Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4536: Reincarnation

The difficulty of condensing the third mental power world is obviously much greater than condensing the second mental power world.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finally, the third mental power world has also condensed.

In the next time, Lin Fei sighed and condensed a total of ten mental power worlds.

After condensing ten mental power worlds, Lin Fei felt that his mental power was obviously not enough.

This shows that Lin Fei's current mental strength cultivation base can only support Lin Fei to condense ten mental strength worlds.

"Ten is ten. I am currently displaying ten mental power worlds at the same time, and the attack power generated is at least several hundred times the power of the previous mental power world! The attack power of these ten mental power worlds is not additive. So simple, but multiply!"

Lin Fei said excitedly.

At this time, around Lin Fei's body, there were a total of ten mental power worlds, and each mental power world exuded powerful mental power! "This kind of mental power world group exercises, I can say that I have successfully practiced initially.

However, according to the tactics of this exercise method, when you cultivate to the highest level, you can condense thousands of mind-power worlds in a single thought. At that time, I am afraid that it is nothing to kill a chaos god. It's difficult! "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

Of course, Lin Fei knew that with his current mental strength cultivation base, ten mental strength worlds could be condensed, which was already at the top.

If you want to condense more mental power, you must cultivate your mental power and raise it to another level.

"take it easy.

Now that I have obtained this kind of mental power world group practice, then in the future, if I spend a little more time in mind power cultivation, sooner or later I will condense more mental power world. "

Lin Fei said confidently.

In short, it took Lin Fei several decades to cultivate this kind of mental power world group exercises.

"Lin Fei, it seems that you have made great progress in your mental strength in the past few decades, and you can actually condense ten mental states in one breath."

An old man suddenly appeared beside Lin Fei and said in a loud voice.

"Lin Fei, next I suggest you practice a kind of body technique.

Because I found that you have practiced the law of reincarnation to a higher level.

I will now teach you a very precious form of our reincarnation line.

This kind of body technique is too precious, and it is absolutely not allowed to be spread out. Even in our reincarnation line, only the core members are qualified to practice.

Therefore, I did not put this kind of shenfa in the library.

Lin Fei, with your talent, you will surely become the core member of our reincarnation line in the future.

So you are qualified to practice this kind of body law.

I will teach you this method directly. "

The old man said to Lin Fei.

"Thank you seniors for spreading the Fa!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

You know, this old man is one of the three masters of reincarnation, and the Shenfa he personally taught him is of course not trivial! "This kind of body technique is called reincarnation phantom technique!"

Said the old man.

Next, the old man began to teach Lin Fei's reincarnation phantom technique.

Not only did he personally study this kind of body technique with Lin Fei, but he also personally displayed this kind of body technique many times for Lin Fei to learn from.

This old man deserves to be one of the three masters of reincarnation, his martial arts experience is too rich.

Under his personal guidance, Lin Fei successfully practiced this reincarnation phantom technique in just a few years.

This kind of reincarnation illusion technique is very magical. Once it is displayed, it will instantly enter a certain illusory reincarnation channel, completely out of the time and space where it is now, disappearing, so that the enemy does not know where to track it.

"This kind of body is really amazing!"

After Lin Fei successfully cultivated, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Moreover, in the process of practicing this kind of reincarnation phantom technique, Lin Fei discovered that his law of reincarnation had also received a qualitative improvement! Because this old man also consciously taught Lin Fei his various insights and experiences about the law of reincarnation in the process of teaching the illusion of reincarnation.

Lin Fei has benefited a lot from the personal guidance of such a top expert.

"Lin Fei, even if you encounter a Chaos God now, if you use this reincarnation illusion technique, it will be difficult for the other party to catch up with you.

There is just one thing you have to remember. This kind of reincarnation phantom technique is one of the core secret techniques of our reincarnation line, and it is absolutely not allowed to be spread out.

You must not teach this method to anyone without the consent of our three samsara masters.

do you understand? "

The old man said to Lin Fei.

"Senior don't worry, I remember what the senior said."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"Senior, can this reincarnation phantom technique really escape in front of a chaos god?"

Lin Fei couldn't help asking.

You must know that Lin Fei's current enemy is not only the main god, but also many chaotic gods.

Even, it can be said that Lin Fei's real enemies now are the Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan and Time Tower.

As for the existence of the main **** level, to Lin Fei, it no longer poses a threat.

Only Chaos God could threaten Lin Fei's safety.

"Of course, this kind of body technique is one of the core secret techniques of our reincarnation line, very clever.

There are very few creatures in the world who can master this kind of body technique.

! The old man said with a smile.

"That's great! Even if I encounter the Chaos God in the future, just be careful and don't be afraid!"

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling very excited.

Although, Lin Fei still has many long-distance teleportation charms left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

But those teleportation symbols are always something outside of the body, even if they are better, they can't be compared to this kind of reincarnation magic! What's more, those teleporters will always be used up for a day.

"Lin Fei, do you plan to stay here to practice in the next time?"

The old man asked.

"I want to find out if there is any secret technique about swordsmanship.

If so, then I will practice. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded.

"Swordsmanship secrets...seems to be there, let me find them for you."

Said the old man.

Then his breath was released, he entered the library, and began to look through the secret techniques in the library.

After a while.

"I have found several constitutional secretaries. You can take a look at it for yourself and practice if you are interested."

The old man stretched out his hand and grabbed a few jade slips from the library, handed them to Lin Fei, and said in a loud voice.

In the next time, Lin Fei began to study a few jade slips.

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