Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4820: Desolate Clan


What is the method? "

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"All come out."

Desolate Beast said.


Shoo...a group of figures constantly rushed out of the body of the desolate beast.

As a chaos god, many physical worlds have long been developed in his flesh.

"So many wild beasts!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but was taken aback, a little surprised.

It turned out that the figures that rushed out of the physical world of the desolate beast were all desolate beasts.

Moreover, the strength of each one is very powerful.

"Little Wild Beast, it's you!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei looked at one of the younger beasts and cried out in surprise.

This desolate beast was the little desolate beast that Lin Fei had brought out from Yuanwu Realm before.

On the Nine Desolate Island of Yuan Wu Realm, the skeleton of that desolate beast entrusted an egg to Lin Fei.

Later, Lin Fei took the egg and left Yuanwu Realm, rushing all the way, and finally hatched the egg.

It's a little wild beast! Later, when Lin Fei met the desolate beast, the little desolate beast was sent by the desolate beast to the land of the desolate beast clan to enter the practice.

"Lin Fei!"

When the little wild beast saw Lin Fei, he was also very surprised, and immediately rushed over.

You know, when the little wild beast was still an egg, it followed Lin Fei.

Lin Fei personally hatched him.

Therefore, in the eyes of Xiaohuang Beast, Lin Fei is one of his closest relatives in this world! "Your current strength is close to a tenth-tier master god!"

Lin Fei felt the breath of the little wild beast, and couldn't help being shocked.

Little Wild Beast has grown too fast! "Hehe, this little guy is now the purest existence in our wild beast clan.

They are the young children of our race who are focused on training, and their strength is naturally not weak. "

Desolate Beast said with a smile.

"Oh, that's not bad."

Lin Fei was very happy when he heard this.

"My mother is a princess from the Desolate Beast clan."

Little Wild Beast said to Lin Fei.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

From this point of view, the Little Desolate Beast is now in the Desolate Beast family, and its status is really not low.

"My name is Huangtian.

Our family of wild beasts are all surnamed Huang. "

Little Wild Beast said to Lin Fei.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

It turned out that every barren beast had a name, otherwise Lin Fei faced the group of barren beasts in front of him and really didn't know how to call it.

"Grandpa's name is Huang Zhongnian."

Little Desolate Beast pointed to Desolate Beast and said.

"I didn't know your name, Senior until today."

Lin Fei smiled.

Lin Fei has known this desolate beast for a long time, but he has been calling him senior, and he really doesn't know his name.

"Hehe, it's just a name, it doesn't matter what you call it."

Huang Zhongnian said with a smile.

"Lin Fei, I brought so many members of the clan, the main purpose is to join forces to cast spells together, to speed up the flow of time in the small circuit.

In this way, the process of practicing your clones will be even faster. "

Huang Zhongnian said.

"Is this okay."

Lin Fei said.

"of course can."

Huang Zhongnian nodded and said.

"Your desolate beast clan is based on the law of time and has unique accomplishments. It should be possible for so many members of your clan to cast spells together."

At this time, the three reincarnation masters also arrived, and the first reincarnation master said in a loud voice.

"If this is the case, it will be a good thing, seniors."

Lin Fei respectfully saluted those wild beasts and said loudly.

"Young man, you don't have to be polite.

You rescued the elder Huang Zhongnian, and helped the princesses of our clan raise their parents and children, and were kind to our clan of wild beasts.

Our desolate beast clan has always been grievances and grievances distinct. "

"Yes, young man, you just treat us as your own people."

... the other wild beasts said one after another.

Each of these wild beasts exudes a powerful aura.

A stream of pure laws of time continuously radiated from their bodies, causing a large area of ​​time and space around them to constantly rippling, like water waves.

The desolate beast family, known as the divine beasts in charge of time, is a prestigious and powerful race in the sea of ​​absolute space.

"Seniors are polite.

Well, I will treat all seniors as my own. "

Lin Fei said respectfully.


let us start. "

Huang Zhongnian said.

Then, Huang Zhongnian took the desolate beasts and walked to each space sea on the small circle, sat cross-legged, and began to cast the spell.

Each desolate beast continued to chant an ancient spell, and at the same time quickly formed a seal.

A series of time-related runes were continuously released from their bodies and penetrated into the sea of ​​space above the small circuit.

This time, Huang Zhongnian brought more than 30 wild beasts in total! More than 30 wild beasts cast spells together, and the time rule released was very terrifying.

In the surrounding space and time, all the laws of time began to be obviously disturbed.

Boom...The roaring sound keeps ringing.

Above the small circuit, in those seas of space, time began to accelerate slowly.

In every sea of ​​space, the law of time is constantly changing.

at the same time.

In the second lair of the dark clan.

"Haha...Welcome to the four old posters! Welcome! Come in!"

The First Dark Lord laughed and said.

Four tall figures exuding a frightening atmosphere came from a distance, and then walked into the second lair.

These four are the four old posters of Suiyuelou.

They agreed to the invitation of the three masters of darkness, and together they took action against Lin Fei and the three masters of reincarnation.

So, they came to the second lair of the dark clan.

"Haha... the three masters, long time no see."

The four old posters looked very enthusiastic when they saw the three masters of darkness, and immediately greeted them.

"Four old posters, you are welcome, come in quickly, we are ready for the banquet, and we are ready to pick you up."

The Second Dark Lord said.

Therefore, the three dark masters personally welcomed the four old masters of the Suiyuelou into the second lair, entered a huge black palace, and took their seats separately.

The three dark masters and the four old posters are in the absolute sea of ​​space, and their status is not much different.

Therefore, they seemed very polite to each other.

"The four old posters, presumably you also know the current situation in the sea of ​​absolute space, and the reincarnation has returned strongly and aggressively.

We dark people face powerful challenges.

I hope that you can stand on the same front with our dark clan to deal with the cycle of reincarnation together. "

After the two sides exchanged greetings, the First Dark Lord said in a loud voice.

"Master Master, don't worry, our Years House has already formed an alliance with your Dark Clan, and we won't regret it.

From now on, our Years House and your dark race will deal with the reincarnation line together.

And that kid Lin Fei! "

An old poster said.

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