Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4821: Time beast

"Hahaha...That's great. With your years of work and our dark race, we will be able to easily deal with the reincarnation line.

After the war of the year, the line of reincarnation had already suffered a lot of energy and strength, but it was unexpected that they had been hiding for so many years and dared to run out.

This time, I must completely wipe them out! Ensure that they will not be given a chance to turn over again! "

The First Dark Lord was very happy and said with a big smile.

"Master, you are right. After the great war of the year, the strength of the reincarnation line must be greatly reduced.

Our Years House and your dark people work together. It should be easy to deal with them. "

The four old posters nodded.

"By the way, the three masters, since the four of us are here, I wonder if we have the opportunity to meet the senior black bully in person?"

One of the old posters suddenly asked.

In fact, the four old posters of Suiyuelou have always wanted to know what happened to the black tyrants of the Dark Clan now.

This is an old poster who understands in his heart that among the dark clan, the black tyrant is the most powerful master and the most powerful existence of the dark clan.

Although these four old posters and the three dark masters belonged to the same level of masters, they were far worse in front of the black tyrants.

As long as the black tyrant is still there, the strength of Suiyuelou will never compare to the Dark Clan.

Therefore, the four old posters of Suiyuelou wanted to take this opportunity to test the current situation of the black bully.

Because, after the battle between the dark race and the reincarnation line, the black tyrant disappeared completely and never showed his face in the sea of ​​absolute space.

After hearing this old host's question, the three dark masters all looked at each other.

"The four old posters did not know that our master has been practicing in retreat for these years, and has not yet left the customs.

Before the retreat, Master had instructed him not to disturb him easily, so over the years, the three of us dare not disturb Master without authorization. "

The First Lord of Darkness replied.

"Closed-door practice?"

The four old posters were all taken aback when they heard the words of the First Lord of Darkness.

They knew that the words of the First Dark Lord were not necessarily true, but they had no reason to ask any more.

"Well, four old posters, now we are ready to set off to deal with the three old guys and Lin Fei in the line of reincarnation."

The First Dark Lord said.

"Master Heba, have you deduced the current position of the three reincarnation masters and Lin Fei."

The dark ruler's gaze looked at the black bar master who had been sitting next to him.

The black bar master's injury has been healed and returned to its peak state, and his deduction ability has become stronger than before.

"Going back to Lord Master, I just calculated that the three Samsara Masters and Lin Fei are still in their original positions.

They have never left.

Because those clones of Lin Fei were still experiencing in those seas of space, they were protecting those clones of Lin Fei. "

The black bar master replied.

"It turns out that it's easier to handle.

Without further ado, the four old posters, we will set off right now. I believe that the seven of us can work together to deal with the three old guys who have the same line of reincarnation.

As long as the three old guys are killed, then the cycle of reincarnation can be wiped out for us. "

The First Dark Lord said in a loud voice.

"Well, let's go now."

The four old posters stood up.

"Master Heba, you come to lead the way."

The First Dark Lord said to the black bar master.


The Heba Archmage nodded, and then he stood up and strode out of the second lair.

Three masters of darkness, four old masters of Suiyuelou, and a group of chaotic gods of the dark race followed behind.

This team of people walked into the sea of ​​absolute space and headed towards the sea of ​​space where Lin Fei's clones experienced.

At this time, the flow of time became faster and faster in the small circuit where Lin Fei's clones were.

"The time law level of your desolate beast clan is really good, and the flow of time in this small circuit is at least a thousand times faster!"

In the third cycle, the master watched the sea of ​​space in the small cycle become faster and faster, and couldn't help but praise.

"The wild beasts are known as the beasts in charge of time. They belong to one of the oldest beast races in the sea of ​​absolute space. Of course, they have a very high level of time law."

The master of the first round said with a smile.

"It's really amazing, it's worthy of being a clan of wild beasts."

The master of the second round also nodded and praised again and again.

"The three masters have praised.

In front of the three masters, we are just showing our ugliness. "

Huang Zhongnian said with a smile.

"You don't need to be humble. Above the law of time, your attainments are only higher than ours."

The third round of the master said.

"Lin Fei, the time flow in the small cycle circuit is already very fast now, and it won't take long for your clones to break through to become the tenth-level main god."

The master of the first round said to Lin Fei.

"Thank you seniors for your help."

Lin Fei replied gratefully.

"You kid, what's your kindness with us."

Huang Zhongnian answered with a smile.

Just at this time.

"Good news, Lin Fei, you have a clone now ready to cross the thunder catastrophe of the tenth main god."

Desolate Beast said suddenly.

"Yes, I felt it too."

Lin Fei nodded.

"I'll go in and take a look."

Lin Fei moved into one of the seas of space.

In this sea of ​​space, in a certain space, a large black cloud is densely covered, and thick thunder-light electric snakes are constantly walking in it.

A young man with a face somewhat similar to Lin Fei stood on top of that dark cloud with a violent energy aura exuding from his body, preparing to cross the catastrophe.

This young man is naturally Lin Fei's clone.

After a while.

The Thunder Tribulation of Lin Fei's clone has finally begun.

Rumble...The dense thunder fell from the sky, like a dazzling waterfall, which instantly submerged Lin Fei's clone.

It's just that Lin Fei's accumulation of this clone has long been enough, and facing these aggressive thunder catastrophes, it seemed very easy.

After about a few days, the thunder robbery was over, and this clone of Lin Fei successfully broke through to the realm of the tenth-tier main god.

Then, Lin Fei merged with this clone.

"I have another clone who has begun to cross the thunder and robbery!"

At this moment, Lin Fei smiled with joy.

"Let's take a look!"

Lin Fei walked into another sea of ​​space again, in this sea of ​​space, as expected, another clone of Lin Fei was crossing the thunder catastrophe of the tenth main god.

The accumulation of this clone is also enough, so it seems very easy to overcome the thunder catastrophe.

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