Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4639: Power distribution

"Then go now."

The boss urged.

Therefore, the tall and thin man and the white-haired old man showed off their skills, rose into the air, left the star, and led the way.

Lin Fei's eldest and third son and Shuiyuan clan followed behind them.

"Senior, are you all from the outside world?"

The tall and thin man asked Lin Fei tentatively.

Lin Fei's formation level was much higher than him, so he directly referred to Lin Fei as his senior.

And he could see that Lin Fei was the head of this line of creatures, so he took the initiative to talk to Lin Fei.

"Yes, we came in from the outside world."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Senior, how is the situation in the outside world? Is it generally strong?"

The tall and thin man asked again.

"The outside world is too big. I can't tell you exactly what the situation is. If you want to know the outside world, when I leave, you can go out with me and see the outside world. "

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

"Our ancestors left a legacy and did not allow us to leave this plane.

What's more, with my strength, there is no ability to leave this plane. "

Hearing what Lin Fei said, the tall and thin man was taken aback and replied.

"If you really want to go out, I can take you out."

Lin Fei smiled.

The tall and thin man stopped talking.

It can be seen that he actually wanted to see the outside world very much.

But the ancestor left a legacy that made it difficult for him to make a decision.

"As for the outside world, don't rush to understand it. Now you should tell me more about your world."

Lin Fei said.

"I don't know what Senior wants to hear."

The tall and thin man asked.

"Tell me about the specific conditions of the Chaos Gods in your plane.

And the distribution of forces in your plane. "

Lin Fei said.

"About those Chaos Gods, I don't actually know much. I will tell the predecessors what I know."

Said the tall and thin man.

Then, he briefly introduced to Lin Fei the situation of the chaotic gods in this plane.

In this array plane, there are a total of eighteen Chaos Gods.

These eighteen chaotic gods established six major sects, each of which has three chaotic gods.

These six major sects have their own territories, and divide and conquer this plane.

Among them, the most powerful sects are Tianhua Sect and Red Wind Sect.

However, the strength of the other four major sects should not be underestimated.

At the same time, under these six sects, there are many other sects of various sizes and strengths.

However, the vast majority of sectarian forces are actually affiliated forces of the six major sects.

"In other words, it is the six major sects that really govern this plane."

Lin Fei said.

"Not bad.

Although our Tianluo Sect and Xuanfeng Sect are fighting for the dominance of our star, we are in a state of war all year round, but in fact, our two sects are both affiliated forces of the Six Lijiao.

We pay tribute to Liuli Jiao every five years. "

The tall and thin man continued.

"Not bad.

Our two sects are indeed affiliated forces of the Six Lijiao.

Six Lijiao is also one of the six major sects of our plane, and there are three Lords of Chaos God who sit in person. "

The white-haired old man also nodded.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei had a general understanding of the power of this plane.

There are a total of eighteen chaotic gods on this plane, six of the most powerful sects, and three chaotic gods in every major sect.

The eighteen chaotic gods and six major sects are the top forces on this formation plane.

In fact, in the final analysis, eighteen chaos gods are ruling this plane.

"In one plane, eighteen chaotic gods can be born. It is estimated that there is no plane in the outside world that can compare with this plane."

Lin Fei could not help but secretly marveled.

Not to mention the outside world is a plane, most of the space sea does not have Chaos God! Just when the tall and thin man and the white-haired old man led Lin Fei and his party toward the place where the second child was besieged.

On the star where the Tianluo Sect and the Profound Wind Sect were located, both factions were in a state of no leader, so they had to stop fighting for a while and each retreated to their headquarters.


A powerful breath descended from the sky and instantly enveloped this star.

A mighty energy coerced down on this star from the sky, causing all the creatures on this star to tremble.

There were many weak creatures who knelt down on the spot and threw their bodies to the ground.

In the headquarters of the Tianluo Sect and the Xuanfeng Sect, the expressions of the senior officials of the two sects changed dramatically.

"It's the saint of Liuli Shangjiao here!"

The senior officials of the two sects rushed out of the headquarters in fear and trepidation, and then rose into the air.

In the sky above this star, stood a man in a purple robe.

The man in the purple robe carried his hands on his back, his eyes full of arrogance.

"Welcome to the Holy One!"

The senior officials of the two sects came to the man and shouted respectfully in unison.


The leaders of your two factions, why don't you come out to meet them.

Could it be that you look down on our Liuli Shangjiao? "

The purple-robed man's gaze shot at the top of the two sects, and found that the heads of the two sects were not among them. He couldn't help but his face fell and asked coldly.

While speaking, a terrifying energy coercion was released from his body, and it smashed toward the top of the two sects.

This purple-robed man is a seventh-order main god! Immediately, the senior officials of the Tianluo Sect and the Xuanfeng Sect, both had pale faces and trembling bodies.

The most powerful of these two sects is the head, the strength of the sixth-order main god, that is, the master man and the white-haired old man who led Lin Fei.

It can be said that a seventh-level main **** can completely suppress the Tianluo Sect and the Xuanfeng Sect.

"Holy one, please calm down! We will always look forward to Liuli Shangjiao, and never dare to be unhappy, let alone look down on Liuli Shangjiao.

The reason why the heads of our two sects did not come out to meet the saints in person is because our heads have already gone out and are not above this star. "

The top leaders of the two sects are all trembling explanations.


Have the heads of your two sects left this star to go out?

What exactly is going on.

I seemed to have notified them before and asked them to stay in the headquarters and wait for my arrival.

Why are they all out suddenly? "

The purple-robed man asked coldly.

"The words of the saint returner! The reason why our head suddenly left this star is helpless."

A high-level Tianluo faction stood up and said in a loud voice.

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