Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4528: The three masters of reincarnation

Then, the gaze of the reincarnation beast gradually became friendly from doubt. Obviously, he also recognized Lin Fei, who belonged to the line of reincarnation.

Then the reincarnation beast began to move towards Lin Fei and the others.

Lin Fei and the others did not move, looking at the reincarnation beast.

Lin Fei had quietly taken out a teleportation charm in his hands, planning to activate teleportation and leave as soon as the situation was found to be wrong.

Soon, the reincarnation beast came to Lin Fei and the others.

"Are you members of the line of reincarnation?"

The reincarnation beast spoke up.

"Senior, we are members of the reincarnation line."

Lin Fei replied respectfully.

Samsara beasts are the mounts of the three masters of the Samsara line, and they have a very high status in the Samsara line.

Where the Samsara beast goes, it often represents the ruler of the Samsara line.

The gaze of the reincarnation beast looked at Lin Fei and his group one by one.

In the end, his gaze fell on the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

Lin Fei was secretly surprised, and quickly moved his body to block the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast behind him.

Fortunately, the Samsara Beast just looked at the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, and it was not embarrassing.

"Yes, you are indeed in our line of reincarnation.

Unexpectedly, you little guys actually came here. "

After a while, the reincarnation beast nodded.

"You come with me."

The reincarnation beast continued.

Then he turned and walked forward, heading away.

"what should we do?"

All the others looked at Lin Fei.

"Go, the Samsara Beast is also a member of our Samsara family, he will not embarrass you."

At this time, Po Meng said in a loud voice.

"Let's go and see."

Lin Fei thought for a while and followed.

Other people also followed.

The space in front was filled with thick white mist everywhere.

These white mists are condensed by the law of reincarnation and the energy of reincarnation.

After walking for a while.

In the space ahead, a towering palace suddenly appeared.

There was endless white mist rolling around the palace.

This palace is too huge, occupying a large area of ​​unimaginable time and space.

On the plaque at the gate of the palace, there are three large characters.

Reincarnation Palace! The reincarnation beast walked to the gate of the palace.

"It's actually the Samsara Palace!"

Po Meng couldn't help but exclaimed in shock.

"Senior, what is the origin of Samsara Palace?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but moved in his heart and asked in a loud voice.

"The Samsara Palace is the place where Samsara dominates retreat and practice!"

Po Meng replied.

"Samsara rules the place of retreat and practice!"

Lin Fei was also shocked.

"The reincarnation beast and the reincarnation palace have both appeared, is there really a reincarnation ruler here?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but say.

"It's hard to say that in the great war that year, all the three masters of our reincarnation line were missing, and their lives were unknown.

Even if there are reincarnation beasts and reincarnation palace here, it does not mean that there is a reincarnation ruler here. "

Po Meng said.

At this moment, the samsara beast had already pushed open the gate of the palace.

"follow me."

The Samsara beast looked back at Lin Fei and the others, and said in a loud voice.

Then he took the lead and walked into the palace.

Lin Fei and others also followed in carefully.

After entering the palace, at a glance, it turned out to be a very large-scale plane.

Among this huge plane, the most noticeable thing is that in the center of the plane, there are three tall trees! One is white, the tall tree trunk twists and stretches into the sky, like a huge dragon flying in the sky.

The entire tree body, including the leaves, is pure white, which looks tranquil.

On this big white tree, there are some snow-white fruits, the size of a fist, blooming with bright white light.

The second tree is blue, with luxuriant branches, like a very large umbrella, I don't know how much distance it covers.

That huge tree umbrella looked like a blue sea again.

On this big blue tree, there are some blue fruits, exuding bursts of fresh fruity fragrance.

The third tree is red, and the whole tree looks like a huge flame, rising into the sky.

Moreover, the entire tree, from the trunk to the branches to the leaves, is burning with a red flame, which looks very strange.

On this big red tree, there are some red fruits growing like little red suns, exuding bursts of strong fragrance.

"These three big trees must be invaluable!"

Lin Fei felt the breath released by the three big trees, and could not help but nodded inwardly.

As Lin Fei was looking at the three big trees, the Samsara beast had already strode towards the depths of the palace.

Lin Fei and others followed behind the reincarnation beast.

After a while.

A very beautiful lawn suddenly appeared in front.

A variety of unknown wild flowers bloomed everywhere on the lawn, as well as a large number of butterflies and bees flying around. The scenery is beautiful.

Beside the lawn, there is a crooked river with clear water.

In the river, there are fishes swimming freely.

On the lawn, there was a stone table with three elderly people sitting.

On the table top is a chess board and chess pieces.

Two of the old men are sitting opposite each other, playing a game.

Another old man is watching chess.

These three old men looked very ordinary, and even no energy continued to radiate from them.

Just like three ordinary old men who have never practiced before.

As soon as the reincarnation beast came to the grass, its huge body kept shrinking, and in the end it turned into a white dog! Then the white dog, wagging its tail, ran to the side of the three ordinary old men, as if to please the three old men.

Lin Fei and others were dumbfounded.

But the three elders were obviously immersed in the chessboard, and they didn't even bother to the dog or Lin Fei.

The three old men are too mysterious.

Lin Fei and the others didn't dare to walk over to disturb them, so they stood in the distance and waited.

Lin Fei looked at the three old men, feeling very shocked.

"Senior, will they be the three masters of our reincarnation line?"

Lin Fei asked Po Meng secretly.

"It may be, or it may not, but I think it is mostly not.

However, even if the three of them are not the true reincarnation masters, they must have a very close relationship with the three reincarnation masters of our reincarnation line! "

Po Meng thought for a while and replied.

"Yes, the Samsara Beast and Samsara Palace are here.

They must have a great relationship with the three masters of our reincarnation! "

Lin Fei nodded in agreement after hearing Po Meng's words.

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