Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4862: Covert attack

"The illusion that uses the energy of the heart to perform is much more powerful than the ordinary illusion! This is a combination of the energy of the heart and the illusion!"

Lin Fei felt a little excited when he looked at the cyan monster that was in the illusion and couldn't help himself.

For a long time, Lin Fei mainly relied on his own exploration and practice in terms of mental energy.

The inheritance of mental energy and energy is also at different time stages, occasionally practicing one kind when encountering one kind, scattered and unsystematic.

Until now, encountering this white-robed old man is finally beginning to systematically come into contact with the various inheritance of heart energy.

"The mental energy I have displayed before was too monotonous. Apart from the mental power world, there were hardly any other moves.

Unexpectedly, there are so many inheritances of mental energy, each of which is very mysterious! I finally met the Master! "

Lin Fei was very excited.

At this moment, most of the cyan monsters that rushed towards Lin Fei were trapped in the mental power illusion that Lin Fei had displayed, and fell into a state of stunned award.


Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

The mighty mental energy smashed toward those cyan monsters.

Bang Bang Bang...Where Lin Fei's mental energy passed, the cyan monsters were constantly shattered to pieces, and then turned into nothing.

"It turns out that these cyan monsters are all simulated with mental energy, not real."

Lin Fei looked at the cyan monsters that were constantly being blown up, and couldn't help feeling a move in his heart, and realized this.

"This Pagoda of Mind Force is really a very clever magic weapon. It can actually simulate so many creatures with mental energy, and its attack power is so terrible!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but wonder in secret.

As time passed, the number of cyan monsters began to decrease.

Finally, all the cyan monsters have disappeared without a trace! All were killed by Lin Fei! Then, Lin Fei raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance, there were more than a dozen cyan monsters with extremely large bodies, staring at Lin Fei with cold and secluded eyes, and had not launched an attack on Lin Fei.

Intuition tells Lin Fei that these dozen huge cyan monsters are hard to deal with! "Outsiders, the strength is good.

However, this is far from enough. "

One of the cyan monsters suddenly said.

The roaring sound, like a thunderbolt, enveloped Lin Fei mightily, like a raging frenzy.

Then, a dozen cyan monsters fell silent again, staring at Lin Fei quietly.


Rumble... Lin Fei suddenly discovered that there was a terrifying mental energy in his body, which exploded in an instant.

It seemed that the endless energy of the heart had launched a terrible attack on every part and every organ in Lin Fei's body.

This is almost a devastating attack, to smash the internal organs, meridians, tendons, and even every cell in Lin Fei's body! Before this heart energy exploded, Lin Fei hadn't noticed it at all! It wasn't until the moment when this mental energy began to explode that Lin Fei suddenly felt it.

In surprise, Lin Fei quickly mobilized the heart energy in his body, wrapped up the exploding heart energy, and resisted.

Boom... bursts of violent explosions continued to sound, and within Lin Fei, the hearts and energy of the two sides fought fiercely! Puff... Lin Fei actually suffered internal injuries because of this, and he spouted several mouthfuls of blood.

Fortunately, Lin Fei used his mental energy to offset most of the attacks.

Moreover, Lin Fei's physical quality is strong, so this kind of injury is not very serious, and he will soon be able to recover by himself.

"The attack methods of these cyan monsters are too concealed!"

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

Just now.

"here we go again!"

Lin Fei's expression changed.

At this moment, in Lin Fei's body, there was another terrible heart energy, like a volcano, erupting in an instant.

Fortunately, this time, Lin Fei had already made some preparations, and was no longer as ignorant as the first time.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, mobilizing all of his mental energy and violently resisting the mental energy that protruded from the body.

Boom...The heart energy of both sides burst out with full force, violently colliding together continuously, bursting out terrible impact energy.

These terrible impact energy made Lin Fei's body sway, and bloodshots constantly seeped from the corner of his mouth.

The injury this time is a bit lighter than the first time just now! Therefore, Lin Fei's injuries soon began to recover.

"These cyan monsters are really hard to deal with.

Their attack method quietly entered my body suddenly, similar to the attack method of sneak attack. "

Lin Fei sighed secretly in his heart.

You know, Lin Fei is also a strong person who cultivates mental energy, and he is very sensitive to mental energy.

It is very difficult to use mental energy to carry out a sneak attack on Lin Fei.

And those cyan monsters can suddenly infiltrate Lin Fei's body with mental energy without Lin Fei's awareness. This shows that the attack methods of those cyan monsters are too clever and too hidden! Next, the dozen or so cyan monsters continued to use their mental energy in turn to attack Lin Fei.

Every attack was very concealed beforehand. When Lin Fei realized it, the heart energy from those cyan monster attacks had entered Lin Fei's body and began to explode.

"Perhaps, I can learn from these dozen cyan monsters."

Lin Fei suddenly thought to himself.

So Lin Fei began to carefully feel and figure out the attack methods of those cyan monsters.

In the process of being attacked again and again, Lin Fei began to have some insights.

"It turns out that the reason why these dozen cyan monsters can attack me so covertly with their mental energy is because their ability to control their mental energy has reached a very precise point.

This kind of precision has reached an outrageous level! Therefore, if you want to master the attacking methods of these dozen cyan monsters, you must improve the accuracy of your control of your heart power and energy. "

Gradually, Lin Fei learned more and more about the attack methods of the dozen cyan monsters.

As time went on, the dozens of cyan monsters attacked Lin Fei, and the effect became worse and worse.

Lin Fei could already feel the attacks of these cyan monsters in advance! At the same time, Lin Fei earnestly felt the attack methods of these cyan monsters, and began to gain some experience on how to precisely control the energy of the heart.

"It won't be long before I can use my heart energy to carry out this kind of covert attack like these cyan monsters."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

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