Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4863: Comprehend the Law of Mind Power

Time goes by.

Finally, the attack on Lin Fei by the dozen cyan monsters had little effect.

Because Lin Fei has become more and more familiar with their attack methods! Even now, Lin Fei can display this concealed attack method! "I'll try it too."

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

So Lin Fei immediately tested, exerted his mental energy, carried out precise control, and began to attack one of the cyan monsters.

At the beginning, the cyan monster didn't know it, and stared at Lin Fei with a cold and secluded look.


Rumble...a powerful heart energy burst out suddenly in its body.

And this cyan monster seemed completely unprepared to deal with it.

Bang Bang... With this sudden burst of heart energy, the body of this cyan monster began to explode continuously.

In a short while, this huge cyan monster exploded beyond recognition and lost its limbs! "This kind of concealed mental energy attack method is really powerful.

Even some of the more powerful Chaos Gods will be caught off guard in the face of this kind of mental energy attack with a strong sneak attack! "

Lin Fei was very surprised.

Later, in the course of the battle, this kind of attack was suddenly displayed, and the auspicious soldiers were outstanding, and they would definitely receive good combat results! "Yes, Lin Fei, you can learn this attack method from those monsters in such a short time, which shows that your talent in terms of mental energy is really good."

The voice of the white-robed old man resounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Although the old white robe was outside the heart tower, he could clearly feel everything that happened in the heart tower.

From the moment Lin Fei stepped into the Xin Li Pagoda, he has been paying attention to Lin Fei's experience.

"Master praised."

Lin Fei smiled.

Next, Lin Fei used this concealed mental energy attack method again to attack another cyan monster.

This cyan monster also failed to detect Lin Fei's attack in advance.

By the time it was discovered, Lin Fei's heart energy from attacking the past had produced a strong explosion in its body, madly destroying its body.

Bang Bang Bang... the body of this cyan monster kept exploding and disintegrating.

In a moment, another cyan monster completely disintegrated! Next, Lin Fei continued to display his mental energy and attacked the other cyan monsters.

The bodies of the cyan monsters continued to explode.

In the end, a dozen cyan monsters were all destroyed by Lin Fei! After extinguishing the dozen cyan monsters, Lin Fei continued to walk forward.

Ho Ho... Not long after, a terrifying monster suddenly appeared in front of him.

This is a monster with thick, hard brown skin, exuding a powerful aura of energy.

"Outsider, die!"

As soon as the brown monster saw Lin Fei, he slaughtered it directly. The huge body gave a strong visual impact, shaking a large area of ​​time and space, shaking violently.

"So powerful mental energy!"

Lin Fei discovered that the beast with the satin-skinned skin released energy from its every move.

Moreover, the heart power possessed by this monster is too strong! Every time a culling, an extremely powerful heart energy was released, like a rolling storm, rolling over towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei immediately displayed the hidden mind energy attack method that he had learned not long ago, and attacked the monster.

However, the result surprised Lin Fei.

Lin Fei discovered that the skin-colored skin on the surface of this monster had a very strong defense capability.

Moreover, that thick and hard brown skin seems to have a particularly strong defense against heart energy! "I don't believe it, you can't break your skin!"

Lin Fei continued to display his mental energy and attacked this monster again and again.

However, the thick and hard skin of this monster's body is too thick and too hard! Lin Fei tried many times, but there was no way to get in.

Instead, Lin Fei was forced to retreat constantly by this monster.

He was hit by this monster several times, and it was thrown out by the shock.

"Why does this skin have such an amazing defense against heart energy?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised, released his soul power and heart power energy, and entered into careful perception and research on the skin of the monster's body.

It stands to reason that mental energy has a terrible penetrating ability and can completely ignore all material barriers.

For most creatures in the world, mental energy is almost unstoppable.

Even the yin ghost clan is terrified of heart energy.

Why does the skin on the surface of the monster in front of me have such a strong defense against the attacks of heart energy?

This made Lin Fei very shocked.

Next, this monster kept launching crazy attacks on Lin Fei, knocking Lin Fei out again and again, very embarrassed.

Fortunately, the most powerful thing about this monster is mental energy.

Lin Fei released his own mental energy and tightly protected the surface of his body. Although he was hit and flew many times, his injuries were not very serious.

The super physical quality gave Lin Fei's body an amazing recovery ability.

"Lin Fei, the skin of this monster contains a special defense against heart energy.

In fact, this kind of special defense law of mental energy is also a law of mental energy itself! You have a good understanding of this law, there will be benefits. "

At this time, the voice of the white-robed old man resounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"So, it seems that the thick and hard brown skin is actually condensed by a law!"

Lin Fei suddenly realized what the white-robed old man said.

So, next, Lin Fei began to carefully comprehend the brown skin on the monster's body.

Before, when attacking the realm of Chaos God, Lin Fei enlightened numerous laws.

Now, Lin Fei's ability to enlighten the law is already very powerful! Regardless of the law, Lin Fei can quickly understand and understand quickly! "That's it."

With the passage of time, Lin Fei gradually began to have a preliminary understanding of the laws contained in the skin of the monster's body.

"This kind of law is itself a mental power law, very mysterious..." Lin Fei dodges the crazy pounce of the monster while comprehending it carefully.

"In fact, although this kind of law has a strong defensive ability against mental energy, as long as you really understand it, you can crack it."

Finally, Lin Fei's understanding of this law became more and more profound.

"Now, I should be able to use my mental energy to penetrate this level of law! Try it now!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

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