Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4684: Struck suddenly

"should be."

Lin Fei nodded.

The corpses encountered before, whether they belonged to the fire source beast family or those unknown strange creatures, died very tragically. Obviously, they must have gone through a bitter battle before they died.

It is estimated that it is precisely because of this fierce war that caused the decline of the fire source beast family.

At a certain moment.

Just as Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were moving forward.


Whoosh whoosh...There are silhouettes coming from all directions quickly.

These figures looked very small, but the fast speed made Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast's expressions change.

With the strength of Lin Fei's and Huoyuan Beast's divine consciousness, it was almost impossible to feel it! "Be careful, they want to do it to us!"

The fire source beast reminded Lin Fei.

"Yes, I got it!"

Lin Fei nodded.

There were obvious energy fluctuations on the figures that kept rushing over. Obviously, these figures were brewing an offensive.

Finally these figures approached.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast could see their appearance clearly.

This is a group of very strange and hideous creatures.

These creatures were thin bodies, disheveled hair, and covered with a lot of yellow and messy hair. Their bodies were thinner and only skinny.

Their claws are long and sharp.

A pair of eyes were long and narrow, showing very bitter gazes.

What is even more disgusting is that these creatures have a lot of abscesses on their bodies, and a lot of thick and dark liquid is constantly flowing out.

With the arrival of these creatures, this time and space is filled with a disgusting stench.

Whoosh whoosh... Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast saw that more and more of these creatures rushed from a distance.

"What kind of creature is this?"

Both Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast felt very strange, and at the same time very vigilant.


Those weird creatures that had rushed in front of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast had a black short spear in their hands at the same time.

These short spears are full of weird symbols and exude many very dangerous laws.

These weird creatures held the short spears in their hands, like the crazy attacks launched by Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast.

Their method of attack was to rush towards Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast at high speed, and when they rushed halfway, they concentrated their whole body power on the short spear in their hands, and then the tiny body suddenly bends and the right hand slammed.

Whoosh! Those short spears slashed through the sky with amazing speed, penetrating time and space, and rushing directly towards Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast with terrifying power.

"Let me stop!"

The fire source beast stepped forward and performed the fire control technique, and immediately in all directions, the raging flames quickly converged towards the location of the fire source beast, condensing into a wall of fire, densely blocking Lin Feihe Around the fire source beast's body.

After hundreds of years of retreat and practice, the strength of the fire source beast was much stronger than before.

What's more, this world originally belonged to the fire source beast family. The power that the fire source beast can exert here is very powerful, and it is simply super-level.

The wall of fire one after another exudes vast power.

Rumble...Short spears carrying terrifying energy kept colliding with these walls of fire.

What made Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast feel at ease was that those short spears were unable to break through the wall of fire and were successfully blocked.

"Rush in and kill them!"

Those small and weird creatures all shouted in anger.

Each creature holds a short spear in both hands.

Desperately attacked those walls of fire, trying to rush over to deal with Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast.

What made Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast bother was that more weird creatures appeared in the distance.

A large number of weird creatures rushed in densely.

In the process of attacking, these creatures will release a lot of gloomy mist and many weird laws.

"These creatures in front of us must have something to do with the corpses of those unknown races we just encountered.

Even, they belong to the same race! "

Looking at the gloomy mist and the weird laws, the Fire Source Beast couldn't help but speak.

"It's true."

Lin Fei also nodded.

"I also help deal with them."

Lin Fei said.

When the voice fell, Lin Fei stepped forward.

"Lin Fei, you don't need to do it.

I think it is difficult to deal with them with your strength.

You stay behind me and let me deal with them.

If you act, I will be distracted to take care of you when that happens. "

The Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei.

In his impression, Lin Fei's strength was much weaker than him, and he definitely couldn't beat these weird creatures in front of him.

You know, back then, in the Valley of the Eight Fires, those chaotic gods of the Suiyuelou and the Dark Clan chased and killed Lin Fei, and he was protecting Lin Fei the whole time.

"Do not worry.

I have my own measures. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Don't be impulsive. These guys are too numerous and very difficult to deal with. Once you are surrounded by them, the consequences will be serious!..." The Fire Source Beast was a little anxious and persuaded Lin Fei.

Then, before he finished speaking, Lin Fei waved his hand and arranged hundreds of formations.

These formations are all formations that play a role of isolation and protection, overlapping and protecting Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast.

In this way, the fire wall displayed by the fire source beast, plus the formations laid out by Lin Fei.

Let Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast have double protection.

"Don't worry, these formations of mine are very good.

It should be difficult for these creatures to crack my formation in a short time. "

Lin Fei smiled and said to the fire source beast.

"Lin Fei, the formations you set up seem to be really clever!"

The Fire Source Beast sensed it, and the array energy of those arrays arranged by Lin Fei was a bit surprised.

Rumble...the weird creatures began to attack the formations that Lin Fei had arranged.

The pair of short spears in their hands, carrying powerful and strange energy, madly bombarded those formations.

All of a sudden, those hundreds of formations shook.

However, this is a very strong formation. Although it has been shaking, it has not suffered any damage.

Obviously within a short period of time, this is a weird creature, and there is indeed no way to crack the formations laid down by Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, when did your formation level become so strong! It's amazing!"

The Fire Source Beast looked at the weird creatures that were madly breaking the formation, and said to Lin Fei with surprise and joy.

"My current level of formation has indeed improved a lot compared to the past."

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

"With the help of your formations, it will be much easier for me to deal with these disgusting guys."

The Fire Source Beast looked very relaxed, said.

"It's just that these guys are getting more and more! Let's leave now."

Lin Fei said.

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