily. In the end, the fighting was too fierce, and the burst of energy and laws completely blocked the battlefield.

Therefore, no one can see clearly whether the three masters of the reincarnation line were eventually killed or escaped.

Anyway, since that time, the three masters of the reincarnation line never appeared again.

It is precisely because the life and death of the three masters of the samsara line are unknown, the samsara line can no longer resist the attacks of the dark clan.

As a result of that war, the dark race won a complete victory, and the line of reincarnation was defeated, and has since declined and even disappeared.

Lin Fei and others have heard of this allusion long ago.

So now, when I heard Po Meng said that the white monster in front of me turned out to be the mount of the three masters of reincarnation, everyone was shocked to the extreme.

Could it be said that in this space, there is the ruler of reincarnation?

Thinking of this, Lin Fei, the members of the reincarnation line, couldn't help but get excited.

If the ruler of the cycle of reincarnation still exists in the world, then for the cycle of reincarnation, it is great news! In the legend, each of the three masters of the reincarnation line is terrifying! "You have to be careful! Because this reincarnation beast doesn't recognize you.

Although the strength of the reincarnation beast is not as powerful as the three major masters, the general Chaos God is not necessarily his opponent! "

At this moment, Po Meng suddenly said.

I saw that the reincarnation beast in the distance in the distance looked at Lin Fei's gaze, and the doubt from the beginning slowly turned into anger.

Then, a very terrifying reincarnation energy was released from his huge body.

Immediately in this space, a lot of energy hurricanes echoed everywhere.

The whole space shook! Lin Fei and the others all felt that an extremely terrifying energy coercion was overwhelming.

"Immediately release your law of reincarnation, or the reincarnation beast will attack you! The consequences are terrible!"

Po Meng reminded.

Lin Fei and others listened to Po Meng's words and quickly released the law of reincarnation that they had practiced.

Except for the Chaos Swallowing Beast, Lin Fei's group of people are all descendants of authentic reincarnation, and the laws of reincarnation they practiced are of course very authentic.

Suddenly, a large number of laws of reincarnation completely wrapped Lin Fei and his group.

Then, the reincarnation beast looked at Lin Fei's gaze, and turned from anger to doubt again.

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