Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4683: Disgusting body

Although these weapons and magic weapons have been destroyed and lost their energy and laws, it can be seen from the residual aura that these weapons and magic weapons were once very advanced and very powerful! There are some magic weapons, even Lin Fei is envious.

Huoyuan Beast and Lin Fei walked all the way in these abandoned buildings, deep into this world of fire.


There is a corpse over there! "

Suddenly, the Fire Source Beast cried and pointed to the distance.

Lin Fei looked over, and sure enough there was a corpse lying there.

Huoyuan Beast and Lin Fei rushed over immediately.

"It's the corpse of your fire source beast clan!"

Lin Fei whispered as he rushed towards the corpse.

"Not bad.

It is indeed my family. "

The Fire Source Beast looked at the corpse with a sad expression.

The corpse was covered with pitted wounds, and the injuries were very serious.

It can be seen that it must have gone through fierce struggles and struggles before his death.

"Unexpectedly, I finally met a fellow clan."

The Fire Source Beast looked very sad at the corpse of this same clan.

Ever since he had a memory, he has always been alone, and has never met his family.

Now, this is the first time I have encountered it.

However, in this way, he encountered a corpse of the same family.

"This world was the territory of our fire source beast clan back then, what kind of foreign enemy was it that invaded our fire source beast's homeland, killed my kin, and destroyed our fire source beast's homeland?"

Fire Source Beast looked at the corpse of the same clan in front of him, with tears in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said.

Then, the fire source beast found a feng shui treasure nearby where the wind gathers energy, and personally buried the corpses of the same family.

Then, Huoyuan Beast and Lin Fei continued to move forward.

Along the way, many corpses of the fire source beasts were encountered.

It is easy to see that these fire source beasts have experienced a terrible battle before they die.

The fire source beast buried all the corpses of the same race it encountered.

"I must find out which power and race it was that year, invaded our home of the fire source beasts and killed so many of my kinsmen in the same year. If the enemy of our fire source beasts is still there, I will definitely come to the door. Go, take revenge for our fire source beasts!"

Fire Source Beast gritted his teeth and said, full of anger.


This corpse does not belong to your fire source beast! "

Lin Fei called out suddenly.

I saw a corpse lying not far away, exuding a gloomy mist, looking very sick.

"Yes! It may be the enemy of the invasion!"

The fire source beast's spirits lifted up, and immediately rushed over, looking at the corpse.

I have to say, this corpse is a bit disgusting! No face, eyes, ears, mouth, nose and mouth, no facial features! His body was covered with dark and lacquered hairs, and there were abscesses all over, and a lot of fishy liquid was constantly flowing out.

Above the corpse, there was a gloomy icy mist, and there was a strange law that Lin Fei had never seen before.

In the icy fog, there were stern and screaming evil ghosts from time to time, which made people horrified.

It seems that there are many terrifying evil spirits hidden in those icy fog.

As those icy mists floated over, it seemed as if there were endless evil spirits coming toward them.

Lin Fei and Fire Source Beast felt a huge crisis, and quickly backed away to avoid the icy fog.

"What kind of creature is this? It's terrifying. Even after death, some of the aura in the body is so dangerous. If he was still alive, how powerful would he be!"

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast couldn't help but marvel.

"Let's move on."

The Fire Source Beast did not destroy the corpse again, and took Lin Fei around.

The scale of this fiery world is too huge.

Both Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast discovered that they couldn't fully perceive this world with their own divine consciousness, so they couldn't judge how big the fire sea world was.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast traveled all the way in this world, carefully exploring.

Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast discovered that in addition to those terrifying flames and advanced fire attribute laws, there are other unknown dangers in this world, so they are especially careful.

The corpse just now is an example.

"There is another body ahead! Let's go over and take a look, but be careful."

The Fire Source Beast said suddenly.

Lin Fei's divine power perceives far ahead.

Sure enough, he found that a corpse was lying in a tattered ruin in front of him.

Huoyuan Beast and Lin Fei soon came before the corpse.

This is a corpse that looks very disgusting and hideous! It's just a ghost! The neck of the corpse was very small, like the tip of a needle, but the head was big, looking like an ugly black pumpkin, and the abdomen of the corpse bulged up like a hill.

The corpse's feet looked like two tiny sticks.

In short, this corpse gives people a very strange and uncoordinated feeling.

At the same time, there was a gloomy mist floating above the corpse. At the same time, there were many very strange laws that gave people a very dangerous feeling.

The law released on this corpse makes people feel very sick and sinister.

Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast remained vigilant and kept a certain distance from the corpse, and did not get too close.

"What kind of creature is this?"

Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast observed for a period of time, but they couldn't tell what race the corpse in front of them belonged to.

Because I have never seen such a strange creature.

"Let's continue to look ahead."

The fire source beast led Lin Fei to continue walking forward.

Soon after, many more corpses were encountered.

Huoyuan Beast and Lin Fei discovered that the more they penetrated into this fiery world, the more corpses they encountered.

In addition to the corpses of the fire source beasts, there are also many very strange creatures.

These creatures do not have a unified shape, but they have a unified feature, that is, a large amount of gloomy fog and strange laws will be released on the corpse.

In addition to the corpses of the fire source beasts and the corpses of those strange creatures, there are still a lot of traces of war in this world of fire.

It can be seen that a terrible war must have been experienced in this fiery world! "Are these corpses belong to different races or the same race?"

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were discussing this issue along the way.

But no results.

"It seems that these weird and unidentified creatures invaded the territory of our fire source beast clan.

It is very likely that it is because of this fierce war that our fire source beasts have completely declined. "

Fire Source Beast said.

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