Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4537: Cultivation sword slash all worlds

The martial arts and martial arts recorded in these jade slips are all related to swordsmanship.

In the next time, Lin Fei began to immerse himself in the state of practicing swordsmanship.

Each of these jade slips recorded a very clever sword technique.

You know, that library was established by the three samsara masters themselves, and the collection of martial arts and martial arts in it are very rare and very advanced.

General martial arts and martial arts can not enter the eyes of the three reincarnations.

Therefore, Lin Fei gained a lot from practicing these sword techniques.

Especially one of them is called the origin of swordsmanship.

The origin of this sword technique is actually the elaboration and explanation of all aspects of the sword technique. Although he did not give a specific training method, he explained many problems in the sword technique in depth, and it can even be said to point to the true meaning of the sword technique. ! After Lin Fei repeatedly studied the origin of this sword technique dozens of times, he found that he had a very in-depth understanding of the essence of sword technique, as well as a lot of his own insights and experiences.

It can be said that this kind of skill at the origin of swordsmanship has really greatly improved Lin Fei's kendo cultivation.

"Perhaps, I can now use the real sword to slash the world!"

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

Sword Slashing the Ten Thousand Realms is a kind of kendo inheritance taught to Lin Fei by the old swordsman in the sword world.

For a long time, Lin Fei hadn't really succeeded in practicing, but now, after studying the origin of swordsmanship, Lin Fei suddenly discovered that he had a lot of unresolved problems in the practice of swordsmanship before, and now he suddenly figured it out.

"Okay, immediately practice sword and slash ten thousand realms!"

Lin Fei said.

A long time ago, Lin Fei had already promised Old Man Jian that he would surely cut the world with the sword successfully.

But after such a long time, Lin Fei had not really succeeded in his cultivation, and Lin Fei was actually a little guilty in his heart.

Now suddenly seeing hope, Lin Fei couldn't wait to practice.

As time goes by slowly.

Before you know it, decades have passed.

About thirty years later.

Lin Fei, who had been cross-legged and motionless, opened his eyes abruptly, as if an old monk had entered a calm state.

"I seem to have slashed my sword across the world, and I succeeded in my cultivation!"

Lin Fei said in an excited voice.

Then, Lin Fei waved his sword light and cut it out.

This sword light rushed out of the small world of Lin Fei's retreat and practice, and then rushed out of this remote sea of ​​space, and then this sword light in the sea of ​​absolute space, slashed out to a long distance.

Under Lin Fei's control, this sword light rushed into the sea of ​​space one after another.

Lin Fei felt that as long as he wanted to attack which target in which space sea, he could just move his mind.

In the end, when this sword light passed through about fifteen seas of space, the energy slowly ran out and finally disappeared.

A sword light slashed more than ten space seas! "This is Sword Slashing Ten Thousand Realms!"

Lin Fei's voice was very excited.

"Of course, I am just getting started with the inheritance of swordsmanship like Sword Slashing Ten Thousand Realms.

If you truly cultivate to the deepest realm, one sword can kill at least hundreds of thousands of targets in the sea of ​​space! Such a method, even those ordinary Chaos Gods may not be able to do it! I really didn’t expect that the kendo inheritance taught to me by the old man was so powerful! "

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What a domineering swordsmanship!"

Those three reincarnation masters also slashed the world with the sword that Lin Fei used. Seeing them, they couldn't help but be amazed.

"This kind of swordsmanship seems familiar?

! I seem to have seen it before! "

One of the samsara masters suddenly said.

"Yes, when you say that, I seem to have some impressions.

Back then, in the sea of ​​absolute space, there was a master who was good at swordsmanship, who called himself the old man of sword.

This old swordman does not belong to any power or sect, and walks alone in the sea of ​​absolute space, but because his swordsmanship is very clever, there are very few people who dare to provoke him.

It seems that once, I even went to find him specifically, and wanted him to join our reincarnation line, but in the end he refused me.

The kind of swordsmanship that Lin Fei used just now seems to be the inheritance of the old man sword.

I really didn't expect Lin Fei to get his inheritance. "

Another samsara master also said in a loud voice.

"Should we ask Lin Fei for it."

Said the third reincarnation master.


The old sword man likes to be alone, with a little withdrawn personality, and doesn't like others to disturb him for no reason.

So we still don't pursue his whereabouts.

It was Lin Fei's luck to be able to meet him and get his swordsmanship inheritance.

We don’t have to bother. "

A samsara master thought for a while and said aloud.

"Not bad."

The other two samsara masters nodded in agreement.

In the following time, Lin Fei took another period of time to consolidate the sword slashing ten thousand realms.

Lin Fei really realized the terrifying aspects of this kind of kendo inheritance after the initial success of Sword Slashing Ten Thousand Realms, so Lin Fei attached great importance to this kind of kendo inheritance.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten years passed.

More than ten years later, Lin Fei walked out of the small world of retreat and practice.

"How about it, Lin Fei, over the years, you have been practicing in retreat and you have gained a lot."

A samsara master smiled and asked.

"My current combat effectiveness is at least a hundred times stronger than before.

Especially after practicing the reincarnation illusion technique, even if I encounter a chaos god, I can deal with it calmly.

Speaking of it, I can make such a big improvement because of the cultivation of the three seniors. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Lin Fei, you don't have to be polite. You are the hope of our reincarnation in the future.

The stronger you become, the greater the hope of our reincarnation in the future.

Just one thing, I want to remind you, in fact, your current combat effectiveness is already very good.

I estimate that you are already invincible at the level of the Lord God.

However, you still can't beat a Chaos God.

And the biggest constraint on you is that your realm is too low, so I suggest that from now on, in terms of cultivation, you should spend your time on the impact realm, instead of pursuing the improvement of combat effectiveness for the time being. "

A samsara master said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, I understand.

From now on, I will work hard to break through. "

Lin Fei nodded.

In fact, Lin Fei had already noticed this problem.

At this time, the reincarnation princess, Yao Tianmiao, and Wang Tianhu also walked out of their small world of retreat and practice.

Lin Fei could see that Princess Reincarnation and their retreat practice over the years have also gained a lot.

The combat effectiveness of each has been greatly improved.

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