Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4638: Array plane

"If you ask you to answer, just answer, what are you doing? Don't you want to live anymore!"

At this time, the third child felt impatient, and took a step forward, releasing the mighty energy pressure.

The entire star was shrouded in an instant. On the battlefield, all the formations arranged by the two sides in the previous battle were shattered by the energy pressure released by the youngest.

Although the creatures on this star are good at formation, their formation level is not very high, far inferior to Lin Fei.

Therefore, for the youngest third, the formation they laid out can easily be broken.

"Master Chaos God!"

Feeling the coercion of the terrifying energy released by the youngest man, the tall and thin man and the white-haired old man turned pale with fright on the spot and almost knelt down.

Both of them are the strength of the sixth-order main god, and they are not enough to see in front of the chaos god.

"It turns out that Lord Chaos God is here! What do you want to know, just ask!"

The tall and thin man and the white-haired old man said respectfully.

"Well, let me first tell me what you know about the situation on this plane."

Lin Fei asked.

"Let me do it."

The white-haired old man said first.

He knew that the identities of these creatures in front of him must not be simple. If they can flatter, it may be a huge opportunity, so he has to perform well.

"Good for you."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, the white-haired old man told Lin Fei in detail what he knew about this plane.

It turns out that this plane is actually called the array plane.

Most of the creatures in this plane have cultivated formations since they were young, so they are good at formations.

And in this plane, there are many different schools of formations, which are diverse and very rich.

Among the array planes, the most powerful are more than a dozen Chaos Gods.

Those more than a dozen Chaos Gods are not only the top masters with the highest realm in this plane, but also the existence with the highest level of formation.

However, those more than a dozen Chaos Gods would not appear under normal circumstances, most of the years were in retreat, and the creatures in the plane rarely had the opportunity to see them.

In addition to more than a dozen chaotic gods, there are a large number of main gods in this plane.

These main gods are the real managers of this plane.

This situation is actually similar to the outside world.

"Then, creatures of your plane, do you usually leave the plane and go to the outside world?"

Lin Fei asked.

"We will not leave this plane, because our ancestors left us with ancestral training, so that we can stay in this plane forever and not leave without permission.

More than a dozen Lord Chaos Gods have also given orders, and no one can leave the plane without consent.

And apart from the dozen or so Chaos Gods, we have no way to leave this plane.

Because more than a dozen Chaos Lords personally arranged many formations, no matter who it is, if you want to leave without authorization, once you touch those formations, you will definitely die.

So no one dared to have the idea of ​​leaving here. "

Said the white-haired old man.

"So it is.

This formation plane is really a bit mysterious. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"By the way, there was once an outside master who broke into your plane, do you know?"

Lin Fei asked again.

Lin Fei refers to the second child.

"Young man, are you asking the Chaos God of the Ice Origin Race?

Yes, a long time ago, there was indeed a Chaos God belonging to the Ice Origin Clan who inadvertently broke into our plane.

When he just broke in, he rushed around in our plane, and if he was dissatisfied, he fought and made a mess of our plane.

Later, more than a dozen Lord Chaos Gods in our plane came forward, attacked him together, arranged a lot of powerful formations, and finally trapped him.

The Chaos God of the Ice Source Race is very powerful. Although he is trapped in the formation, he has been trying to break out of the formation over the years.

Fortunately, the dozens of Chaos Gods in our plane have been blessing the formation to prevent him from breaking the formation. "

Said the white-haired old man.

"What! Chaos gods in your plane, dare to treat your second child like this! Boss, let's go find those Chaos gods in this plane right away, and give them a good lesson. Give them a meal!"

Hearing what the white-haired old man said, the third child couldn't help but furious, and jumped up on the spot.

He and the second child have a deep relationship. Hearing what happened to the second child, he wished to avenge him immediately.

"Are you the brother of the Chaos God of the Source Race?

! "

The tall and thin man and the white-haired old man were shocked when they heard what the third child said.

"Yes, I am his brother!"

The youngest replied.

"No, something big is about to happen! Our plane is going to be chaotic again!"

The tall thin man and the white-haired old man turned pale with fright.

They knew that the Chaos God of the Ice Source race suddenly broke into this plane, causing chaos throughout the plane.

Later, fortunately, more than a dozen Chaos Gods in the plane cooperated and shot at the same time, only to suppress the Chaos God of the Ice Source Race.

Unexpectedly, now another Chaos God from the outside has broken in, and he is still the brother of the Chaos God of the Ice Source Race back then. Needless to say, another great chaos will occur in this plane! "It seems that the two of you don't have a thorough understanding of the situation on this plane.

I still ask those Chaos Gods. "

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, let's go save the second child."

The third child said to Lin Fei.

"Well, let's save the second child first."

Lin Fei nodded.

"You two lead the way to the location where the Chaos God of the Ice Source Race is trapped."

Lin Fei looked at the tall and thin man and the white-haired old man.

"Young people, we dare not lead the way! If we let the dozens of Chaos Gods in our plane know about it, that would be a great sin for the Nine Races!"

The tall thin man and the white-haired old man were shocked.

"If you don't lead the way, I will call you all the nine races now."

Lin Fei said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fei waved his hand and arranged more than three hundred formations to surround the entire star.

"too terrifying!"

The tall and thin man and the white-haired old man trembled with fright, and they found that Lin Fei's formation level was higher than they thought.

During this period of time, Lin Fei studied many ancient formations and gained a lot.

"If you don't lead the way, I will kill all the creatures on this star now."

Lin Fei said.

"Well, let's lead the way."

After hesitating for a while, the tall and thin man and the white-haired old man finally nodded.

They understood that with Lin Fei's strength, it was too easy to destroy the creatures on this star.

They have no choice.

This star is their foundation, wherever they are willing to watch the creatures on this star, all being wiped out.

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