Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4861: Mental energy moves

In this battle, I don’t know how long it lasted. Finally, Lin Fei used his heart energy to kill all the red monsters! During this process, Lin Fei's mental energy has steadily increased! Next, Lin Fei encountered batch after batch of red monsters, and the number of red monsters he encountered was increasing! Lin Fei understands that although this process of fighting is hard, it is a very rare opportunity for him to increase his mental energy! In the end, Lin Fei's mental energy had been greatly improved.

Although the number of red monsters encountered was increasing, Lin Fei seemed more and more relaxed.

"More than two thousand red monsters."

Lin Fei was walking in the vast void when suddenly, more than two thousand red monsters appeared in front of him.

Rumble...More than two thousand monsters sprinted towards Lin Fei at the same time.

Moreover, each monster has a large number of clones.


Lin Fei seemed very relaxed, releasing his mental energy.

Bang, bang, bang... the monsters in front are constantly exploding.

Lin Fei looked relaxed like never before, his heart energy was released, and all the red monsters in front of him were blown up, and none of them could withstand Lin Fei's heart energy attacks.

During this period of time, constantly fighting against these red monster groups gave Lin Fei a great leap in his mental energy! I don't know how long it took.

Lin Fei found that no red monster group appeared in front of him.

"Maybe, there will be another way of training."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei kept moving forward in the confused void, wondering in his heart what the next Lilian would be.

I don't know how long it took.

Lin Fei finally encountered a large group of cyan-skinned monsters.

These cyan monsters are all rickety, with cyan wings and raised cyan eyes.

The largest body is about ten feet tall, and the shortest is about five feet tall.

"These guys seem a little weird.

It should be more troublesome to deal with. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but whispered.

"Damn the outsider!"

Those cyan monsters stared at Lin Fei with murderous aura.

The two sides faced off at a distance.

The tallest monster looked at Lin Fei from a distance, and its cyan eyes seemed to have layers of worlds, endless.

"Hey, there seems to be a world, and this world is really beautiful..." Lin Fei met the cyan monster's gaze, a little dazed, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, muttering to himself.

At this moment, Lin Fei seemed a little fascinated.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's complexion changed, and he immediately released the energy of his heart, spreading to the surroundings, as if waves were surrounding him layer by layer, and all intangible quantities were blocked.

Then, Lin Fei completely regained consciousness.

"I, I was hit by that monster's illusion."

Lin Fei woke up, feeling a little shocked, looking at the tall cyan monster in the distance.

It seems that this cyan monster should be the leader of this group of monsters.

"This monster can get me into an illusion without knowing it, it's a bit terrifying.

What is even more frightening is that it can actually perform illusions with its mental energy! Fortunately, my mental energy level is not low, otherwise, I will just fall into the illusion that it uses mental energy to display. "

"Outsiders, very good."

Suddenly, the cyan monster in the distance began to speak, an old voice.

"There are really some means to resist my illusion. No wonder you can easily kill so many of my subordinates before.

It's just that this is our territory, you still have to die if you break into our territory. "

The cyan monster said coldly.

The breath that he exudes is mighty, pointing towards Lin Fei far away.


The cyan monster shouted sharply.

Kill... all the other cyan monsters roared.

Then, these cyan monsters changed one by one, and each of them showed tens of thousands of figures. For a time, there were a million cyan figures in the distance, densely packed, and they screamed and killed them.

And the tallest cyan monster at the head did not rush towards Lin Fei.

Instead, stand in place.

It stared closely at Lin Fei, and began to use its mental energy to perform illusions.

Moreover, Lin Fei was surprised.

In the surrounding space, there appeared more than a dozen cyan monsters exactly the same as the tallest cyan monster. Standing in different positions, they were all using their mental energy to perform illusions against Lin Fei.

"These guys are really tough!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Lin Fei, remember, you can only use mental energy."

The white-robed old man communicated to Lin Fei.

"Well, Master, don't worry, I remember it."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, now, while you are using your mental energy to fight, I also pass on some mental energy attack and defensive martial arts to you.

Just do what I said. "

The white-robed old man said.


Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

So, next, under the guidance of the white-robed old man, Lin Fei began to display all kinds of mental energy attack and defensive moves.

Each of them is infinitely mysterious! "Boom~~~~" Lin Fei's body surface immediately showed nine flood-like torrents. This is the secret technique of the nine long rivers.

Wow~~~~ Every long river forms a mighty water ripple, and the rippling water ripples quickly spread to the distance.

The mighty nine great river secret techniques and the ripples of water, entangled with each other, perfectly combined, and jointly attacked the blue monsters.

The millions of figures have also been killed.

"Bang~~~" The power of the secret technique enveloped the past, and the speed of a million figures suddenly decreased, but each of them was intact. This is their terrible point, and there is no way to tell which one is fake. Body.


Lin Fei's eyes narrowed.

Perform another mental energy move.

Suddenly - around Lin Fei, a huge world appeared. In this world, there were mountains, valleys, and rivers. In the center of this world, there was a tall and majestic mountain that looked like a giant sword.

This huge world is the world of Lin Fei's heart.

The world projection is coming.

"Boom~~~~" The world projection is different from the secret technique.

Secret flying takes time, but the world projection does not need time. It is a projection, and it comes in an instant.

Given the huge size of Lin Fei's current heart world, it belongs to the level of the husband and the king, and the power of the world projection is also the level of the nine secret arts.

The Nine Secret Techniques and the ripples of the water must be careful with each other to prevent mutual interference.

But the "World Projection" can perfectly overlap with them! "Boom boom boom!!!"

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